"Game of Thrones" in the real history of Europe: on the screen it is probably not released


The person who seems to be in the "Game of Thrones" the plot is too intricate, clearly knows the history of Europe. But nothing prevents the crash!

Here are three stunning plots written by life itself. No writers for such revits simply not needed!


Dead queen on the throne

After the death of his wife, Constances Crown Prince Portugal Don Pedro married her court lady named Ies. It was impossible to call an empty-empty place inex - her sister was his wife of the Castilian king. The prince's marriage was very not like His Father and Court. At first, Don Pedro tried to persuade Ines somewhere, then just killed her.

The killing of his wife was so outraged the prince that he rebelled against his father. After a long civil war, the prince and the king still recalled, but the king was almost immediately died, so Don Pedro, consider his own.

The strange part of this story is its final. Don Pedro killed the courtiers who participated in the conspiracy against Ines. And then I took it a very unbreakable corpse, I cried in expensive clothes and planted on the throne, forcing the rest of the court kissing the deceased hand, swearing loyalty as my queen.

Five queens-neighbors

In the sixteenth century, after the death of the English king Henry of the eighth, Scottish Jacob's fifth and on the background of a series of strange deaths of the kings of the Dynasty of the Valoi Dynasty, the struggle for the thrones of England and Scotland actually conducted five queens.

The nature of each of them was a yapkin, fate is dramatic, so afterwards all five queens found a place as characters in books and films.

Catherine Medici, Queen of France, Regent for two of his juvenile sons and one more advisor, was the most influential woman in Europe. She was born in Florence, the power of the authorities and the influence of the Medici family, and the thirteen-year-old Ekaterina herself was a hostage at that time. In order to influence her family and, in particular, on Uncle, Pope of the Roman Clement Seventh, the enemies of Medici were thinking that it would be significant to kill or rape a girl, but miraculously cost. Florence in time (for Catherine) surrendered from the plague. The uncle and the niece met, pouring into tears, and the girl immediately began to look for the groom somewhere in a calmer and safe place.

The French Crown Prince Heinrich seemed to be provided to Catherine a serene future, but so - you guessed it - it did not happen.

Valua dynasty lured the country in front of Catherine. Her husband died at the tournament, a deadly wounded wreckage of a stupid, safe tournament spear (and, by the way, openly changed Catherine during his lifetime). The eldest son Francis died sixteen-year-old from Najawn in the ear, the second son, Karl - at twenty-four years from Purrita against the background of tuberculosis. The third and last, Heinrich, to the joy of Catherine, survived it. Somewhere for six months. It is broken with a young monk knife, a conspiracy participant. Another son of Catherine died one year old, and the other was young, but had time to disobey themselves.

This Catherine is blamed that she arranged the Bartholomeevian night - the mass killing of Protestants by Catholics. In general, the queen of France had a lot in common with Serne.

The daughter-in-law of Catherine, the wife and widow of Francis Maria Stewart, claimed the Crown of Scotland and England. By agreement, which concluded with Catherine Scottish Queen-widow Maria de Giz, Mama Mary Stewart, if their children had their children (and then came out), the Crown of Scotland would be inherited by any of the kings of the Valua dynasty.

Francis, as we remember, died from Naryava, Maria de Giz, who headed the Scottish government, was poisoned by the British (however, maybe died of something with them unrelated), and Maria Stewart returned to his homeland.

Scotland was in exactly the same critical condition, as France - Protestants against Catholics, supporters of unity with England against supporters of independence. Mary first quite deftly held the balance, from the popularity of the people and nobody, when first refused to sign any documents with England, if the British Queen was indicated in them "illegitimate" Elizabeth first, and then, without asking for the permission of the Pope of Roman, he was married His own cousin, Krasavtsa-Blonde Heinrich Darnley.

So far, Maria Stewart licked to the English throne (yes, she considered him her) from afar, the two daughters of the late Henry of the eighth, Maria and Elizabeth were first, he was shared by him.

Maria The first should have become the first ruling queen of England. She was preparing for the mission peculiar: in order to strengthen the Spirit, they gave a lot to read about the saints who donated life in the name of faith, and the ancient warriors. In the Princess training program included sports classes: horse riding and falcon hunting. They had to strengthen the body.

Warfish from Maria Tuddor did not come out, but the religious fanatics turned out. For the sake of faith, Maria did not regret life, however, someone else, and entered the story with the nickname bloody. As a Catholic, she, of course, destroyed Protestants.

She had complex relationships with her sister. Suspecting Elizabeth in the desire to capture power, Maria sharpened her in Tower. But before his death, it was Sister Maria to appointed heiress and handed her blessing to her. But it probably did it under the pressure of her husband, the Spanish King of Philip, who hoped to marry Elizabeth after Mary's death and preserve views of the English crown.

Elizabeth became famous for Queen-Virgin: she was married all his long life only for England. Patronized the theater "Globus", gathered the most powerful fleet in the world, taught the English nobles to swim and cut off Mary Stewart's head.

In general, real queens were still strange and difficult as serial.

Even in government

Byzantine Emperor Roman The first of the Lacipin family was an interesting person, the son of the Armenian peasant Feofilakt on the nicknamed "Unbearable". Roman Pouch Stony Fields of Transcaucasia did not want and made a career on the Byzantine Fleet. But this seemed to him little. Becoming the head of the Varangian Guard, he gave his daughter Elena for the emperor after which a couple of tricky combinations suddenly, with a living, became the emperor himself.

Despite such a cunning, the people had to like the people, because she took the laws that prevented officials to absorb little peasant farms.

Two of the four of their sons, Vasily and Feofilakt, the novel castrated in childhood. It would seem that they should have been hidden on the dad offense, but the other pair of sons, Stephen and Konstantin overthrew the novel. You can only find it, because all the attempts of the novel have fallen out before them.

But the brothers had a month for power, because they overthrew Vasily Romanovich and the one of his sister, which was married to the emperor. Actually, Konstantin seventh buggy, son-in-law of restless (and still living) Roman first, throne and returned. Stefan and Konstantin Romanovich referred to the island to the lowered father. Details of this meeting can only be submitted.

Vasily became the head of the government for fourteen years. After the death of the emperor Konstantin seventh, the new emperor, the nephew of Vasily Roman Wasy liberated him from office.

The novel himself married a girl from the people, the daughter of the innkeeper and a prostitute named Feofano. As he died young, the people just in case decided that he poisoned his vicious wife.

Feofano, long remained widow with small children in his arms. On her married the proclaimer Nikifor Foka who proclaimed himself with the emperor.

After six years of the reign of his wife, the people and aristocrats Nikifor tired. Fefano let in the royal bedroom of conspirators led by Nikifor's nephew in John Zimischih, and they beat and killed an unagnant sovereign. John became a new emperor and also wanted to marry Feofano (especially since they have long consisted in connection), but under pressure from Patriarch Konstantinopol sent it, and his comrades were convicted as Tsarubyts.

John Zimischih loved to eat and drink. When one day, the feast went not to the future and he died, the people went the rumor that Vasily Lacipin poisoned him.

Meanwhile, Even became the actual ruler in the children of Feofano. At first everything went well, but then the young Emperor Vasily's second accused his rhodium and a nurse in an attempt to poison. The old eunuch was sent to the link. There he was deprived of any means to feed. Lacipin tried to ask alms, but the peasants refused to submit him to a piece of bread. So he died of hunger.

We hope Varisa is not waiting like a fate.

Illustration: shutterstock

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