Bad Romance: What is love from the point of view of science?


Skeptics have long assured that love is just a set of chemical reactions in our body, and the butterflies in the stomach and the heart tight from the chest are complete nonsense. found out that he says the science of love. In the fall, you know whether the rational look at things is especially useful!

Love is neurosis

Some doctors argue that the feeling of love is nothing but a kind of compulsive addictive psyche disorder or simply a nervous disorder. It can be seen: there was a normal person, and it became incomprehensible who! The view of the defocused, the movement of the impulse, the brain does not work, the logical connections are not lined up, the feeling of fear is missing as a given. Immediately clear - fell ill!

Love is a find of evolution

The continuation of the kind - what the almost every living being in the planet and person is not an exception. But in view of the presence of a difficult mental organization, the reproduction program sometimes enters a dead end. There is no possibility to explain to the devumbling suddenly the body that it is good and correct to multiply, and Vasya is nothing to reproduce anything. In this case, love is truly a brilliant idea: you can breed with an object of affection by anything, anywhere and with great pleasure!

Love is addiction


In a state of love, a system that produces a substance in our body called Fethylethylamine (FEA), exceeds the plan to dozens of times. In essence, FEA is just a neurotransmitter that is on the end of nerve cells, but! Among other things, FEA is a natural amphetamine that affects part of the brain responsible for the feeling of pleasure. We fall in love, the FEA is produced, the brain is satisfied and requires the continuation of the banquet. Dependence is obvious - and we are only glad!

Love is a disease

And you can cure it! Evil British scientists took a cute little mice, inclined to monogamy (there are only a few species, the rest are depraved creatures!), And they scored a shock dose of "Hormon of Happiness" Serotonin. The mice were so afild that they threw their permanent partners on joys and hit all the grave: mate to the right and left, not bended to even same-sex contacts and thoroughly forget about family debt. The thing is that serotonin reduces the level of dopamine - the hormone of pleasure, but not the level of sexual attraction. Among people, such experiments have not yet been carried out, but it is just known that the level of serotonin increases various antidepressants, so be careful with them: the abandoned boyfriend will be difficult to explain that everything is in hormones, and you do not at all.

Love is "building material" for society

If we did not fall in love, they would be guided in our actions exclusively by the egoistic irrational impulses and personal gain by considerations: this is hugging, you have sex with this, you can kiss it, to ask for a new dress, and this will be sent to the hell. Love also makes us act in the interests of society: to establish strong long-playing connections that allow you to form a stable relationship, which, in turn, contributes to the birth of children and care for them, until they grow up. Not feeling - and the dream of a sociologist!

Love is Pheromones


Some scientists believe that a person in the nose has a special inequalization body, which is responsible for the remote perception of the molecules allocated by other people, that is, pheromones, and thus regulates our physiological reactions. For example, scientists of the University of Washington found out that the more you like the smell of sweat of your partner, the more chance you have to get healthy offspring and the more you pull to this person. That is, it is quite obvious that Pheromons exist and act on us, respectively, love with full right can be called the reaction to them of our body.

Love is memories

Scientists from the Rutar University in the United States argue that women are not like a heart and not even ears, but a hippocampus - a brain plot responsible for memories. That is, a woman needs to analyze that a man presented her for the new year, Valentine's day, as she behaved when she asked him to nail a nail or repair the crane, as he reacted when the youngest son of friends painted on his new bright pants a couple of Zhulin gouache Assess what this person will be a potential husband and father. In general, we agree, but how to be in this case with love at first sight?

Love is chromosomal modifications

Now the unfortunate monogamous mice took scientists from the United States. They found out that the number of receptors reacting to the "hormone of attachment" of oxytocin increases in the brain of family animals, and this is due to the chemical modifications of chromosomal proteins. If you block the activity of genes by separating one of the DNA groups, then you can accelerate and strengthen the formation of family connections in the first time met of all-choice animals. In short, every time someone falls in love, his DNA is sad.

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