What your sexual fantasies talk about you (18+)


Decisions of Israeli came to replace the all-knowing British scientists. And the glory of the British is tightened. Started from the most expensive - from the sexual sphere.

So, Israeli psychologists argue that sexual fantasies are very good, and also that fantasted in these dreams about someone who is not your partner is also quite ok and no harm to your relationship in real life will not bring. The main issue in this area is one: "What do these fantasies mean?"

Why, for example, with the word "sex" in your head there are dirty thoughts about the opposite neighbor, which in reality you consider anti-recruitative. So why are our sexy fantasies full of things and characters who do not have a place in our everyday life?

Analysis of any fantasies is like interpretation of dreams, the process is more about individual interpretations than general principles. But Israeli psychotherapists still tried to identify some common plans in female sexual fantasies.

Be irresistible

This is universal for everyone, just like and be incomparable. And what if people actually fell to your feet, would kiss the sand, for which you went, would you wish you every second and did not give passage? The confrontation goes away, you succumb to, that is, we give up everything in a row. This fantasy occurs because in our still wilder Puritan society a woman for such behavior in every way condemn. But the subconsciousness pushes this rejection and neutralizes stigma.

Sometimes the same fantasy means a subconscious fear that in fact you feel terribly unattractive.

In fact, this is the usual way out of the domestic need to remain, but in bed be the desired queen.


Awards to those who guessed that this fantasy belongs to the issue of power and power, they are annulled immediately. Binding means full deprivation of freedom and shifting responsibility to another, this means that you just don't decide anything and must have fun. And this is a condition. If you are accustomed to give and sacrifice in life, the binding takes off your responsibility and the possibility of paying and exchange. Well, and if you are a leader in life, then the binding means only "stroking" your ego transferred from the social sphere to sexual.

Dominate the man

This fantasy is very popular among shy women who believe that, manifesting themselves in the dominant, they will lose their feminine image in the eyes of a partner.

the Forbidden fruit

Sometimes it is simply the rewind of sexual relationships with some of the former, because we create families in love, and not because sex enchanting. The more forbidden the character is (the best friend of the partner, whose father, the boss), the brighter fantasy. We want that it is impossible.

The desire to have sex with another man in front of the permanent partner

Everything is simple here. He does not satisfy you. This fantasy also applies to the category of dreams of power and strength. And by the desire "will shift. You just want your partner to appreciate your sexual potential and revised your participation in your sex exercises.

Romantic romantic

Women are dreaming about this, quite conservative in sexy, those who put love in the first place. Reality does not allow us to share these things. And in relationships, we are trying to combine acceptable sex and feelings by samples and mistakes. In the fantasies, you can not report to anyone and to complete the muscular knights on the bear skins, sprinkling you with rose petals and leading the prelude one and a half hours.

Solid virgin

The first time, whatever it is, is not forgotten. Therefore, such a fantasy often visits people with high demands and persons of a narcissistic warehouse. This means that your leading position, when someone from your fantasy needs to teach something, will allow you to forget about your own deep uncertainty in yourself and exhausting perfectionism. In general, Tuk-Tuk, it may be a signal about your "sexual inadequacy".

Sex in sight and in a public place

Here, too, the question of admiration and evaluating their own attractiveness. Plus, this can be pleased with the department, so you are clearly a rebar.

Sex with a stranger

This is an unconditional fear of being incomprehensible and convicted. If your sexy visa does not know you, then you can be anyone.

No emotions. As a rule, the characters in such fantasies do not even have specific features. Visual contact means intimacy. Fantasy about sex with a stranger is the release of internal primitive desires and the need to be without a social mask or an imposed social role.

Sex with someone very younger or obviously older

With a younger partner - all the same consolation for the ego. With more adults, it can mean both problems with pride, because often a man is an adult and richer, and wiser, and more confident in themselves. But it also very often means a whole range of problems with the Father. This is, of course, pure Freudism, but there is nothing incestual in this interpretation. Just someone has a folder has been very so-so.


Sleeping in our fantasies There is much earlier than the appearance of the film about "50 shades of gray". But it also has its own biological halftone. Aggression is common in the animal world. The females of some animals ovulate only when the male bites them and hurts them, because pain and pleasure are quite often connected in the kingdom of animals. The desire to be flipped is a direct projection of the feeling of guilt. The desire to be punished for what you should not do in this case, sex.


This is all the effect of the mirror. This desire to see the lust and adoration in the eyes of those who look at you. It sounds increasingly, but most men attending strip clubs, ordinary voueiers who are important to watch and it is not important to touch. The establishment of oneself to the show gives strength and pacifies our fear and anxiety for imperfections of its own body, very exaggerated "thanks to" gloss and media.

Amur de Troa, Swingers

For women, it always means the opportunity to stay invited star and most often a woman in group sex acts as a host. For men, sex in the group means to "plant" as much as possible of women. These fantasies are explained by hidden exhibitionism, voyeurism and bisexuality.

Observation of people engaged in sex

Women on a par with men love to pry. There is no difference in this between us, it proves the latest research and polls, based on the results of which women are watching porn at no less than men.

Deep inside, we are confident that irresistible in bed, and observation of other people simply allows you to convince yourself even more.

Lesbian sex

It has been proven that heterosexual women are much more likely to fantasize about lesbian contact than men if they are not latent homosexuals. But do not hurry to share this fantasy with your partner. Most men are constantly cutting about the opportunity to watch two sex girls.

Sounds blasphemmed, but be afraid to dream (sexual terms) and share it with your partner, one day you can find your imagination in my home production.

Translation: Polina Marines for PICS.RU

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