Hiroshima and Nagasaki's memory. Poems that do not forget then



Exactly 70 years ago, mankind caused a wound to himself, which still hurts. On the morning of August 6, American airplanes dropped along the atomic bomb to the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It became a new milestone in the craft of man killing a man. 130,000 new weapons killed immediately.

Tens of thousands of people, it continued to kill through years after two explosions. It's terribly talking about it just figures, because people are not just numbers. Nastya Romankov said verses. And so it happened or rather there is nowhere else - skill.

it means that you can smoke, not afraid that someone will notice although the school walls are now barely to lie down in the palm of the head, and listen to how the wind breathes and not think about death, diligently thinking about

Mom, however, are those gray angels who were strangers? And in the well, in which only one, I hung on my arms, on the hooks, on stretched veins, I shouted into him - Lord! He answered - Fall .. But I survived, and this luck is incomprehensible I live, all my adventures are ahead

I will not give up my name is Hiro, I am Hiroshima Son, I go to the store, must be there a lot of things if I am strong, then the sky will remain a blue mother, right after all, was there a well for one?

I go to the store to find yourself something to dinner among rubble, glass, and stones, and crushed bodies I'm so ashamed, as if I did something wrong

Mom, tell me, did I betray anyone when I survived?

Source: Nastya Romance Page

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