9 Eternal problems of high people. In visual pictures


"Uncle Step", "Too, get a sparrow" - If people are treated for you, then the situations in the pictures are familiar to you to nausea.

Difficult to hug with friends

And in the performance of high girls, the arms look like the comics drew only with a guy to confuse anyone.

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Little mirrors will simply take and give you a look at the hairstyle

Almost everyone has to go.

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Relaxed to stretch in the bathroom - never for you

Rather, it reminds the game in Tetris with its own legs.

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Trips by the company in the car do not cause enthusiasm from the company

Although, of course, no one advises you out loud to launch the legs into the window and do not interfere with good people.

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From group photos from you one smile

The hairstyle still remains a secret for you.

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All really fashionable things are catastrophically short

It looks like you tried to rob on your own younger brother's wardrobe. Or sister.

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No chance to just stand under the shower

He will have to keep in his hand, because otherwise walking you with the unwitched head.


No day without some of the same jokes and questions

As if somewhere the record was bred.


You are very easy to touch someone with my knees

Too easy. Very embarrassing easily. Because we usually do not want at all. And accounts.

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Source of pictures

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