Children's horoscope


Esoterics believe that the stars manage the child from the first minute of his birth. Falling on the way the parents gloomily meet Ezoterikov, that this is still a very big question: who is controlled by.

Child Capricorn.

Children's horoscope 39261_1

Very serious person, regardless of gender. He loves educational games, can't tolerate noise and does not feel too much people, which indicates that the vital wisdom is given to this sign from birth. Capricorn baby with a huge interest and child-surrounding consistency will know the world. Because you need to understand well - how it works what you are going to destroy.

Baby Aquarius

Children's horoscope 39261_2

Experienced parents will give the child-Aquarius to choir, dancing or drawing, clogging and immediately. Naive choose a sports section. In principle, a small aquarius can quickly run and swim well, but do not need to be surprised when the rhythmic gymnastics coach once confused in intricate installation from the ribbons, Bulaw and Hula-Hupov and break his leg. Because kids-aquarities appear on the light with an innate sense of the excellent 100 level. And the one who prevents the aquarity to create is a serious candidate for the Darwin Prize.

Child fish

Children's horoscope 39261_3

Good news is a very clever, quiet, calm and talented baby. Bad news is not he broke the vase, and the unicorn, whom he tried to catch two gnomes and three orcs. But the unicorn escaped, everything is fine, Mom does not worry. So what kind of vase the tail hurt? In the end, what is a vase when the magic horse is again free? And do not think to declare the child that he is lying. Choo does not lie, but creates a reality in which the unicorns beat the vase, and he is a very good and obedient baby, mom, give a candy.

Baby Aries

Children's horoscope 39261_4

The child-aries is the best way to revenge the neighbor-s-perforator: the stars guarantee - he or eats or die with his perforator in an embrace. Because when night feedings end, a drum comes to replace them. And then huge columns. The purposeful Aries will not look at the clock if the soul requires a decibel. But the parents of the Aries never climb their hands in the desperate cry: "Lord, what are you wrong?" Little Aries will not arrange hysterics without a reason, it is extremely concrete: "I picked up", "Give a pacifier", "Buy Porsche".

Child Taurus

Children's horoscope 39261_5

Absolutely wonderful cub - noncain and benevolent. He will never raise the developing toy, because he doesn't have something, oh, no. Even if the cube does not fit into the ball for the ball, the baby will persistently look for a way out. And find. Perseverance in achieving the goal is the subject of justified pride of the mother and dad of a small body. But exactly until the moment the goals of the parents and the child coincide. Who at least once tried to take to kindergarten Taurus, who announced that he would not go there more there, he was not laughing at the circus.

Child twins

Children's horoscope 39261_6

Parents Children's Children must accumulate a fair cube. Because the standard childhood of this Wunderkind looks like this: a sports section, a month of classes, the coach "He has a talent, I see the Olympic gold", the baby "I am bored", violin, month of classes, teacher: "This is a young french!", Kid: "I Tired of ", ballet, month of classes, old ballerina:" Such talents are born once in the millennium ", kid:" Catch off with my pointers. " Etc. Twins have a lot of talents, but cooled as quickly as they light up. The optimal version of the economy: to stick the baby to the cradle of the twenty-gate encyclopedia - it will still learn to read earlier than walking. Because the twins are very boring within the same planet.

Baby cancer

Children's horoscope 39261_7

This is a child "I, I'm all-in-order." Completely easy for parents option. As long as they accidentally know that the sake of their kid in the police opened a special children's room for a nursery group. Moreover, believe that their child is not at all an angel, parents (and especially grandmothers) cannot - crayfish Mimicria Master, and for everyone, they have a separate mask. It is absolutely impossible to punish cancer, because he looks at you with huge eyes and says: "Mommy, no matter what you do, I love you anyway." After that, Mamuchka remains unless to hang, consolidating on the chest a sign "I am a terrible mother, forgive."

Child Lev.

Children's horoscope 39261_8

Parents of the baby-lion more often than others hear from grandmothers Magic phrase: "I'm already old, I'm already hard." It is also not easy to parents, since Lev is completely indifferent to whom the process itself is being - important. But moms and dads can be completely calm for their own old age - the grudge lion will capture the world and buy them a villa in Hawaii (they, though they wanted in Iceland, but a boy more visible). To punish a small lion is unprospectively - he will smile dazzling and tells the guard to cut off the head "That's it with a belt." Well, yes, shortage. But the two-year lion of Spock did not read, and the cube throws very, very much.

Baby Deva.

Children's horoscope 39261_9

The dream of any ideal parent and the Hello Nightmare Parent is imideous. Baby Virgo is the most real mirror. The famous expression: "Risk children useless, educate yourself", in principle, right for any sign. But in the case of the child-Virgin it becomes fundamental. Not good manipulation "Here I am good in your years / listened to my grandmother / studied on excellent / needed to emphasize" with a little girl will not pass, because she knows the truth. Feel In general, to start the baby-virgin is too big responsibility, it is better to choose the model easier. But, on the other hand, they are so cool ...

Child scales

Children's horoscope 39261_10

You are cranes, because the scales are aesthetes. Even in infancy, the baby will not give to him pants with Ryushami. Because they are with Ryushami, gave the God of a woman with a bad taste of my mother, Lord, for what? It is a small outcading of hell quite able to burst, because the bubbling lullaby unfortunate daddy does not fall into the notes. But at the same time, the child will succeed in any activity, even if it is not very interesting to him (including school studies). Just because the bad mark looks in the diary does not aesthetically disrupts and unreacted the harmony of the universe that does not happen anywhere.

Child Scorpio

Children's horoscope 39261_11

Nothing wrong! Criminal liability comes only from fourteen years, and they are still far away. The first Punic war begins with an innocent phrase "Pope Spoon". To feed the scorpion child by what he does not want, about the same thing that the child's child is in kindergarten. During the exception that the Taurus will look in the wall gloomily, without reacting to the external stimuli, and the scorpion baby will let the metaphorical sting in the form of forks, spoons, plates and everything will be pregnant. And not getting up - so at least spill. But the parent, rubbing porridge from the wall, can safely comfort himself that scorpions are considered the most talented sign by overtaking even twins - at some children's theater studios of scorpions take without interviews and entrance exams (this is not a joke).

Child Sagittarius

Children's horoscope 39261_12

Leaning from the hospital with a cold December day, the parents of the Sagittarius should accept that fate does not give us more than we can take out, and ahead of it to open the doors for all living creatures that the baby with a fair perseverance will pull into the house - from the chick from the nest of the chick to classmates. Sagittarius hates loneliness. Naive those parents that walk on tiptoe past the closed doors of the nursery, pressing the finger to the lips in the hope that the child is bored, and he will finally fall asleep. The perfect world of Sagittarius looks like this: all relatives are hampered in the apartment (including a spectrous aunt from Syzran), in the middle of the room he lies with himself and, sweetly falls asleep, hugging the dog, parrot and selected in the satellite cat. And here's what else - like other fiery signs, the kid-Sagittarius loves noise, so never, and never buy him a drum.

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