Captain, it's time to pop up!


So you're in trouble and the name of your fellow depression. What is your depression - the hell knows him. Because in one case, this is a serious illness that specialists must treat sweet pills. In the other, just a series of annoying failures, a treacherous blow in the back, after which I do not want anything, except to lie and cry or kill everyone to the damn mother.

Of course, it is best to go to a specialist in this situation. Just how to get to him? How to make yourself admit that you are wrong with your head? And then, to whom to go? To a psychiatrist in the hospital? This, by the way, is the best option, because the psychiatrist has enough qualifications in order to determine a very bad depression and the right to prescribe delicious chemical pills, after which it becomes easier. On the other hand, psychiatrists are so passionate about the tablet, and the tablets have so many side effects, including addiction, which is worth a ten time to think before starting them to burst. The second option is to go to a psychologist-therapist. The problem is that there has never been a serious therapeutic school in Russia. There are separate "bushes" of specialists, students of some shone, which are considered good. But "On the ad", you will most likely find a graduate of a graduate Psychiatrics of the Zaborological Technical School, who jerseaded in the art of saying "you need at least ten sessions", and after ten sessions - "Well, we just started." This, however, and "good" psychologists know how. So, first is best to try to drink yourself. Self-diagnosis, self-discipline, self-medication and all that is so different. So, the first thing you need to keep in my head: everything will pass. It's like an exam, or a break of the boss, or toothpow or the court session of non-payment of alimony: sooner or later everything will end, you will go out, there will include the sun and birds, and you can buy a bottle of beer and drink it on the bench. Depression, or, as we better call it carefully, the abyss of despair, one way or another, finite. The second thing, which would be nice to think - what is happening with you normally. Life always consists of the amount of good and bad: it just does not happen. Rainbow periods are replaced by gloomy and vice versa. This happens absolutely always and absolutely from everyone. Your personal situation is no amazing than chocolate covering the popsicle or ice crust on the autumn pool. The third thing that would be worth remembered - so that at the moment it does not happen - this is not the bottom. This is generally the main rule of losers (and successful desperations are the abyss?): No matter how bad it may be, everything can be much worse. And if you think that you have reached the bottom, you will knock you from below. And until they knocked, it can be seriously comfortable. Fourth and, perhaps, the saddest: depression is, as a rule, for a long time. First you will not believe it, because "light at the end of the tunnel" will appear very quickly and it will very soon seem to see that everything went. Good news, nice company, cool party, new shoes or success at work will lead you to a state of giggling euphoria, to the feeling "I am steep all, I am the Lord of this thistle of the world"But, alas, the painful will fall in the puchin of despair the next day. These disgusting swings are the most suitable of what is in depression. Do not trust them. In fact, the depressive state is like a hangover, you can only pull it out, for which you need to take my mind all the time. Immerse yourself in work - quite monotonous and tense. Conduct on it as much time as possible, come back home later, come early. Observe the mode. Sign up in the gym and actually go to it. The latter looks at the same time the most banal and most painful advice, but it really works: if we exhaust yourself on the simulators, some kind of useful chemistry is produced in the body, hormones of pleasure. And pain in all muscles will not allow focus on experiences and sorrows and pity for yourself, a loved one will find a new way out. Vacation is also shown, but it is better that it is also a grueling - excursion bus tour in Europe, a mountain horse hike, a trip to Jeeps in Mongolia (there just just for the Russians abolished visas). The most important thing is on time and sleep a lot, which means you have to come home in such a state to collapse into bed and do not move. Alcohol, in general, for nothing. He either will drive deeper into depression, or introduce into Euphoria and strengthen the "swing" effect. But to read fat books - it is very possible. Well, to write, by the way. The writer Joan Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, said that "the bottom became a strong foundation of my new life." Divorced, without work, without one's own housing, "The biggest loser, which I knew," she sat down and wrote a book that returned the skill of reading millions of children and adolescents and brought to her the most multi-million state.

Who said you worse?

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