When you are alone. Our author about loneliness together


    In love there is no place to be a chant, "many arguing. And make an interesting conclusion from this statement: if so, it means that there is nothing to try and do something for a woman. Let, then, loves disinterestedly. Malk Lorenz is elegantly and intelligibly responds to this conclusion. So we decided to share her text with you.

    If you suddenly come fantasy to follow up with different people on the topic M and F, then the discussion will immediately divide into several threads. Why is everything? Is it possible to pick it in the nose (if so, then in whose)? What to consider rudeness? And who is here, in general, the main one? Capturing, shorter, theme.

    For example, the question is: to help the lady get out of the car? Opponents will share something like this:

    Traditional (ritually oriented). If you did not help the lady get out of the car, you trampled her dignity, brutal beam.

    Maudded. Well, it did not help, you think already, I could get used to it already, and in general it is not the main thing, and most importantly - those grains of heat, which are exchanged (in the car, apparently, junk stove).

    Advanced (equivalent support supporters). Why do you expect that he will help you get out of the car? What is the consumer approach? And what did you like invested in this relationship to expect some kind of it? Here, yes, help him go to him: he will appreciate, and the karma is beneficial again.

    The situation seems to me as follows. The person has two states - when he is alone and when he is not alone. He needs another person only for the sake of the feeling of "not alone." The keyword here is a feeling.

    When you cry at night in the pillow, you are alone. And the fact that someone snoring is not only does not change anything, it only aggravates.

    I specifically started from this example, because any aunt will confirm - the string of loneliness does not happen.

    Well, on the list. When do you run home in the dark, upgoing from fear - Did you have a boyfriend somewhere there? At that moment you do not have it, and therefore, there is no. And your suitcase you yourself will take it where necessary, do not break. But while you are carrying it - you are a woman who has no one to help with a suitcase. You do not have anyone, even if someone thinks there that you have it. A decent man in bed begins with Cunnilingus not to show - what he can do, and not because this frigid fool does not finish. She will finish, do not doubt, only you will not have here. And in the restaurant, the woman is invited not because it will not give anything otherwise, but because they want her to be delicious. When someone wants you to be delicious, warm and easy, it is called - at that moment you are not alone. That feeling any live woman is caught on account times. And formalities, indeed, do not matter. Even if he is full of Mowgli, he will help you get out of the car, just so that you do not fall. And you smile to him. This is the question of equivalence. And also about who is the main one here.

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