5 reasons affecting the age of virginity loss. When voluntarily


There are many factors affecting when people have sex for the first time. For some, this is the pressure of the peers, for someone - the burning desire to experience, finally, then, for which all the whole cheese-boron (and disappointed, if, of course, you are not the main heroine of the epic about 50 shades you know what).


In fact, in addition to culture and society, genetics and biology of the species also affect the decision, so it is impossible to call it 100% conscious choice.

According to numerous polls, most people are deprived of virginity at about 17 years, so that by 20 years almost all girls know what to do. Your first time is not obliged to be memorable or outstanding or some kind of superman (although some do not agree with this statement), but still interesting what factors affect it. Here are 5 of them.



As part of a recent study published in the magazine "Nature Genetics", scientists studied about 125,000 samples of genes of people aged 40 to 69 years and found about 38 types of genes, which could potentially influence the solution to lose their virginity. Among them are genes of predisposition to risk and those that cause the offensive of puberty. However, the article states that cultural factors still affect us, so it cannot be said that we are exclusively slaves of instincts.



There are a lot of horror stories that modern media are washed with teenagers brains and they immediately begin to conduct a rampant lifestyle, which includes erratic sex contacts, drugs, school throwing. You will not believe, but a huge number of studies are devoted to the influence of media on the rapid children's psyche and the relationship between the disassembled content and, in fact, the action of a sexual nature. What, in principle, is not surprising: before the sex is beautifully shown, it is difficult to resist, although it is often a few common reality.

First menstruation


The sooner the girl starts periods, the sooner she probably will have sex. The thing is that with the onset of puberty, hormones are actively beginning to be produced, responsible for sexual desire, excitement and all those pieces that are not available to girls before the arrival of menstruation.

Relationships with parents


Teenagers who have closer and open relationships with their parents, are much listened to virginity than those who have one name from relationships. Of course, this is not always the case and there is a huge number of people, plenty of unchanged in adolescence and preserved a real connection with their relatives.

Relationships with friends


Relationships with parents are certainly important, but only the opinion of friends can really affect the decision for the first time to have sex. No one likes to be an outsider, and step up the norms adopted in the Tusovka is quite difficult - it is much easier to go about the separate public opinion and do as everything. Nevertheless, there is always a place for maneuver, protest and one's own opinion. It is a pity that we understand this is quite late.

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