Drugs next to us: Even the Milonov will not forbid


At the start, let's clarify in general what drugs are.

One day the author of these lines within the framework of institutional practice was driving to read schoolchildren a lecture on the dangers of drugs. Schoolchildren were skeptical.

- People, enlighten me what drugs are! - I appealed.

- Well, etaaa ... such a powder ... - reluctantly answered six hundred students.

- washing? - I clarified.

- Not! Children were revived - such, Eee ... white powder.

- Well, washing? - I stood on my me.

Children began to be angry. All this fool should be explained on the fingers.

- Damn, poisonous white powder!

"Well, washing," I said, "it's great.

So here. Many years have passed, and now even children know that the difference between the drug from any other, poisonous or harmless, garbage is that you want to repeat. The degree of how much I want to repeat and how quickly this desire is formed - called addictive potential. It is measured to at least somehow be able to evaluate from the outside, according to the following parameters:

  1. Changes in tolerance and reactivity (that is, whether to increase the dose).
  2. Cancellation syndrome
  3. Regular and uncontrolled consumption.
  4. Pathological attraction and / or unsuccessful attempts to stop or reduce reception.
  5. A huge part of time, forces and means is spent on the search and use.
  6. Social dezadaption
  7. Continuing use, despite the conscious harm.

Stay around. Oh, yes, the heroic stocks look terribly and behave badly. But, Chu! Who shoves it past us with the stiffness of the Coffee Cup "? Around us completely, full of all sorts of pieces that do not even look like a washing powder, but show the presence of addictive potential at least in one or two parameters. And we will not talk about buming and tobachish. No, we will tear the masks with something pretended by innocent.

Coffee and tea

Objectively - no, not a drug. This is a crutch. The person left alone was left and she does not need to think when the brain sleeps; No need to make decisions with a disadvantage of data, Aaataly accounted for without tea without coffee. But if you try to abandon tea or coffee, without changing lifestyle, it will be us and cancellation syndrome, and involuntary use.


Man is a social animal. So our acute need is to be noticed, the praised, approved and enjoyable - the thing is natural. So morphine in the body becomes a specially seized place, crowding out natural endorphins. And instead of finding honestly earned mutual strokes inside a small group, we greedily grab the husky from strangers and half-samples, suffering from falling the volume of likes, forget about real affairs ... Instead of working finely trembled in Faceball. That is, at least three points are not stars, but ordinary boring drug addicts.


"In childhood, our parents sat for Havchik" - once confestedly told me a friend, "" And now it's not to get a clutter. " The horror is that it is true. We eat not as much as you need. We eat not what you need (perfect food for Homo Sapiens - larvae, fruits and waste grains). Food is communication, status, joy, shame and secret pleasure. Especially if it is sweet, salty and fat, and ideally also hard to reach food. Urrrrrrr. Using biologically regulatory food (even replacing the larvae on the chicken and shrimp), we catch a social disadaptation in full growth - "But what about the cake, Lenus?", Suddenly, we find yourself in the belt in the refrigerator among the night, we spend unexpectedly solid amounts in grocery and restaurants and restaurants and No, we can not do anything about it. I don't care about the body that it is useful for him. The body requires delicious. And ice cream openly traded right in the middle of the street.


Not just ababa what a man. A man who took us at least a few orgasms and at least several times successfully created a woman's feeling that he will cope with everything. With the second item, everything is clear - the sense of security is dear, for him, people traveled with bare hands from the caves of Lviv and bears and tearned the scalp Cologges. But with orgasms more interesting. It turns out that a number of successful sexual acts in a row creates a woman from a woman (no, on the contrary it does not work) oxytocinal dependence on the proximity of this man. A woman can understand perfectly well that a man as a person can, and not either, but the sex and society of a man with each successful time turn out to be all necessary. In everyday life, this is called "hobby" (yes, it also happens without sex, but on orgasms sticks deeper and keeps longer), and is a full-fledged drug in absolutely all points. We all saw (sometimes in the mirror) of these unfortunate drug addicts, who run for a dose of the first call, agree to change the honor at the dose, pride and money, hurt, having lost the source of beloved poison and break off when, it would seem, a steady remission But "he was corrected."


We will not stop on how it turned out that you read the day. Yes, today, new information is the hardest and dangerous drug. The fact is that our distant ancestors in principle there were no chance of happing information that would not touch them at all. (Well, that, that on the edge of the village! It's two hundred seven, no more!) And the information has always been fundamentally not enough. To understand what to expect, to make decisions, to avoid dangers.

For this, it is not enough for it. But Mistot, external, inexpensive information has become going. And we ended up in the same situation as Herpathy's good people from the Darrell book - they had no saturation reflex, they ate until they died. We have no reflex "I'm already quite curious." The truth is to say, the insatiability of the news is characteristic not only to people, but in general to all animal collectors. If someone teach the direct Internet, the crow, too, most likely will foul.

And so, nat you - millions of memories about how people stupid into the phone on a date; Scandals due to the fact that the restaurant does not allow to charge or is not divided by wifam; Countless nights carried out for the study of family relations in the Fatimide dynasty. We are already aware of how dangerous and how endlessly seductive readiness of search engines in need to tell us another one ... No one more ... and another one another and one incredibly exciting history.

But how to defend themselves from this - it is not clear. Approximately the same as it is not after six, do not blush in his presence and do not see how many likes rushed to the last post. Apparently, only comprehending Zen.

Or are there any ways?

Illustrations: shutterstock

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