Art of war with parents. Sun Tzu



Recently PICS.RU wrote about how to live with parents in the world and harmony, while not having gone. Practice shows that sometimes it is necessary to brand. So that it was not painfully painfully, we recommend using tips from the famous treatise "Art of War" Sun Tzu. He is more than 2500 years old, tested by time, so to speak. Get on health!

"The basis of the military is a trick. When we are ready for an attack, you need to pretend to be nothing. When going to make a throw, you must pretend that we are inactive. When we close, you need to convince the enemy that we are still far away. If we are far away, the enemy should seem to appear that we are near

In short, disinforming parents and put on their vigilance! If your conflict is based on the color of the wallpaper in the living room, point out the full ignorance of the assortment of building stores, threw a cold, incapable of repairs with a bowl and to a pile of a dalconic. And then in their absence, suddenly come with a brigade of workers, put off, glue and nothing to deny yourself! The enemy will be defeated! Only cardiac pills and Valerian Passea just in case. Especially if you choose poisonous green wallpapers in raspberry speck.

"Pretend that in your troops, the breakdown, and the enemy crushes"

Tell your mother about a quarrel with my husband! PLEASE HER! Like, he fought off his hands, behaves badly, sleeping at work, not paying attention, radish, bad man! Mom softening, says his sacramental "smell!", And here, how here are here - you spend a single front and categorically refuse to call Dazepperm's daughter.

"If all the positions of the enemy are well fortified, be ready for battle. If your forces are superior to yours, bivat malfunction "


That is, if the parents have taken allies to the grandmother, grandfather, aunt August and cat, do not enter into conflict - you will be a bits and exposed to urastricism and properly on a friendly family court. And if you feel that they are begging to be interested in unusual things like them like "Do you need a perforator (and a new husband), dear daughter?", Wait and be alert!

"If the opponent is quick-tempered, try to cause irritation from him. Pretend to be weak to strengthen his self-conceit "

Parents insist, for example, so you live with them? Excellent, come for the weekend and let it go into the course of heavy artillery. Tupit, scatter things, pretend to be tremendous in cacti watering, take the cat, burn the floor-refrigerator food, which was for a week. Then please how difficult for you to live together without their sensitive guidance and control. Clear. How to drink to give - they will drive themselves!

"Attack, when the enemy is not prepared, there are always from an unexpected side"

For example, call at 6 am Saturday to declare that you would not arrive. And generally leaving to live in the Philippines. And, by the way, you are pregnant. Will they take under the wing of your cat?

"Don't tell anyone exactly how to achieve victory"


Do not discuss your insidiously tonted plans of hostilities, even with your husband - men in this business can not be trusted, all on fragile female shoulders. Polbutalki brandy with dad - and your beloved will lay out everything as in the spirit! So silence as a real Jedi, and so power will be with you!

"There is no other state for the benefit of a tightening war"

That is, to brand and quarrel, this is one thing, after all, it is impossible to love each other eternity, and for three years because of some small garbage with parents not to talk - completely different. Parents are parents, they are not chosen, so be indulgent and favorable. You are also not a gift, but they raised you, by the way!

"The purpose of the war is the victory, and not the campaign itself"

In other words, do not take into conflict with parents, if not confident in your full and unconditional victory. And then you want to have new earrings for the birthday, but you will stay with a double boiler, "because you need it more!" Parents they are, know how to convince and know the prohibited techniques like the hallmarks of the hands and the like manipulation of your subsidiary.

"To sow in your ranks of troubles - it means to give up victory"

Remember that you and your husband / boyfriend are one team and perform a united front. Do not allow yourself to relax, lose vigilance or shake in the correctness of the selected solution. Agreed that you will not go to dig a garden - stand on your own. No "half an hour", "good weather", "we are then stabbing a fire" or "We have excellent brandy"!

"A skillful warrior seeks to defeat him it was impossible, and never misses the opportunity to defeat the enemy"

It is not conducted on vile manipulations from the series "You're a bad daughter", "The most ungrateful child in the world," "We inserted the whole soul in you" and so on. You are an adult self-sufficient person and have the full right to live as you want, without coordinating your actions with your parents - their time has passed. You are not obliged to be a good daughter in their understanding of this term, but is obliged to be happy and pleased.

"A good commander will be slightly in the offensive and soon in making decisions"

Art of war with parents. Sun Tzu 39263_4

If you started to fight - do not capitulate ahead of time. How was it - decided to raise the grandson of a kilogram of candies, without consulting with you? Who is the mother here in general? Who will heal the baby from diathesis then will be? And they heard about sugar diabetes?! The child is to isolate, parents - a brochure about the dangers of sugar for a rapid child organism, a dozen of terrible views and polite ignore for a couple of weeks. Let them know that the jokes are bad with you!

"When they surround the army, leave the enemy the corridor for waste. Do not finish the defeated enemy. This is all the science of war "

If, for example, they finally after a long persuade, scandals and dirty blackmail capitulated, repelled Dr. Malakhov with his naturopathy and urinotherapy and agreed to go to a normal doctor, pass the tests and inhabitually, do not throw away the entire stock of the Jullie and Plantain, do not burn everything Banks with homeopathy - Leave people a little joy. But under persistent control and management. And we know how our parents love self-medication and cabbage sheet where it has long been time to make good ultrasound and MRI.

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