Hand-Maid for Handy: 15 really simple ideas


We are in pics.ru, too, what kind of needlewomen, and we are also grieved "simple" hand-meid ideas, for the incarnation of which you will need only two weeks of time, half of the assortment of artistic bench and higher technical. Therefore, we found for you (and such as we) are actually simple needlework. You don't need to be able to be able, and the result is visible immediately!

Bracelets of sticks from popsicle

Themes of the wand from the popsicle in hot water for a few hours so that they become plastic. Then bent them with a ring and lay in a glass to dry, without straightening. The basis for the bracelet is ready, further is the case of taste - they have become colored with colored paper, leather or lace, paint with markers or acrylic.


Knitted candlestick

Sleeve from the scattered sweater, a glass and some picturesque twig - and a cozy winter candlestick ready. The sleeve is better to stick to the glass so that it does not slip down when you carry a candle from place to place.



Crafts from cones are not only entertainment for hexlet. Found at the cottage The bump painted with gold paint - cool winter suspension. Only you need to glue the ring for the chain.


Wire nests

Easter is already in the foreseeable future, in stock with wire and beads and the pendants of the nests - for both gifts.


Egg frame

Nobody and never say, from which prosaic material this framework is made in the style of "Devichy Dreams".


Organizer for pencils

After the New Year's banquet, you have a billion cans. Crossing them with bright paper and creating a stand for all desktop trifles.


Lamp Bank

Distened banks remained - let them on lamp lamps.


Vase Sommelier

You probably have enough traffic jams. We did not doubt you. Locking them in a sad vase.


Candlestick tastor

Or just flowing them between the walls of the two glasses delivered to each other. Such a candlestick will warm the soul of any Winno.


Winter Garden

All sorts of small cacti in the cork pots feel quite well. This is whom to learn to do small.


Minimalistic vases

And bottles can be adapted under vases.


Rope bonfire

To make a fire from a piece of rope, it will take about 10 minutes and a pair of inept hands. Even patience is not needed. The rope twist the spiral and glue, and then weave the bonfire with bright threads.


Hippie napkins

To make such cool napkins, you will need a piece of linen fabric and a pair of colors with a dye. Makut one edge of the napkins in a flame, you turn it up vertically and give the paint calmly drain down and get absorbed into the cloth, creating a gradient. Then you repeat everything with another edge.


Jewelry made of pins

Bracelet from a pair of chains, sequins and handustrian pins. And no hint that punk is alive.


Paper panel

For lover to hang and hang. Fit colored paper on stripes, twist them in the spirals of different diameters and stick to the base. This technique is called "Quilling" and even the one who has suffered a crushing defeat on the origami front will cope with it.


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