10 reasons to beat the boy at school if you are a girl


There is no such girl who would not remember from school: "Ivanov jerks you for a pigtail? So he likes you! " We in PICS.ru responsibly declare: this is an ordinary aggression, and no hidden sympathy. And on aggression it is necessary to answer adequately. Fist in the nose!

Rugs for a pigtail

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Lord, in the yard of the twentieth century, well, when will they come up with something more than more? Let at least recognition in love in WhatsApp send or there pictures of obscene content. And, by the way, it is pretty painful when you jerk for your hair. So the answer is one - a penalty in the head!

Takes your things without supply

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Some not only do not understand what personal borders are, but also behave as if they were born in the collective farm named after V.I. Lenin, where everything was general for everyone. And, by the way, psychologists say that for their own identification in the team it is extremely important to maintain its own angle of space, including personal belongings. Shin shoes!

Pulls you for the bra

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The tough realities of the harsh pubertat: through the clothes to pull out the back of the bra there, where the fastener, and let go abruptly. First, it is at least unpleasant. Secondly, especially the earliest boys love to straighten the ability to unbutton the toilet element of one left. Or right.

For some reason, the teachers find it terribly comforting as Pavianov's games in the marriage period, but we would have looked at Marwe Petrovna if the same did Fizruk with her. At least slap to the slap. And what are we worse? Space, hand!

Sadies skirt

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This is quite pulling on the normal fucking Harrasment. Again, especially the earliest put the footrest so that you kind of falling, and the skirt also takes and jerk. This room will not pass with us. Not only to fall - it hurts, so you still feel terribly foolish, the cheeks are glowing, the tears are hardened. Here for this humiliation is exactly a fist in the nose. Maiden's honor - an important thing!

Playing your bag football

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The feeling of powerlessness, which you feel, describe in words difficult. At the same time, I want to cry, on the handles, to my mother, kill the shower with bare hands and burn. And still awful, they refuse to go to the section of a hand-to-hand combat in childhood, - otherwise you would have shown him now where the crayfish is winter! Of course, this is just a thing, but damn it, it's your thing! And, if it is pupitive, this is the most real violence. By shifting on the hump - varn!

Ready requires writing

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She pulls out a notebook, does not give it to the end of the lesson, puts the blots there or enters the famous word of three letters. Let's start with the fact that you should not have anything to give any age idiot, including given to write off. Does not understand? Textbook on the forehead!

Spits you chewable paper

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Mezzy fun! These slotting lumps are badly moving away from clothes and are combed from hair. Teachers for some reason do not perceive complaints about this as something worthy of attention. And, as practice shows, children are pretty quickly fond of impunity, if they feel impunity from adults and do not receive unsubsion from the victim. So Bay is stronger!

Tells nothing to you

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For slander in an adult world, by the way, you can get a real prison sentence, remind about this offender. Let not get used to. Article 128 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and not Hukhry Mukhra. In the meantime, it comes to it - Rrzraz! - And the slap will not hurt!



The most hellish hell, because it is decided to go from this decisively. And on the clothes and on the back then the ugly blue and black dots from the handle remain. Bring the bag of spoiled clothes to washing - half the way, you can also shine a couple of climb. To dismantling.

Pows out of your desk

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Selects my elbows, spread scraps of paper, as a misunderstanding called notebooks, and you know yourself to twenty square centimeters. If you move it through negotiations, it does not go out, go to armed uprising: to poke your finger in the side, should shive in the shoulder and - the final! - A pair of notebooks on the jigs. Know ours!

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