11 reasons urgently reward yourself with medal



If you think about it, you can quickly come to the conclusion that we are unsconsibly praised yourself. PICS.RU corrects the situation - here you have 11 reasons for you to praise yourself, take a pie from the shelves, correct the crown and rejoice.


Just you are well done. Here are straight to stop reading, scorch yourself on your head and rejoice that you have such a beautiful. And you will go past the mirror - smile yourself. Or washed the selfie with a smile. Nothing personal - solid science: Even an artificial smile is capable of improving the mood qualitatively, the truth is to smile more often and a little longer.

For beauty


You are beautiful, no dispute! Of course, you are sure that you could lose weight, and the nose is shorter, and your feet is more complete, but, honest, in the depths of the soul you know that beautiful, right? And even these ten-centimeter warehousing eyelashes and leopard dress do not spoil you, though!

For dedication

Wanted to the device - I bought a device! That is, I collected the will in the fist and earned it to him to quietly read this article. And if I did not earn myself, then what's the difference! Anyway, I wanted - got it! Well done!

For the strength of the spirit


Did you wake up! This is already good. I found the strength to go to work. Or do not go, but stay at home and do business. In short, the fact that you do not lie on the sofa in the pose of Oblomov, worthy of awards. And if you lie - also worthy. Not every, by the way, can be so desperate to get out!

For uniqueness

Just imagine: among all 6 with more than billion people, such as you are no longer. There is no such excellent set of chromosomes, combinations of one-kind character traits, unique perception of the world. You are alone! The only one! Do you feel how the crown is growing?

For all the good


For all his life, you managed to apply a lot of goodness and cause a huge amount of joy. Let's start with the fact that your parents were very happy when you were born. Together with grandparents, grandfathers and other relatives. Well, then on the rolled! From the last: did not marry that guy. Saved a guy!

For wine

Could yesterday drink both bottles that lie in your refrigerator, waiting for a special occasion, and so limited a pair of glasses. Okay, Troika. But after them - immediately went to bed! And woke up like cucumber! Yeah-aha, green and bursts.

For stupidity


We will be honest with each other: you also managed to fool a lot of stupid. All these dances are on the bar racks, tapping the honor and dignity, rides on vague taxis, moral freaks as a cavalier. Yes, a lot of things were. But not to tell the grandchildren, how did you read Kierkhera on the bench?

For the mind

You sit, by the way, and read PICS with smart articles, and not a female novel in a soft cover with jade rods and love caves! We have a lot of interesting things here! Scientific! And we love you!

For courage


Calculate how much days have lived in your arsenal? And how many situations when did you think everything was gone, but raised your head and went ahead? Is impressive? The same! Worthy of award! And vinishka! It is quite an exceptional case!

For the fact that you are you

Good thing you are. Well, that you are you. It is good that one day you were born and now read PICS. Life is a buzz, argue? Helmet you our rays of love and positive!

Illustrations: shutterstock

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