We rush to do good. How can we help people around? Share experience


There are people who put their lives to create good, unconditional good - save lives and facilitate the suffering of this helpless peace. In a figurative sense or straight. Because they have the opportunity because they know how. And we are, people are smaller. Who would also like to help each other and people.

It happens that we have no money, it happens that time. Sometimes we just do not know what to do. Nevertheless, a huge number of people find a way to maintain the level of goodness in this insane world. We asked our readers and each other - the editorial office of Pixes, its current and former participants - to tell how we help those who need our help while we have such an opportunity. In addition to the most obvious - to give money.


Helping people without a directional vector, not in some standard situations. I saw the girl in front of the foot and lame. I had a plaster with me, caught up and gave it. I read in the tape, as a woman nearby asks to borrow a heater because of the emergence of heating in winter, brought. Brought the lost grandmother in sobes.


He wrote LJ gave under the castle that any woman from among my Friends, who suffers from her husband-tyrant and does not know where she hide, if you decide to escape, I can first react with me. Several of my girlfriends joined the comments. And me, and my friends then happened to really provide asylum for women and girls who ran from beatings, from rapes with relatives, from psychological violence. They were not all pleasant in communication, but I do not wish.


Sometimes, if I see grandmothers, which bouquets are selling there from their colors, or room flowers, socks-mittens there ... I buy, even if you do not need, without passing - type rushing.


I give good things. I always say if a person is unbuttoned a bag or a backpack or a lace is unleashed. Recently noticed that the woman gets out the sole from behind, caught up with her and said. She thanked me very much, as the shoes are the only and she will be able to repair them in time. Well, on the little things, such as pay for someone in transport. I have no resources to volone, but I try to do everything that I was not difficult.


I translate free articles from English into Russian about children with an autistic spectrum disorder. I know that it really helps at school, where my child learns.


I teach for such money that it is not even ridiculous and still did not drive any child from the studio, whose moms regularly "forget to" pay (do not forget to led on classes). Moms are, of course, do not need in my help, and it is clear to children.


Perhaps the first one was when I was in school, we were sent "for military fees" as an ignorant to work in the burns of the Frost Hospital. And we found a bunch of kids who need to feed, wear on handles and blow on the patient after dressing. We began to go there until the management of the hospital was not even sensed and did not cover. Something about a couple of months has been launched. And so listed for a long time.


Well, if you do not count money, it remains such a little, which is not considered, perhaps. For example, help get away from an escalator woman with two huge Baulas - she came in two receptions. In Baula, as it turned out, there were diapers for adults, which somewhere at the other end of Moscow were found a little cheaper ... or uncover an umbrella over a woman with a suitcase and baby, while their train cannot be served. Small little things, in general.


ONOVO. Once it was in the hospital of nursing care, congratulated with Easter. A couple of weeks walked with refusal. Very hard.


"Angel Mail" Children in Onco- and Nephro-branches, fees of gifts in the nursing homes and individuals, things adults and children, children's games for children, volunteering in children's camps.


My friends arrange socializing role-playing games in orphanages, take some of the children to workout in ordinary athletes (no one will let them go without the accompanying). By the way, they are constantly looking for one-time volunteers, those who agree at least once or from time to time to help, because on an ongoing basis it is difficult.


Collected things for victims in Krymsk and sent fires.


Organized the help of help to retirees - care, home assistance ... Help while a few managed. But this is still the beginning ...


There are always children who have no children's books and notebooks with pencils, because parents think about their clothes and bread and fight for him. There are always those who need clothes or warm blankets. Little finds those who directly dare to look for such people and offer them to give these things.


I rent blood.


Clothes collect for very poor people in the villages, there is a poverty such that we are glad and old and very worn. His return has already ended, smoking acquaintances and colleagues.


I periodically work for free for charitable foundations.


Spontaneously Translated for the Fund "Vera" (for free) when there were forest fires in 2010 - brought to the point of gathering whether to eat, or clothes, once a long time helped to sort the "old-age in joy" clothes for further sending in need, after the death of the cat took The remaining feed and medicine in the shelter. Permanent work with people requires great mental strength and self-dedication than I can give.


I think that if my closest is needed, I do not have the right to help distant. Of course, no one will praise for their help (even I myself), because Not for that, this is granted and ordinary things. But if all people will primarily help their relatives, the disadvantages will be much smaller and do not have to appeal to the mercy of outsiders.


Helping students with residual vision in finding work by profession.


Since last year I am collecting, grabbing with me and give at the meeting small packages with the necessary things for homeless women, because I know that they are hard on the street. There are wet antibacterial napkins, ascorbic, muesli-bars, plasters, a little simple medicine type of coal, gaskets, condoms, all darling. In winter, add if there are unnecessary gloves, hats, scarves.

History collected: Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: shutterstock

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