7 Television lessons of our childhood


When imaginary pets refused to play with us, friends diverged home, and the lessons finally ended, the time of magic came: the TV was included. With him, we spent all your free time and unconditionally trusted everything that show. The television of the eighties and nineties is our school of life, which gave a lot of lessons. But how now live with these knowledge?

Sleep at 22:00

Imcorrusive rule to go to bed immediately after "good night, kids!" You begin to remember somewhere after 35. When the day you challenge so that childhood becomes the most adult. And even earlier, you get up. Well, or sleep longer.

There is always a choice

Uncle Lena never cheated - it's time. Uncle Lena always gave a choice - these are two. Sector prize or letter? Letter or Sector Prize? Come on, come on, I will rather decide! Prize? Or maybe all the same letter? What is the letter? What if there is a car? Prize? ABOUT! This is a key chain in the form of lady-viburnum. At this moment you are bothering, because I knew exactly - it was necessary to call the letter.

Rich grandfather - Cheerful grandfather

If your family has a lot of gold, then something happens to you all the time. That gangsters, then mummy, then airplanes falling. But life is one big adventure. Ducks live well! And Scroarge McDuck, though bore, but always gives his cute tribes, everything wished. I would be such a grandfather. Let both duck!

Morning envy

How much did you want on Sunday in the morning you are not in pajamas and sneakers, and the proud swan on the stage, we have uncle Jura about the clouds or there is beautifully distinguished in this beautiful, excellent program "Morning Star". Every Sunday, after duck stories, you went into the crowned enucleation of all this rapid fuffers, because there should be an undressed fuffy!

If mom is a goat

The first Soviet-Romanian musical literally blew your idea of ​​fairy tales. Mom will forever remain in your heart. Luxury costumes, funny songs and inimitable Gurchenko and Boyarsky. In addition to the beautiful studio picture in the head for many years, the idea was postponed that the mother could not be interfered. If she wants to fair - you need to sit and silence. If I went to chat with girlfriends - sit and silent. But this is all because Mom is just a goat.

Rich too cry

With amazing persistence, they proved in every series. Yes, they have a lot of money. Yes, they live in some beautiful California or Mexico, yes, they go on expensive cars. So what? Won, see how many problems they have! It is better to live quite without money. The whole family. In one-hand And there will be no problems.


News time - adult time. Parents diligently listen to SAMARA, Tashkent and Washington reports. There, a truck with oranges turned over, and there - Sakura bloomed in November! That's it! And do not think even enter the room, it is only adults!

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