Virtual Tours for the best museums


As I want cultural life! .. Only ever stops something. And there is no money for a trip to Italy. And time - even on a camping trip. And children in a row behind the tablets are sitting. I will ask: so and the seven-year steps of technology to you for what? There is a great way to join the beautiful, without tearing anything strategically important from the chair!

Vatican, Sicastinskaya Capella

To get into this divine place is not easy, even if you get to Rome: the queue sniffs - kilometer! And at home in front of the monitor, you can consider each detail, using a mouse and three cherished buttons in the lower left corner. Look

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

126 million copies of plants, animals, fossils, minerals, rocks, meteorites, archaeological and cultural artifacts - and you do not need to fly to Washington. Go from the room to the room by arrows, the most interesting mammoths are approaching close and overlook, pressing the buttons. Look.

The discovery of the Kremlin

The Virtual Tour of the Kremlin opens and closed for tourists facilities included in the Kremlin complex of the presidential residence. Do not forget to clat on the sound: the text reads not anyone, but the battles. Look.

State Hermitage Collection: High Resolution

This museum is characterized by the fact that inexperienced in it is easy to get lost. Yes, and really per day, perhaps you consider a couple of rooms - and the head is circle. Let's start with training. In this collection of 100 images, including pictures that are not in the permanent collection of the Hermitage. You can download 5441 × 4013 resolution, saying: "This is my diminser!". Look.
After hitting the famous Palace in Florence with his inhuman collection of European Fine Arts, moving along the corridors in the same Makar as the Yandex cards - and with a fading of the heart are looking for Botticelli. Look.

Frick collection

Fric is not an eccentric in this case, but the famous American industrial industry. Although the eccentric too: such masterpieces will make a public museum! In the free days of visiting to his mansion, the queues thirsting are built, and we can completely inspect his treasures at home. Look.
Walking around the chairs and the span of the head of Spaniards do not offer, but the picture of interest you are interested in from the collection can be seen in very good resolution. A collection of European visual arts is notable. Look.

Metropolitan Museum Collection Online

Here, also instead of technical problems - great works. Looking for, click, open, you have a bald. You get closer, you see, hang. On one Van Gogh, you can meditate the day. Look.

Virtual walks in the Russian Museum

For all palaces, gardens and houses, Peter the first can be walking arrows - and read explanatory texts under the virtual walk window. Look.

Reconstruction of the Treasters of 1898

Reconstruction was performed by photographs of Pavel Tretyakov. Walking along the XIX century, the seascent from the century XXI helps the scheme of the rooms on the right - and the general view of the room right at the rate. By which you can click, bringing every canvas. The site loads long and ponsorable, but still there is interesting. Look.

Salvador Museum Dali (Florida)

Pictures of the great guru of Surura will be viewed right in the interior - there is an info about them if you click on the blob. You can "take a walk" not only on the exposition, and in all other space, and around the museum. Look.

Museum of Eastern Art (Chicago)

For lovers of mysterious trekking, precious coins with proud profiles, which broke out the breakdown and other ancient Staffa. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Assyria, Persia and Nubia online. Look.

Moscow City Museum

If expensive guests arrived at the expensive capital on the day off of the museum of its history, this history can be studied at the computer, in a warm company, at home with Muscovites' friends. They probably did not come there in this life yet. Tubes, yes, we understand. Look.

Virtual tour of the Moscow Planetarium

According to the scheme, you can jump over all floors from zero to the third, according to the icons pop-up along the path - for all the halls. Consider the devices and other interesting objects and read about the info. Even in the 4D cinema and cafe can be viewed. It is a pity, before treating the online technique has not yet reached. Look.

Museum of Civil Aviation

Lovers of airplanes can not only wander between them and ponder from different sides, but also "leave your mark": there is such a funny function in this tour. However, you can even erase your mark. Look.

Skansen in Chernovtsy

The Museum of Folk History and Architecture can be virtually wandering along the green natural attitude among vintage walkers and wind turbors, along the way looks inside and inspecting the interiors. Look.


There are several thematic online tours to choose from who give the opportunity to "like" through the halls. But the whole Louvre so, unfortunately, you won't go around: you will have to save on "to me in Paris, in the case, urgently." Look.

British museum

Online tourism in the museum passes by clay on the buttons. It will truly understand the knowledgeable ingle (and an interesting reason to practice, by the way). But the collection of the British Museum is one of the oldest and richest in the world. One ancient Egypt there are tens of thousands of exhibits. Look.

Madame Tussauds museum

In this virtual museum, seven rooms with wax handsome and beauties in which you can "look around". In all details to consider the figures too close, it will not work - but maybe it is for the better. Look.

ART project Google

Google pleases us together with 17 leading museums of the world, including the Tretyakovka and Hermitage. Having found some of the masterpieces of world museums, you can bring it to the mouse so that you will see every smear, every crack. Look.

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