How to find out what this guy is the one who needs you?


In fact, the idea of ​​conscious testing of the partner "on suitable" seems to us vicious and a little ... mmm ... not correct. This car is purchased after studying technical and technological parameters, test drive and thorough thinking about the feasibility of purchase. And love and logic things are low-quality. But there are such relationships and such situations in life, when it is better, as they say, it's better to fuck your hair and not to crush your friends "where my eyes were."

Here for such situations we offer our small, but rather indicative list of "non-destructive testing" methods.

Take it in Ikea - test for patience.

Not necessarily in IKEA, but necessarily for any very female and, in his opinion, meaningless garbage - fellow wheel for the bathroom is a categorically pink color or a set of heating candles. Search for your "hollow" carefully, not in a hurry, do not forget to get a suitable toilet rod and a set of towels, at the checkout suddenly change my mind and come back, because the color of "some kind of not like that". The goal of all this experiment is to understand how much your chosen one is straining, and whether it appreciates your interests, even if he is not close. After all, in the family life of such "babies" you will have more than. The perfect "groom" will calmly withstand all a half hours of madness, will give a couple of valuable tips on the texture and forms, will bring the purchase to the ticket office, restrained by your decision to return and, having wrapped around the Yarshik, will wait for another hour until finally you do not stive Such composure. However, the guy will come down, which at some point says: "Well, you have fun here, and I'm behind meatballs. How much do you take? ". But the bridegroom is already with the tenth minutes of shopping, the capricious, evil and the flowing of the rod into the wall - it is bad. Put minus.

Ask him to "hang the shelf" - the test for "hushiness".

You must be sure that the guy has hands grow from the right place. Excuses, that, they say, it is easier to call a specialist than to spend time on hanging the shelves and the repair of the toilet bowls, good to the first breakthrough. When the ill-fated trigger saves a pink brigant in your apartment, the cat will hang on the chandelier, and the neighbor from the bottom (oligarch) will bring you the estimate of fresh repairs, you will remember about the "shelf" and it is unlikely that she will comfort. Therefore, let the cute dragging the boards, a screwdriver and other dowels - and tries. He managed to bring the first time, not referring to the Internet - excellent. I suffered, Izmuved friends, Google, Shelf and the wall, but achieved the result - well. Everything else is not our option. We put a bold minus.

Take it in a hiking - test for force majeure.

In fact, a two-day trip at the uncharted places is the easiest and most accessible option to learn how a man behaves in a non-standard situation. You can go to the forest with a tent, you can sit on the train, get to the station "Pokakuisk" and go where the eyes look or you can simply get to some kind of lying and there for a couple of days to get stuck. In general, promise to him "Romantic of the pleasing", but look at both. How he puts the tent, as the camp places, how to roam the fire, as, in the end, negotiates with local tractor drivers, so that those pulled you from the "Leschka" on the roadway will allow you to understand whether it is possible to count on it in Fors Majer . Does everything competently, the saliva does not dissolve, caught the hands of the trout - take, not thinking. With such a guy, you even in a zombie apocalypse will remain a mustache, unharmed and, most importantly, fed. Pedoomed with me to the snack coffee maker, mini-bar, two starchy shirts and a box of cake for you - take not thinking. In the zombie apocalypse you will be a queen zombie - no less. But if it should be at first, and then categorically refused to move away from the lit refueling farther than 500 meters - put minus. No zombie apocalypse, of course, will not, but why do you need to risk?

"Fabric" and see how he will react - a test for caringness.

Take and "Zabyat" Ponaroshka. And it is possible and without "Ponaroshka". Feel no matter, call your beloved and suffer to a complete coil. In the end, you are a girl, and you have the full right to whitel. The reaction of the beloved will tell you much. For example, about his ability to empathy, as well as about the ability not only to sympathize and regret, but also take care of. After all, you have to live in the mountain and in joy, in health, and, like neither sad, twists. In general, if he arrived, brought the first aid (oranges and piecakers, for example) assessed the situation and decided to: whether to call whether to treat pains and sex, or just sit down and regret - a great husband will come out of it. Having called the doctor remotely and sent flowers, oranges and cakes with a courier - so-so - on the troechka. And there is no "the groom", which in response to your complaints will say "well, be treated there. Correct, call! " And put the phone. As soon as the flu is over - boldly drive him into the neck.

Ask him to pick you up from a corporate party - a test for composure.

You will be beautiful in your evening dress, a little drunk, not too adequate and scary bolt. And this terrible cocktail, he will need to do with the house safe and preservation. For the purity of the experiment, put in the car in the car a couple of the same "irresistible" girlfriends, at least one male colleague and take a bottle of champagne. On the way, discuss with girls Intimate details of the party, Hichkai, whispering on the ear colleagues of scubalessness, loudly demand the continuation of the banquet ... and do not refuse yourself. In the end, you are and here, and if this cudak wants to marry you, it should be fully informed about the depths of your depths. Everything is simple here. If you still find yourself this night at home, and not somewhere in the Moscow Ring Road with colleagues and champagne - you are unrealistic lucky with the chosen one.

Arrange him a session of spontaneous babicinging - a test for an important.

A nephew will come down, a girlfriend's child or even a neighboring kid. What a capricious and spoiled Kinder - the better. There are no "sophisticated" for helping and resolved from the Babicing process. Well, pretend that you have a terrible allergy on your baby powder. Here you will get either a picture of the unattainable faith - there is nothing more pleasant to the female eye as a handsome young man with a rivet baby in his arms, or find out that your potential honeycomb runs from diapers just like from a compulsory inspection of a proctologist. If you are going to become mom once, then your choice is simple and understandable.

Ensure that your "Bardak" and his "Bardak" are comparable - a domestic compatibility test.

Crazy teeth and do not get away before his arrival to you. Well, at least once leave the apartment in her natural form. It does not matter that the path to the computer is laid among the deposits of nestira-t-shirts and candy candy candies. You are, and hardly family life will make it clean. Yes, and we would advise the real purelves to be slightly "aggravated by the order of the scattered tarts and a pair-three unwashed plates in the sink. Just simulate the situation when you may have a cleanliness in the house, and see how your chosen one will behave. I did not notice - super. Take. I noticed and offered help. - Take it of course. Sad sighed and pulled out a vacuum cleaner. - Toler, although alarming. But those who face the nose at the sight of a spubby on the mirror, points on the dog's wool on the bedspread or inspects the cloves at the fork, before proceeding with the dinner - drive the broken broom away.

Tell him "no" at that very moment when "yes" is a test for masculinity.

Just say no, I don't want to. I have changed my mind". You know, this is a rather frozen experiment, he is infinitely dishonest and in relation to his beloved person even sneaky. But if you have at least a drop of doubt in his male decency - do it. Say no". You will immediately understand who you are for him - an equal partner, friend and future wife, or - a sexy object. Any reaction (persuasion, stamping, jokes, game "coercion, actually coercion, resentment, scandal) besides unconditional acceptance of your refusal means that he is not your person

Tell him about how you "checked" him - a test for a sense of humor.

Most likely, "trusted" a potential spouse through all these tests and having received a brilliant result, you will understand what I did something not too decent. What you were lucky to meet a wonderful, smart, wise, adult man, and you for some reason suited him all these idiotic "checks." It's time to make a decisive step and admit to him in everything. This recognition will become the last test and you (for honesty), and its (on the sense of humor) and your relationship (for strength). We give 99.9% guarantee that safely coped with previous quests, Ishivit and this one. And if not aswaling, then let yourself go on the way from the yellow brick. Because the guys without a sense of humor are like a cheesezka: it seems that the thing is impressive, but no one knows why.

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