# Scientific study: pairs that move more, less quarrel


    According to one of the new studies conducted by American scientists, a walking rapid step can save family members from being dragged home to home to relatives and relatives.

    Also perfectly fit swimming, jogging, visiting the gym. However, researchers note, if there is enough movement, it is also important to be saturated. Then problems from work will not definitely not spoil the weather at home.

    If you see how to measure the movement for a walk, then the study shows that people making more than 10,900 steps on the day, less inclined to quarrel with their homework than those for shooting less than 7,000 steps from day.

    Professor Shannon Taylor, who led the study, explained: "People who walked badly at work, especially prone to the same bad access to their homework. Those who are detrimentary or insult the chiefs often disappear anger on their neighbors. "Flood, movement helps to recycle anger and let go, without trimming the" emotional dirt "home.

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