What you can not talk to a woman after 30



After 30 years no, everyone knows. Have you seen a lot of women older than 30? Once or two and turned around. Babele in bulk, and with ladies tens. Therefore, the society for 30 years is very worried. What to do with them where to flush? Sostly enough to quickly turn them into grandmothers, so that under the legs did not get confused and did not tear up the pattern.

This expense developed many delight recommendations and manuals. And, honestly, 30-year-olds from such care about himself very tired.

Dress decent

At 30, the party ends irrevocably, the sequins are played with a broken broom, and the aged 30-year-old aunt must be changed into a clean HB, that is, in white top, black bottom and, preferably, the old handkerchief, and then you are walking, the public is shocking the public. No one does not care what you can wear those who turned 19, 24, 46 or 82, but the 30-year-old extremely strict dress code. Example for imitation - headlamp on the school line.

Emission this post


Bans on turquoise pencil are the status of taboos. If, do not bring the sky, you draw the lilac arrows, the gods will affect you with zipper, and the tribe will announce the outcast.

All dance

The world is ruthless to dragonflies. You would already have a quilt at the crutches, laying money on the nurse in the sock. From now on, music is only from the radio, and the nearest dances will be on your funeral.

It's time to cosmetologist


Hey, baked apple, have you not made plastic, suspender, botox and laser grinding? Everything is now late. Well, if you now turn off the computer now and run, then, maybe you have time. Because now your daily routine should include a three-hour visit to the beautician, otherwise the native mother does not know.

Why are you still not married?

Listen, you will not believe - just lucky!

Hasiki tick


This is not a watch, but a bomb of slow motion, and in 30 it rushes. Reproductologists, children from test tubes, surrogate mothers, screenings? Did not hear. In Europe, where is the average age of the first birth - 32? So then Europe, there are no people. We have the first child should be the last doll. For a good, your eldest would now have already slowly go smoking garages.

Sit where sitting

Nothing to fix anything, nothing. Neither divorce with Oballa (they lived for 10 years! You have two children in your hands! Who are you in your 32 you will find?), I will change the work to go from the storekeners to go to fitness coaches (you must remember that the ass in 25 and in 35 - These are different ass, what are you hoping?).

So what did you achieve?


It's time to summarize and buy wool to knit socks. Because with the last blow of the clock from work you will be expelled, of course - or relocate in a remote chosan, where no career prospects, but only a web. Brains will turn off, because after 30 people they are without need - you are not going to learn something else? And the passport is most likely to be taken away. And in general, the next 50 years with you nothing more interesting will happen.

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