Long live mushrooms! 10 awesome mushroom dishes from PICS.RU


Better mushrooms can only be diversely cooked mushrooms. We will not sing ORD to this great creation of Mother Nature. We just show you these recipes. If anyone would not be twisted into the kitchen, choking the gastric juice, then he is just a disguised alien from a completely loyal and harsh galaxy!

1. Fetuchini with mushrooms and cream sauce


Ingredients: 300 g Fethini or just a flat noodle, as many mushrooms of your favorite breed, as much or a little less than ham, bulb, 6 tablespoons sour cream, some vegetable oil, greens, salt pepper. For sauce: a glass of cream, a pair of spoons of softened butter, gram 200 solid cheese.

The process itself. Mushrooms straw cut into one bowl, ham - to another. Onions crumbled on the third, in a frying pan gently shut it. Now mushrooms are sent to him - and stew minutes 20 until the liquid is disappeared. Then the car is joined. After 5-7 minutes of joint extinguishing, we pour into all this sour cream and tomis for another two minutes. Fetuchini can be prepared, but while you cook the sauce: we mix oil with cream, bring to a boil, throw the grated cheese there, stir and wait until melted. Now Fetchini in a plate, top with sauce, top of mushrooms with meat - and crowned all this pair of greenery sprigs. Fuck!

2. Julien with chicken and mushrooms


Ingredients: Half chicken, gram 300 fresh mushrooms, gram 150 smoked slicing, gram 200 cheese, a couple of bulbs, a glass of sour cream, how much does not mind with olives, vegetable oil, greens for beauty, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Cook chicken, disassemble and cut into pieces. Mainly cut mushrooms, loafs and smoked breath. Onions slightly shut down, then mushrooms to him - and before the evaporation of water. Now there is also all meat. Solim, pepper, mix, lay out in the pot, on top of each portion - olives and sour cream. I fill with the remaining chicken with broth before the place where the olives are already starting. We sprinkled with grated cheese on top - and we ship into the oven, heated degrees up to 200, half an hour. Ah, this golden crust, about these aromas!

3. Lean Borsch with Mushrooms


Ingredients: A small cabbage kochancan, dried mushrooms - how much yielded, beetner, luth, carrot, a pair of potatoes, a pair of tomato paste spoons, vegetable oil, laurel, greens, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Mushrooms are soaked at night. While water boats in a saucepan, ruby ​​all the vegetables on the slices with their nature. Now we drain the water from the fungi - and in salted boiling water. Cooking until you soften, after which they send potatoes to them, and another 10 minutes - cabbage. The beets are frying, then we fit with tomato paste, from the bow and carrots we build your roaster. First, Lukova is sent to Borsch, then beet, then herbs and spices. After 10 minutes, it is possible to think about the cluster of black bread with garlic, sour cream and ... Hey, where, give a spoon, leave a portion!

4. Monastic porridge under cheese


Ingredients: According to half a cup of distillers, rice and buckwheat, shelter (can be more!) Fresh mushrooms, bulbs, carrots, vegetable oil, salt.

The process itself. Perlovka for a couple of hours soaked. Onions and mushrooms with carrot cut and rudiment separately. Now in the form lay out layers (spitting each): Perlovka - Mushrooms - Carrot with onions - Rice - Again the mushrooms - again Vegetables - buckwheat - Mushrooms - Vegetables. We fill with water and Tom in the oven degrees at 180. After 15 minutes, we tighten the water and reduce the temperature, then we repeat this process. Total porridge languishes about half an hour - and it turns out the crumbly and fragrant, as if from the furnace!

5. Tomatoes stuffed with mushrooms


Ingredients: At 7-8 large fenage tomatoes - grams of 400 mushrooms, a pair-triple-trooped boiled eggs, a bulb, a third of a glass of sour cream, vegetable oil, greens, a piece of solid cheese, salt.

The process itself. Boiled eggs Melnyko cut. Onions as dive and slightly fry. And also the sliced ​​mushrooms run to the bow and we press until the water evaporates. From tomatoes, cut the tops and choose the middle. Starting their egg-onion-mushroom mixture, put on top of a piece of cheese - and send for 15-20 minutes into the preheated oven. Decorate with greens - and absorb with inhuman appetite!

6. White Mushrooms in Tolstowki


Ingredients: Shelves whites, three tomatoes, bulbs, a couple-triple of garlic cloves, parsley beams, a pair of packs of breading superstars, a piece of cheese, vegetable oil, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Mushrooms are pretty my-clean, cut off the hats. Of them, cut out a little - and finely cut together with the legs. The crushed part is frying with a bow, mix with chopped garlic and breadcrumbs. Hats forbid and fill in the resulting "minced meat." Tomatoes cut into circles and gently fry. In the crash form lay out tomatoes, and on top of mushrooms. We sprinkle all this composition with grated cheese and keep in a preheated oven until the cheese is diverting as it should. Finally, sprinkled with a chopped parsley. Mm, Lev Nikolayan obviously knew something!

7. Vegetables baked with mushrooms


Ingredients: On Kilo Potatoes - 300 grams of mushrooms and zucchini, a pair of tomatoes, sour cream or cheese, greens (rosemary, basil), vegetable oil, salt-pepper.

The process itself. The chopped potatoes are seasoned, we water oil, rosemary, and baked half an oven. Now we attach a sliced ​​zucchini and mushrooms. If necessary, sprinkle with water or broth. After another 15 minutes, we send tomatoes there. After another 5 minutes, we water the sour cream or sprinkle with grated cheese, we decorate the greens - and sweep in a single impulse, barely gives you to cool!

8. Mushroom skewers


Ingredients: On the shelter of fungi - a pair of spoons of vegetable oil and soy sauce, a spoon of wine vinegar, a pair of garlic cloves, greens.

The process itself. Polfilly mushrooms Marinate in a mixture of oil, sauce and vinegar with the addition of greenery and crushed garlic, mixing periodically. Now at the bottom row and send them into the oven, gently laying on the tray so that they do not touch the bottom. Or on the brazier, if it happens at the cottage. It will be especially great if the mushrooms are not on sticks and not on metal skewers, but on the sprigs of rosemary.

9. Mushroom caviar


Ingredients: On the shelter of mushrooms (it's best for this purpose) - a couple of carrots, a couple of bulbs, a glass of sherry, seasoning (turmeric, cardamom), pepper salt.

The process itself. Mushrooms are swore, mine, cook. On the battlefire, adding to him, slightly softening, carrot. Mushrooms crushed blender and mix with vegetables. We season, lay down in the Council and send it to remove the oven for half an oven. Sandwiches with this thing will disperse with a record speed!

10. Korean mushrooms


Ingredients: On kilo mushrooms - a couple of carrots, a couple of bulbs, a couple-triple of garlic cloves, a pair of sugar spoons, 4 spoons of vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, red and black ground pepper.

The process itself. Mushrooms drunk, cut straw. I rubbed the carrot, the onions cut the rings, garlic - a little mini straw. Add vinegar and oil, salt and spices to mushrooms, mix with vegetables. Now everything should be mixed and sent to the refrigerator for the day - under the yoke or without. The snack is obtained, as the classic said, - like "I beg you"!

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