9 myths about fat inside you: yes, you all lied



If you listen to lovers of thinners, fat is such a rubbish, which, right, I put in the body of Eve still Satan himself. PICS.RU, as usual, decided to clarify whether everything is so terrible.

Fat is such, um, substance

In the pan from under the chicken, yes, the substance, otherwise not to say. In the body of a person is a connecting tissue. Moreover, in the abdominal cavity fat forms a whole body called a large gland. The gland is a kind of apron covering our intestines. Fat in the gland, by the way, is called "visceral".

Fat all the same

There are various types of fat. There is white and brown. White reserves are deposited on the buttocks and the waist, and the brown, mostly find in the neck area, shoulders and top of the chest. They have different functions. Roughly speaking, white is a fuel warehouse just in case, and the brown protects against supercooling. Therefore, it is most of all in babies - up to 5% of body weight. And, by the way, thin people are more brown fat than White. So scientists are now thinking about, as it were, this discovery to wrap to lose weight loss.

Fat gives energy and protects from cold

Yes, but it's not all! Still fat softens the blows (which is why it is even on heels), can stimulate the growth of new blood vessels and produce immunocytes. The gland envelops damaged by infections (and injuries) organs, not allowing the spread of infection to other organs, speeding up recovery and reducing inflammation. It produces cells that allow the fastest to form a new fabric at the place of damage, and cells that protect these new fabrics as they are heard. And the fat is responsible for the part of the hormonal balance system.

Fat can be turned into muscles, and muscles - in fat

Yeah, and a lead in gold, and a table in Kangaroo. No, these are different fabrics and their transformation into each other just an illusion. What, in fact occurs with fat at energetic charging is described by the cracked formula: C55H104O6 + 78O2 → 55CO2 + 52H2O + energy. In general, if we translate, then, mostly, the fat we exhale! The residue comes out with water in the urine, sweat or tears. That is, if you lose 10 kilograms, then 9.4 of them will come out in the form of carbon dioxide. And the growth of muscles is a completely different chemical ballad.

Fat - from fat

Fat - from calories. And calories are in fats, and in proteins, and in carbohydrates. In fatty and lean food, in meat, buns and cauliflowers. In fat, however, the calories are more, but they are exactly the same. As you know, centimeters in a two-meter man and in one and a half meters are completely the same.

Little fat does not happen!

It happens. Fat need to every person. Go below the laid (age, gender, heredity, etc.) of the level of fat and the whole system will fall, starting with reproductive activities, ending mental. By the way, there is a rarest disease, the syndrome of Vidmana - Routhenstrauha, in which a person has no fat at all. There are only 2 or 3 people in the world with him. One of them is Lizzy Velasquez, which is also called the most ugly woman in the world. She never weighed more than 29 kilograms and every day should receive 5-8 thousand calories for 5-8 thousand, and she has tiny portions, about 60 times a day. Googled her name and do not envy.

To be less fat, you need more cardio

In general, the Word itself should bring on some suspicions - cardio-training train the cardio system! And if you still want to part with part of the fat, this is best to help power loads and work with weighting agents. Go to the gangs, they will help!

Can remove fat locally

Here is an ambush. To pump some muscles better, and others are not very - somehow as possible. But the fat is already reduced in volumes, then throughout the body. Because when you need energy, for example, for a dozen unnecessary twists, the glycerol and fatty acids enter the blood flow from fat not only on the stomach, but throughout the body, from heels to the nape.

Cellulite from toxins

They argue that they say, from harmful food in fat, completely toxins are completely, and from them - cellulite. Those who write it, brew or confuse. There are two cellulite. One cellulite (he is phlegmon, purulent inflammation) is a disease consisting in inflammation of fatty fiber. It is treated by the operation, it hurts like damn, it looks terrible. With phlegmon in fat, indeed, something is superfluous, infection. But not from the eaten hamburger, but through damaged skin. And there is cellulite, which doctors call hynoid lipodystrophy and refuse to consider the disease. These are the very bugger somewhere on the pope. Well, such a person, especially female (90% of women), hijacked by nature. Believe the scientist, inestic fat does not contain any slags and toxins! He is chosen as Chekist's hands. Otherwise, you would immediately notice.

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