Sports for dummies. Oh, that is, for girls


If you pronounce loud phrase "I have critical days," everyone will think about physiology. But you know that critical days are the very days when the tali-word "championship" is found in the TV program. Because your cute is a fan.

And again you will have to drink to the TV for the company, although you do not understand anything at all. Calm! The editorial office of PICs caught on its territory of one avid fan and asked him as a predilection. Now we understand something and generously share with you.




He is the position outside the game. If at the time of transferring the ball to the attacking player between it and the gate is less than two players of the defendant team, the arbtiter announces this very offside. Is it not clear? In short, imagine that you sat in a minibus. Driver - goalkeeper. Money - ball. You will pass. And if you're your "pass for travel" addresses a person who sits next to the driver is an offside. And if you leave the one who will be forced to pass money through the heads of two more people - then everything is ok, the game according to the rules. Although, of course, on the contrary. In the sense - in a minibus for such a yellow card, you can easily scream.

Penalty area

The zone in which the goalkeeper can play hands. If you imagine a football field as a map of the world, then two Vatican will be discovered on this very map. And two Pope of Roman, respectively, because in the game there are two goalkeepers (and goalkeeper is just a goalkeeper). So, to violate the commandments, of course, is not good, and it will be rejected for it. But if they are violating them right on the territory of His Holiness - this is already at all ah-ya-yay. For such devils immediately drag into hell. In the sense - prescribe a penalty.


He is the eleven meter kick. The ball is installed on a special mark (11 meters from the gate, respectively), the player of the attacking room is hit, and the defenders of the defendant team are nervously smoking at this time. In general, penalty is such a d'Artagnancy: one for everyone and everything for one. In the sense, the rules may break everything in turn, and every time there will be one goalkeeper.


Here this word is exactly familiar to you, it remains to understand how it looks, and you can amaze your favorite exclamations "I saw what a beautiful podcast?!". And it looks like this: when attacking the opponent, a football player rushes forward, stealing on the ground. There are two different methods of performing a podcast - twine and half-sleep. In the first case, the footballer jumps on both legs forward, in the second - one leg remains bent in the knee. This is perhaps one of the most effective ways to knock the ball from the opponent. That would be picapped to us so drove - they would not have the prices, yes? Beauty w.




Very simple term, easy to remember. When the "kids" community ask the type of type "Why is there any nanny, it is not better to educate your bloodstream?" - This is a grading. When the puck is introduced into the game (before the start of the match or after the stop) is throwing. Differences, in general, no - and after the chamber, and after throwing the hellish Rubilovo begins.


Here, too, everything is very simple. Scross - such a look of the throw of the washers by a player from its part of the field, in which it crosses the line of the rival goal, did not touch anyone from hockey players on the field. Well, that is the very situation when there was a lot in the "kids" community, and suddenly someone from the commentators asks: "And that's not you recently complained that my grandmothers were completely spoiled?"

Hat trick

Generally elementary. This is just three goals, scored during the match with one player. You already think that hockey is too simple and not that fun? Ha! There is another term - Hat-Trick Gordie Hou. This is when the player throws the puck for one match, makes naked gear and participates in a fight. Troll 80 Level, in short.


This is a player of a hockey team, whose main task is to disappear enemy, fist martial arts, "shutdown" from the game of the most dangerous strikers of the opponent team and the protection of the most valuable players of their team. In general, this is the same dude who all the time he holds out. By the way, to beat the rival to the club forbidden, but to throw it on the bench - a crown trick, you can say. Cute, right?



Jeb, Cross, Hook, Uppercot

Jeb - a long straight blow, Cross - counterattaking, Hook - side, Uppercot - Punch below up. If it seems to you that something unimaginable is happening in the ring and nothing is impossible at all - rejoice. Rejoice that you got the boxing fan, and not figure skating, for example. Tried a triple toolup from a triple axel to distinguish? That's the same.


If the boxer misses the chin and remains on his feet, but somehow it is somewhat good - it is it, Groggi. It causes this state a concussion of the ear maze. Earth in the porthole, land in the porthole .. They say it is a little bit like the very feeling when you close your eyes, and the bed is flying somewhere. It is necessary to drink less because. But drunk sleeps, and the boxer has only 8 seconds to leave this state. Otherwise - knockout.


And at the same time Nokdown. For some reason, they are all confused, although the referee considers out loud and thumbs down. So, the knockdown is the position of the boxer after the missed hit when it cannot continue the battle for 8-9 seconds. Knockout - all the same, but about 10 seconds and further. However, after knockout, it is useless, because it is losing.


The technique of combat based on permanent movements from side to the side and pendulum-like skid movements. When the boxer constantly holds his hand and jumps there and here it is it. Effective very technique, by the way, but pregnant and nervous viewers are better not to watch such a fight. Because no strength is no tolerate these monkeys of the learn, I want to take and .. well, an uppercot arouse.

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