Rules that always work in the movie


The fact that the heroes of blockbusters live in a parallel universe, where the laws of physics are not operating - this is the general place, and nothing to talk about. But in the magic world of the film refuse not only the conversion with gravity - common sense there also works somehow strange.

Ice cream causes depression

That's just that, in the previous scene, the hero was bothering the life, but quite capable. But it is worth it to take a bucket with ice cream into the hands of a bucket, as the hero immediately wrapped in the plaid, stuck in Teleker and begins to cry. Ice cream in the horn of such an effect never causes.

In any incomprehensible situation, compatible hair

Favorite turned out to be a shit, you rushed to grandmother, the whole world against you and forces you to go on the track of the war? True. Otherwise, how do the enemies understand that they are Cobzdz and your intentions to take revenge on serious? You need to face in front of a mirror in the bathroom, awkwardly flying tailored scissors. If in the cabin is not the wrong effect.

Blood from the nose? Write testament

If you, let's say, a cinema hero, and suddenly you have a blood flow from the none of the nose, you don't go to the grandmother - your appearance is considered. With such not survive. Blood from the nose never means one burst capillary - this is at least the brain cancer or an ancient curse of the ghost.

Assholes are actually good

Somewhere deep inside. Maybe even better than you. Well, that is, in real life, Dr. House can be an ordinary troll and Haml, and Professor Snegh - in the ass in the ass of the whole faculty, but in the movie what a man swirl, the nobleness.

Wait to the last

No one turns off the bomb for 12 minutes 34 seconds to the explosion - on the timer should be 00:01 and no longer. No one leaves with a sinking ship, calmly climbing the boat and observing the immersion of the feed from the safe distance. The asteroid flies in a hundred kilometers from the stratosphere. So do not twitch, the time you have a car - when the second will remain a second, you will still calmly.

Teeth clean without pasta

In general, it is not clear who and why this substance produces. It is never used in the cinema, and everyone's teeth are like Chinese porcelain. By the way, with pasta or not, but the mouth after cleaning is also optional.

Points all spoil

If you wear glasses, take off this nasty. Cockkarics are smart, but ridiculous and unlucky creatures, sex it gets once a year on schedule (and mighty intelligence is not an assistant here). Beautiful, sexy and frivolous never suffer from vision problems.

Girlfriends choose hair color

Record: In your gang of invincible chick there should be a brunette, blonde and redhead. If the blondes are two, and the redheads are not a single blonde in the neck and looking for a sister-sister, otherwise it is some kind of wrong friendship. If you have a complete ammunition, you can complement it short-cut, curly or asians. Learn from the Angels Charlie and Carrie Miranda-Samantha-Charlotte.

Drive by car helps to find the meaning of life

Seets in Moscow to the uptorm career - got out in Cherepovets Hiparem. If you lost the meaning of life, I remember that he was lying around somewhere on the road. It is impossible to just drive from point A to point B, without turning the system of life values ​​from the legs. If everything suits you all - better fly by airplanes.

Bathing in clothes brings

If there is no nothing about anything between you, take into a bath rightly dressed - as in "paper cities" or in the "Royal Casino". The bath in jeans and shoes is such a romantic experience, after which you, like honest people, should fall in love with the ears.

Thinking out the last word

When your term comes, you will not be able to step into the world another just like that - you will have to say something significant. You can with a touch of irony. Everyone must be touched and realized which wise man they lost.

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