9 good news for someone in Handre: Cool to be you


Yes, the world of Yudol grief, especially when the damp, from below, is dirty, in the middle ugly. But this is only at first glance. Because in 99% of cases you do not have a real depression (which you need to treat), and seasonal chandra, multiplied to some current failure. And the Kandra is a useful thing, if you cook it correctly.

Handra opens prospects

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We will not tell that the periodic negative is useful because it boosts, develops stress resistance, expands the horizons and generally enriches. You all understand this and you yourself understand. But now thin.

So, positive longing - in the fact that it is finite. As one great psychologist said, "no longer happens long, no longer happens to be strong." Further will be better. It's like a toothaches: when it passes, the world is becoming brighter than before it arrived.

Handra is a sign of greatness

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Cheerless and cheerful genius so immediately do not remember. Well, except that Mozart - as they eventually poisoned (by the way, maybe it is for that). But the melancholic and eternally "problem" people leave the world masterpieces: from the "dead souls" to the "Demon defeated".

If you are not doing yet, but just be sad, then try to create a jigger. At the same time, it is important to try not to have time to achieve fame in life. And then it can happen to Joan Rowling. Falling from the afternoon depression, the man nipped so cool fairy tales that another problem arose: how to cope with a longing caused by excessive styling around her person. So safer for the psyche to create for your pleasure, and not for sale. The descendants will then figure it out.

Handra trains Memory

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You just do not laugh, but scientists (and not at all British, and Australian) found out that a bad mood has a positive effect on memory. Parts are better fixed, higher ability to distinguish and concentration, less dissipation and forgetfulness. So if for some reason you are sad at work or study, it is even only for the benefit.

Netics hard to confuse

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In addition to memory, an unspositive attitude improves the ability to analyze and critical thinking. In a good arrangement, people are easier to disinformation, believe in gossip, are worse formulating, weaker are argued, more often adopt hasty solutions. Hence the possible action plan: to make a career gloomily, earn up gloomily, and even then you happily relax on Tahiti. There and without analytical abilities are nicely fed.

From the chronic, it turns out a great gloomy kinher

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"And how long have you suffer this?" - "I do not suffer from this, I enjoy!"

Handra is an excellent reason to enjoy melancholy in full. To kill, in the end, so with music. In the headphones, till the invalid-elevated-infernal "DED KEN DENS" (or "apocalyptics", for example), light the candles, shine a glass of port wine. Cooo-forming figure on the bridge, the floors of the coat under the gusts of the wind and this is all. What you did not allow yourself from the first year, because it is no obstacious. If the bridge is bad weather - excellent. The worse, the better. Let the storm hit stronger. Pa-ba-bahaam. Yes, you do not need to walk from the bridge. There is cold and karasiks.

At the time of the hand, you can score on optional

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In the "normal" state, we constantly prohibit yourself something good, but unpleasant (as it were). And make yourself do an unpleasant, but important (supposedly). And this is the sure of what to earn not only temporary clever, but also stably discarded skates.

At the moment you can refuse the destructive visit of the secondary aunt, the third part-time, and the campaign on the uninteresting movie from politeness. That is, everything that brave agreed when he said: "I am a strong bird, I am proud Bird." Now there is a wonderful justification: no strength, well, to Lesme.

Handra allows you to be weak

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By the way about strong proud birds. Those who created themselves the image of the Iron-Warmhouse-and-great-Savior-humanity, has a legitimate right to fall out for some time. And (oh, horror) ask other people about help. It is not excluded, they have long been waiting for it hopelessly.

Handra makes you better

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- The suffering of the soul is being improved. Paint says that some joys to eat unworthy ...

- Yes, he is the propagation, your papap with your own advice!

(c) "Formula of Love"

You're better understand others now. You are chute. Imagine a notebook and an incorrigible optimist, which on any complaint is stupidly grinning: "Yes!" You're not like that. You know in your skins, what it happens.

If you are a chanden, you definitely do not

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Eternally joyful electric parts, in love in November, causes, of course, white (well, or black) envy and admiration. But exactly until you open a medical directory, and you will not read the symptoms of manic syndrome in it. ;-)

Photos: shutterstock.com

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