Stamps about life, from which it is right to get rid of!


Throw strains is how to have sex solely in a missionary position. It seems everything is in place, but deprive yourself the masses of pleasure. Collected those of them who exactly need to leave in the outgoing year!


Higher education - only for "crust"

If you drop the fact that you often say that those who have no one (meaning education, of course), it turns out an interesting picture. You study 5 years on a PR or economist, for example. You get your crisp red diploma, and then come across a cruel reality: in practice everything is different, and not as described in the books. And then the question arises reasonably: does all these exams, sessions, - was everything in vain?

And here is not. If you were not lucky initially, the Briton was not, and I had to really learn, but also to work the course from the second, then we congratulate you have a real chance to get the ability to manage time! In our cruel time, by the way, a very rare and useful skill. Everyone has time to put priorities and at the same time also to sleep sometimes - yes there is no price! Well, knowledge is never superfluous - the picture of your world is definitely not flat.

Irreplaceable we do not

Especially love to repeat employers when you need to cut the staff. Yes, one person can always be replaced by another. And it is not a man at all, but in general by some mechanism - twenty-first century, tea! Here, by the way, the ancient Greeks are so once and proceeded. We decided to press the wine with a stone press: quickly and the press does not get tired unlike human legs. As a result, the resulting wine gave the enemies - it was terribly prouded, because the press along with the pulp pressed her bones. I had to go back to the old grandfathers and again go to human labor.


We all about what: can, of course, find a cheap illustrator in return to the dear talented, but only you have to understand that it is not worth counting on the masterpieces. So indispensable, of course, no. But there are unique. And in any area.

All can be learned

We have in the 21st century where neither spit - come in unrecognized genius! Everyone has a talent, not revealed to the end. Actually, for disclosure of the potential and there are countless marathons and online courses. For future writers, artists, photographers, designers, wolves with Wall Street and other fantastic creatures.

And so, it means, he learns to learn half everyium, improves skills, worries. He wrote the work of his whole life, "Christ and the sinner" - 15 years old Herachil, in it he is his soul, the heart, thoughts, it is completely empty. Suddenly some Vasya fits, chlorides the shoulder and says: "And I can also! I was on intuitive courses, bitch, painting taught! I can also masterpiece! "

Unfortunately, can not. You can teach technology, but you can not teach the soul to work. I don't say about thoughts at all - it would be what to invest. To look for yourself, of course, commendable. But still soberly evaluate your skills too. And then people call themselves designers, but how to fill the sewing machine do not know. Perhaps it turns out.

Then I'll do everything!

Waiting for a suitable moment - this is our national fun. Dedine? Planning? Time management? No, you did not hear! Draw a project that had to do three months in three days? Ha! We can, we know how, practice! It is often non-nonsense and customers are unhappy. And the bosses, by the way, also not delighted. No, but what did they all want in essence? To do something well, you still have to spend time at this time. Yes, yes, you taught you in the university to manage time and all that, we remember. But everything is there is a limit, the right word! Sometimes "then" turns into "Never" and the absence of premiums, and sometimes work.


Live today!

Who knows what she prepares tomorrow? Take everything from life and right now! No money? What nonsense! And loans for what? Skill in general is meaningless. It is better to take advantage of the opportunity and go to rest straight to Easter Island (especially in the fashion magazine wrote that you need to pamper yourself), and then you will give a loan.

How? Well, somehow everything will be decided! The main thing is then. And now you can buy a new car yourself, the last model of the phone and in general everything! And it doesn't matter that you then will not have money for food - it has long been told that fasting only for the benefit goes figure and health in general!

I have to love the way I am

You tell you a friend after another parting with a man of your dreams, Urcha devouring eighth chocolates. And she nods and fiercely confirms that your former, of course, is the end of the asshole, and you are not clear with you categorically. In fact, these are all the misties of films about Cinderella and Bridget Jones. Epilation is not necessary (in the winter so even harmful - the climate is not a gift, the extra layer of the hair does not prevent), you are a princess, so there will be Mark Darcy (well, or a prince), which will appreciate you.


Do you know what the power of love? That she makes us better. For the sake of your favorite people, we want to be the most. So before once again complain to the girlfriend, think: did you really love? What did you do for your loved one? Three times prepared for dinner Luzhenya Mezvivo? And he escaped? I wonder why. You eat chocolateer. Do not be distracted.

Woman driving - Monkey with grenade

There is even without comment. Sexism will not pass!

Stamp in the passport means nothing!


So, and what it means. Most often, men say that they do not burn with the desire to marry a particular girl, and not marrying in principle - feel the difference. These are men - terrible owners for the most part. And they guard their property as an eye! And the wife is already owned. So many young ladies noted that after the conclusion of the official marriage, their men become trepitative and gentle. In general, it is worth trying, what do you think?

Illustrations: shutterstock

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