For a couple of words: 6 reasons why it is useful to talk with yourself



The habit of molding under the nose is not a sign that you are a person with quirks. It is useful from all sides. Scientists confirm that conversations with themselves ...

Help structuring information and reduce stress

At the University, Wisconsin-Madison conducted an experiment: forced volunteers to look for lost things. In this group, it was allowed to mumble under the nose "Where can it be riding? Under the sofa looked, under the table, too, "and the second recommended to keep the mouth on the castle. And those who chatted with them, not just found lost faster - after the experiment, the mood had better, and the pulse - even more.

Make us carefully


Something similar to the psychologists of Gary Luped and Daniel Svigley, when they were offered to remember the list of purchases for the supermarket. Some of them were only to view the list, and some of them - out loud to talk product names. Those who spoke with themselves, therefore they found them faster on the shelves and missed less positions.

Improve memory

When we talk with them, touch memory is activated. She has a small capacity, but it gives us the opportunity to visualize the meaning of the word, and it will be remembered better. An educational technique is based on this phenomenon when students in learning a foreign language should repeat new words and their translation.

Give emotional discharge

When everyone darned, you can silently go into the corner of suffering, and it is possible to say loudly and clearly say "% # & !!!!" - And now it has already been easier.

Clarify brains


One thing is to speak with me silently, another thing is to hide the installation and instructions. "So, Masha, calm down and think that you can do here." When you speak with you, you not only say it - you hear it. And words are perceived as a good advice that can be followed.

Treat old psychological injuries


Because this inner voice is only partly our, but mostly parent. If my mother with dad all childhood has been pronounced for being stretchable and a ballad, you will talk to yourself "Well, what am I a fool, as you could lose the keys!". If the parents were more constructive, you will list the places in which you have already been looking for and in which you should still search.

The parent maneer can be pushed if they allowed to speak independently - not to repeat the habit of the knuckle that you heard in your address in childhood, but to speak by your voice. And praise yourself for observation when the keys are found.

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