10 excellent drams that you most likely not watched


At the weekend you always want to see the movie. And so that there is an interesting and not confused. In addition to Oscarbon blockbusters, there are a large number of little-known, but no less cool films. We picked up for you ten drams, which you most likely did not hear.

Youth (2014), Jake Paltrow

Imagine the near future, where the main resource and the main value was water. In principle, it is already predicted that soon wars will occur not for oil, but for water. According to the plot, the father and son went to deliver supplies workers who are engaged in drilling a well for water. This journey will completely change their lives. "YOUTH" - the film is unhurried, without special action. So get ready to contemplate.

Obsession (2013), Demien Chasell

Film about Rocky Balbo, but only in Jazz. The young drummer is studying at the Conservatory and dreams of becoming not just a good performer, but a great musician. The guy is lucky, and he falls into the jazz orchestra to the famous conductor. The scheme of the master is simple: either he breaks and morally destroys the student, or makes a legend from him. For all the time the legends in his orchestra have not yet come across.

Combined security zone (2000), Pak Shhan UK

Korea is divided into two countries - the northern and southern, which in turn is separated by a two-kilometer zone of combined safety. It so happened that having met once on the demilitarized zone of the South Korean and North Korean border guard became friends. In the context of universal hatred and distrust, such friendship can end very badly.

My way (2011), Kang Chez Gyu

The story of two athletes-marathonz. One of Korea, another from Japan. They since childhood competed and hated each other. When the Second World War began, both of them had to fight on the side of Japan. Heroes have passed hell of war, Russian captivity, escape and still knows what. But at the very edge, at the limit, where human life does not mean anything, it may turn out that there is no closer and a relative person than the worst enemy.

Stewart: Last Life (2007), David Ettiet

A touching film telling about the young writer from a good family (Benedict Cumberbtech plays him), and semi-day indefinite age. For some reason, the writer attracts this strange, uncooked guy with speech defects, and he decides to write a book about him. But the more they communicate, the clearer it becomes that the homeless is not so simple, and it is much more good and love to the world than in the brought his friends of the writer.

38 Parallel (2004), Kang Check Gyu

A film about war in Korea 1950-1953. Before the country was divided into two halves, a huge number of people died there. In this war, the United States, USSR, PRC and UN troops were directly or indirectly. This is not counting the army of North and South Korea. Cinema is very dramatic and cruel. According to estimates of the creators of the film, "38 Parallel" looked at about a quarter of the population of South Korea.

Patrol (2012), David Air

A film about two police friends. They are considered one of the best in their plot, but at the same time the guys are not at all the characters in the style of "strong nut." They are also scary, they have dreams and plans for the future. Nevertheless, they are binding into a serious history, detaining a major drug dealer with a bunch of drugs and a gold machine gun. The cops are not accustomed to steeply, become a light target for drug addicts.

Blue Valentine (2010), Derek Siengfrens

Sad drama about dislike. The guy and the girl hurried with the wedding, but it turned out that the family is not so simple. It should be built on something larger than mutual attraction. This is a very slow, unhurried film, which must be viewed in the appropriate mood. If you want a light family movie, then you will not like this picture.

Door (2009), Matthew Arnold

What will happen if you get the opportunity to change the past? All make mistakes, and some of them are catastrophic. The hero of the film gets access to the door, passing through which you can experience the unsuccessful moments of your life. But the change in one events, leads the chain of others that are even more catastrophic. As a result, the main character opens the door again and again, felt deeper in the consequences of his actions.

Frequency (2013), Darren Fisher

Film-anti-nightopy about the future in which scientists calculate the fate of a person in frequency with which his consciousness resonates. People with high frequency are lucky, they all turn out. Low frequencies - in chronic losers who are not waiting for anything in life. But what will happen if a young man with extremely low frequencies love a girl emitting very high frequencies? They are contraindicated to be together, this is a diagnosis. Can their love refute the laws of the Universe?

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