Drawing three scooters from spacescooter.ru and pics.ru


Pics.Ru and SpacescoTer.ru decided to bring the spring and give you three wonderful scooters completely free, that is, for nothing! Yes, yes, it's true. Scooters are already rolling to you!

To participate, you need to enter our group PICS.ru on Facebook and fulfill the contest conditions described by this link.

April 30 on Thursday, just before the May holidays, scooters will be played using a random number generator.

Why do we love Space Scooter?

Space Scooter is the king of scooters. The creators of this wonder machine solved the main problem. Now the scooter does not need to push the foot. Space Scooter is driven by chain drive. You just swing back-back on a scooter site, and he rides. It is so simple and ingenious that even strange why no one came up with this before. Space Scooter submitted to the public only two years ago, but he already had a lot of fans across Europe. Space Scooter Scooter is made of sold and aluminum, weighs only 6 kg and in the folded condition takes quite a bit of space. Polyuritano wheels, pneumatic shock absorbers, handbrake, - one pleasure ride on it. There are two models: Space Scooter and Space Scooter Junior. Adult scooter withstands load up to 90 kilograms, and kids from four years can ride. Boys and girls, moms and dads - Space Scooter is waiting for you! By the way, the legendary footballer Lionel Messi took part in the design of Space Scooter.

You can buy your SpaceScooter in the online store http://spacescooter.ru/webshop.html

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