Laughter and etching: "Why not laugh at yourself?"


One educational Internet portal filed material with a subtitle "The worst in the world in the world goes to school to eat there everyone." After instructions on the neetacheness of the joke, the resource representatives began to prove that this is not a mockery, but a friendly statement, and because they did not want to offend anyone, - there is nothing offensive here.

What is bad in the "friendly subtoding"? Why not laugh at yourself? Recommendation "Wake up on yourself" often hear those who become targets of fatfobic, lukist, misobine, racist and other discriminatory jokes. The task of humor is to express social injustice, dilute the situation, remove the tension. But not to beat the one to whom it hurts, not to strengthen the hierarchy, do not distinguish between people on the respected and those who can only be fun on whom, as they are insignificant. Discriminating (supporting discrimination) Humor is dismissed. Point.

Invitation to the discriminated person to participate in own injury - is disappearing at least. This is a very convenient position - to justify your own rudeness and moral lowness "lack of humor" from the victim. After all, when everything goes into the plane of "jokes" - how can it be offensive, right? Especially since Ta "Zhiruha" or the "nonsense" is really "funny", right? People with those or other physical characteristics exist in order to merge others, right? "So why do they consider the jokes offensive to their address, it is so funny - differ from the majority. A complete woman is not dancing to flicker others, but simply because she likes to dance? Are you seriously?!
The victim, which resists, who expresses discontent - is dangerous. She can attract offenders to justice. By and large, few people want to feel the scoundrel and, especially, no one wants to be punished. Everything, in principle, understand that they offend those who do not inflict their resentment - bad. But people who joking in this way are not averse to feel more significant, smarter, strong, are more normal, in the end. Mock is also a punishment form. But one thing, when we rink a corrupt official or overly prone to the dominance of men - they are unlikely to lose their strength and power because of our jokes.

In the end, the wit can sewage aggression (although laughing about the problem - does not mean to solve it). But jokes over thick people, for example, legitimize the injury, jokes about "stupid babes" enshrine monstrous gender stereotypes and, at the same time, deprive women of elementary right to make a mistake. We must or always live in tension, manicly fearing to be funny, because internally realize that it is an unkind, injured laughter, or join cruel fun, allow you to do this with us, to easily climb on your Calvary with a joyful consonant smile. After all, this is not beating - this is "just" the joke, the light version of psychological violence, which means - by virtue of "lightingness" is the violence of non-secrecy.

Laughter is a pleasant action. Physiologically, hormonally, muscularly pleasant. Laughter over the victim of the etching makes betraying pleasant, despite the time that she was already pleasant to the instigator, she was already pleasant to the sense of excellence in his consciousness. Over weakness laughs because it is possible. And to suddenly it is not impossible, I convince the sacrifice to take a situation with humor.

No, seriously, do you think I'm ridiculous from the form of my body? I'm ridiculous because I drop food, not afraid to mouth? My monthly bleeding, accompanied by spasms, and my reaction to physical discomfort is ridiculous? And, damn it, I'm ridiculous because of what you mock at me, and then also devalue my feelings? I am very funny, yes. Of course! Give a tablet from spasms, banderlogs, if you want to "support". Selfaronia is a good thing when it does not go into self-esteem. Simply put, I know what scattered. In my profession, it even good helps, but I regularly burn meals. There is nothing wrong with, I will perceive the next burnt saucepan with humor and write a friend: "I'm a mother of dragons! Pan is defeated, pasta is released and join my army! ". But when they were poisoned at school because of the shape of the skull and the thickness of the glasses and invented all sorts of jokes about it - I did not have a reason for self-irony. There is nothing funny in my head. And the right to invent jokes about how I will exist if you break the glasses, there is no one. And no, I'm not going to agree with the fact that the idea of ​​scoring my head stake is funny. Remember: "laugh at yourself" - it is not "laughing with your offenders." Do not support those who hurt you. You are not funny. What is happening with you is not funny.
Laughter can be a nervous reaction to something unexpected, on the tragic, unbearable absurdity of the situation, - that is, in fact, it may not necessarily be associated with humor or something funny. In general, this is also a normal response to the events of the surrounding world. But "Laugh on yourself" from people who mock you - mean "Laugh with us over how we insult you," "Be for us a convenient victim", "Be Safe", "hit yourself, confirm our right" . And those who humiliate us are not funny. Laugh at the fact that you are insulting - it means to be understood the problem and allow the injury to continue, whereas it should be stopped. Do not be afraid to be serious. Do not be afraid to seem boring or bored. There are many reasons for laughter. But the violence committed on you is not one of them.

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