Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses


Society is clearly not indifferent to people in glasses - especially for women. How much care and attention to us is moving! No, no, it is not at all a proposal to read what we do not see, and a napkin with a friendly hand for optics, when the "second eyes" is treacherously fog in transport. But how many valuable tips and recommendations we hear and read every day! And, to be honest, - we got.

"You just need to eat blueberries and look at the green!"

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_1
And how does the blueberry compensate for the deformation of the eyeballs?

"It's all because you read a lot and spend a lot of hours at the computer!"

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_2
And people with hearing impairments just listen too much a heavy rock and Sphony Sphony. The lifestyle can aggravate myopia - but only in childhood and adolescence, along with insufficient food and injuries. Maybe this is due to the fact that I did not eat badly?

"Glasses are not feminine! Men do not like girls in glasses! "

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_3
Women wear glasses exclusively from hubbyness, and all men who encountered and living with women in glasses - victims of hypnosis and violent methods. Of course, we do not have the right to comfort, if at the same time not feminine and not like all men within the radius of thirty kilometers.

"Glasses are sexy! You remind you of my first teacher! "

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_4
Oddly enough, but we don't care about other people's sexy fetishes. We want to see where this metro branch leads. And by the way, why are everyone so sure that we really want to be like someone's first teacher?

"Oh, well, you still need to do the operation!"

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_5
Are you a surgeon, and I have signs of appendicitis? Not? Leave your medical recommendations. Ophthalmologists do not recommend surgical interference in obligatory, if there is no vision loss threat.

"Be sure to try the gymnastics of Dr. Staprokina!"

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_6
Recommend to man with a hearing aid "Gymnastics for ears"! Learn about yourself what we are silent. Once again: the gymnastics for the eyes, dietary, blueberries and dances with a tambourine do not adjust severe myopia. Gymnastics can improve the situation within one and a half diopters if the weakening of vision is caused by the fatigue of the muscles. There are no effective non-surgical methods of "deliverance from glasses".

"You do not make an operation, because you want to give birth first, yes?"

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_7
Yes, seventeen times, and everything without cesarean sections.

"You better without glasses!"

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_8
No, I feel worse without glasses. Because without glasses, I see nothing. I fall into the sewer hatch and die there. I will not sit on that bus and get borrowed. And I can have a cat house one.

"Well, you can choose the lenses!"

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_9
Any man in glasses just made teleportation from the nineteenth century and does not have the slightest idea of ​​the existence of contact lenses. Careet me, carriage!

"Bad vision - the result of your reluctance to look in the face of reality!"

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_10
And let's give you a penny to your eye, and then I will tell you how you are a disgustive fact to be disgusting?

"And let's try! Oh, I do not see anything in them! "

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_11
And this does not just infuriate, but infuriates. Remove glasses with a person with bad eyesight and try on them on yourself - very, very, very bad joke. Because you do not try on someone else's hearing aid. Because you hope you do not select the cane or crutch in a person with muscular problems. You have just reminded someone about the years of school bulling. You just "in a joke" deprived a person tools that ensure the normal perception of the world around. It is not funny. It's disgusting.

And last:

"But if Novodvorskaya wore lenses, maybe it would not climb into politics, there would be a husband, kids ..."

Phrase glasses who are terribly annoyed by glasses 39240_12
Prohibit glasses as an anti-government propaganda tool. Immediately!

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