Soldiers get up! Why do you wake up among the night and what to do about it


You fall asleep, barely landed on the pillow, but among the night you looks like it. Frequent night awakening is the second in the prevalence of sleep disturbance, they are inferior only to insomnia, and they exhaust no less. What makes you wake up and staring at the moon instead of peacefully looking erotic dreams with Hiddleston in the lead role?

You sleep with a cat

Or with a dog, or with a manual ferret. Experts from the Majo clinic (USA) note that 63% of the two-legged beds with quadlapies suffer from sleep disorders, and first of all their frequent night awakening. The reasons are somewhat - from possible allergies to wool and anxiety ("Oh, I seem to be Murzika!") Before the meavkanya, Habagna, claws and restless dreams, during which the beast pulls his paws. Sorry, but the shaggy companion is better to leave the bedroom door. Rins and leave.

You woke up late

Waving his eyes at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, you rejoiced that I finally slept a week ahead. And now you are lying, stalling in the ceiling, you think sheep, flowers on wallpaper and former and still you can't fall asleep. Nothing amazing - unusual later awakening hit your daily rhythms and the body no longer understands how much time and what to do. Perhaps to fall asleep you will not succeed, but do not panic and do not try to catch up with a missed, hacking the day. If you reach the evening and lie down at normal time, then Rhythm will recover in one night.

You rarely erase sheets

And they accumulate dust, which causes allergies and nasopharynx swelling. As a result, you sleep with a laid nose and predictably often wake up from the lack of air. Approximately the same effect and old sheets and pillowcases are given - after many years of use of fibers of the fabric become more loyal and the bed linen turns into a source of dust.

Delivered you

Multiple night awakening is a sign of psychological overload. They may be a consequence of both stress and anxiety disorder, or even depression. Moreover, when depressed, the problem with falling asleep is usually not, but the night awakening becomes a real torture - sometimes there are so many of them that the feeling is created as if you did not fall asleep at all. Non-shows adds emissions and the person falls into the vicious circle, to break which is only sedative and psychotherapists, and they should work in a pair - even if you constantly drop up with Valerian, stress and your reaction will not go anywhere.

You have nonlands with internal organs

If you wake up every hour to run into the toilet, we dress and run to the doctor in the morning. Student Night Urination - or Naltonuria - a sign of a whole flower bed of diseases, most often - heart failure, diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland and problems with veins. All this causes the liquid to be stamped (most likely, in the afternoon you show an amazing long-suffering and look into the toilet only a couple of times), and at night she is finally displayed.

Permanent urge on urination without any impressive result is a typical symptom of inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract. That is, again - to the doctor.

You `re snoring

Snoring and stopping breathing in a dream - apnea - lead to permanent microcovers. Their number can reach hundreds, and 99 of them you do not even remember in the morning. They make themselves known only by constant fatigue, drowsiness and brakesliness. If you do not have excess fat in the neck area (it can put pressure on the airway), then look for the problem in the cabinet of the ENT doctor or in its own uncomfortable pillow.

As a temporary measure, sprays from snoring - they remove the spasm of the muscles of the upper respiratory tract and swelling of the mucous membranes. But keep in mind that such sprays help only those who snoring due to the laid nose, sore throat or a decrease in muscle tone. If the trouble in adenoids, the curve of the nasal partition or the problems with the thyroid gland, will not be sense from them.

You sleep on your stomach

Snore on the stomach is difficult, it's true. But here you lies another danger. Sleep in such a position is the burden on the neck, spine and joints. Little pleasure to wake up to the first roosters because of the back pain. Login more physiological position. As a rule, the most convenient for us is the one in which we wake up Saturday morning, when the alarm clock does not raise us.

Your bed is not suitable anywhere

On the perimeter sticks the springs, and in the center - the Mariana Wpadina, in which even a weighty cat falls along the ears. Or the mattress is too solid. Or, worse, too soft. And even at all you have to use on the sofa, your own body feeling all the joints and ribs of stiffness. Nowhere to give hands and legs, and even your own neck bothers to sleep. The exit here is one - to change the bed.

The sofa can be saved, putting a special thin sofa mattress on it, it will hide the irregularities of the landscape. And pouring the pillow with the pillows of different configurations, they will allow you to fix the limbs so that it is convenient.

You are quit

The digestive system works better in a vertical position - gravity helps to lay the provision where you need. If you reflected thoroughly before bedtime, whether you are ready to awaken from heartburn and drizzle in the stomach - when you lie, the stomach is very difficult to move food into the intestine for further assimilation. So she lies there until the morning.

Do you take meds

A list of all medicines that can kill sleep is so great that you can fill corn on your fingers, gaining it. Medicines from heart disease and asthma, antibiotics and antidepressants, steroid anti-inflammatory agents and medicines from heartburn - in short, just read the list of side effects of pills that drink, and ask the doctor to replace them with a similar effect.

You have no goal in life

Yes, now imagine. Researchers from the Medical Center of the University of Rush (USA) were observed for 823 volunteers and found out that those who have goals and aspirations, 63% wake up among the nights with no one with anyone than those who just live from Monday to Monday And nothing is especially interested.

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