14 things you need to know about a woman with endometriosis


You should not underestimate this disease, please, we will tell you everything now, and you will continue to relate to your loved ones living with it.

Endometriosis - A common gynecological disease, in which the cells of the endometrial (inner layer of the uterus wall) are growing outside of this layer. Develops in women reproductive age. Since the endometrium fabric has receptors to hormones, it has the same changes as in normal endometrials that are manifested by monthly bleeding. These small bleeding lead to inflammation in the surrounding tissues and cause the main manifestations of the disease: pain, increasing body volume, infertility. Endometriosis symptoms depend on the location of its foci.

It's not just painful monthly

With a cycle and monthly bleeding of pain in endometriosis are not connected. Grab can at any time within a month

Paintolders help not always

Therefore, it is not necessary to advise your suffering girlfriend to get rid of nurofen and but-spam at the same time. So you only load the liver, but you will not help. Any cocktail from the strongest painkillers can be powerless to pain in endometriosis.

These pains can wear a very different character.

To give though in foot, even in the internal organs. If you do not have endometriosis, then you can not imagine how it is.

It is quite possible, this condition for a long time

Now it is not necessary to scare, but there was no reliable superiority of any of the techniques of treatment. There is a relief syndrome, hormonal therapy and surgical intervention. With long-term flow of endometriosis in the genital organs, spikes are formed, which also increases the risk of infertility. At the same time, endometriosis is not a guarantee of infertility.

To the question "How are you?" always very difficult to answer

Today does not hurt, and tomorrow or in an hour, I do not know

Pregnancy is not a medicine

Most women observe positive trend in endometriosis during pregnancy. Some noted the deterioration of the state in the first three months. Improvement doctors are often associated with enhanced progesterone. But very often this "effect" is temporary. And everything returns along with the recovery of the cycle.

Surgery often does not help either

Unfortunately, this is medical statistics.

Women with endometriosis are often thrown from despair to "Internet treatment"

If you notice these intentions from your loved one, stop it. Also, you should not give a woman tips on the alternative ways to treat endometriosis and himself.

No need to accuse a girlfriend or sister with endometriosis in that she is just "lazy ass"

If a person is all the weekend under the plaid and occasionally, sluggish voice asks the seagull, it is not necessary to wander it to the announcement of a cocktail card of a new fashion bar or dragging shopping.

It's not just a physical

In addition to pain physical from this fear, that it can return at any time, there is an emotional pain. You simply do not belong to yourself and become a slave of your endometrial. And it is not funny.

It is not exotic and not a rare diagnosis

Five million women in the United States live with the diagnosis of "endometriosis".

Incorrect diagnostics - very frequent phenomenon

On average, it takes about seven and a half years between the last examination of the gynecologist and the diagnosis. It is often simple "do not notice."

Please avoid phrases "could be worse"

The owner of endometriosis is aware that people suffer in hospices and children are starving in Africa, but a separate person is hardly worth reminding this and put it into this odious comparative logical chain.

If endometriosis is not visible, this does not mean that there is no disease

Here, we hope everything is clear?

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