If superheroes were filmed in Indian Cinema


Everything that explodes Hollywood immediately appears in Bollywood. If the screens of the western world are filled with the cult heroes of the comic, be sure, somewhere in hot tropics dancing, they sing and compare the shape of their plated spots of their dark twins.

The artist Raj Kamal Aich drew the Indian version of superheroes, and we have been driving, which there would be their stories according to Bollywood.


Undoubtedly, you need to start with it, because for Indians, the hierarchy is above all and in our time, and Tor, nevertheless, God.

Superheroes in Bollywood. TOR
The story will begin in about the same way as in the American film, only Torah and Loki will be filled into Mumbai slums. There they will get acquainted with the elderly yogi astronomer, will exchange fighting patches with the crowd of Ricks, pick up the lice and fall in love with charming twins. A little later it turns out that in fact the foster son is not Loki, and Tor. Or vice versa. In infancy they were confused all the time, the truth is not to make sure. The hammer in the meantime will lie on Goa, who is not seen and not necessary for anyone.

Wonder Woman

Superheroes in Bollywood. Wonder Woman
She is supposed to be a daughter of a death woman and God. In order not to completely confuse the simple Indian viewer of Western mythology, the scenarios will appoint a dad of the same torus. As a true classic beauty of Bollywood, a wonderful woman fights only with evil rage. No fight! She shakes them. But immediately to death.


Superheroes in Bollywood. Batman.
Alas! His ways will never cross the wonder-woman, because he, of course, Raja, but is kind. For his happiness, he is also an orphan, otherwise, on the canons of Indian cinema, he would have to discover that his father is the worst criminal Mumbai, and fight the parent to death twenty minutes of screen. Agree, it is unpleasant.


Superheroes in Bollywood. Joker
Where superheroes, there and superslodes. In the end, evil raffle and velaiks are not enough for everyone. This joker knows what to pry the Indian hero. What is such a religious? Bhagavad-gita, I suppose, read?

Poison ivy

Superheroes in Bollywood
The only thing that worries us in this villain is, by whom in Bollywood were replaced by the Mass Turman? Beytel's sheets are popular with Indians of the Durma-Grass - this is not discerning this. Ivy will suffer crushing defeat at the very beginning of a fight with Batman. Because Indian Batman buoy vegetation does not scare.


Superheroes in Bollywood. Spiderman
Everyone thought he was a simple disco dancer, and he was the son of the ancient kind of soldiers-Sikhov. When he removes the superstudu and the supersturnum, the hair and beard close it completely. Such is the superconduct of any true Sikha. Why it is also a web - it is not clear. Spiderman also lives in Mumbai, because all these superheroes and superslodes will be in one film, for friction. And they will dance there!

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