11 facts about higher entities in the "American God"


For a good book - a good series. "American gods" from the first season has gained their circle of fans. But not all fans know about the characters these facts.



One seems to be Mr. Wednesday, since the environment is the day dedicated to the Scandinavians Odin. Vikings conquered British lands and left a large trail, including in English and culture, in English environments also has the name of one-eyed God in the title.

# 2.

The name of the main character - Shadow, the surname - Moon, and all together can be translated as the dark moon, that is, the reverse side of the moon, which we never see the illuminated (and do not see any). The name is very clearly hinting at the fact that the main character is also not the one who seems to be with him, apparently, is associated with its mystery.

# 3.

We are accustomed to the separation of gods by specialization. Loki usually seems to us by the god of tricks, and he is opposed to his brother one - a noble warrior. But this is the late image of Odin, initially he appeared in folk fantasy rather cunning and slyly than direct and honest. This is also in the series.


It is certainly unknown whether the Delica existed by the name of Chernobogo - scientists did not agree on this issue. In any case, it is unknown nothing but the name that he is clearly a negative character.


Upper the morning, dusting evening and dawn midnight, strictly speaking, not goddess, and the characters of fairy tales, personalized natural phenomena. But many researchers tried to identify them with the goddes of fate like Norn or Moir. It is not surprising that in the show they are engaged in predictions.

# 6.

Anancy is a character of West African myths, one of the most popular in American mass culture. He is also very popular in his homeland and is something like an African Loki analogue - a trickster.

# 7.

Files, in fact, the name of Queen Sava, from the point of view of Arabs. But in folk mythology there is a merger of the image of the foil and such entities, like Lilith and Ashtar, it becomes a deadly seductive.


Black Anubis breaks a little brain? But in other periods, the ancient Egyptians were mixed with Nubians, and the ancient Egyptian mummies with partly African features of the face are known. And the European transcription of the name of this God is so seduced to tie it with Nubian impurity.


When one says Ashtar, that during Easter, all thoughtlessly mention her name, he refers to the English name of the holiday, Easter, really originating on behalf of the goddess.


Ashtar is not only the goddess of fertility and lust, in some way she is also a colleague of Odin, the patron of war and warriors. It is not surprising that her eyes caught fire at the sight of a sword.


Many Jesus are a very free interpretation of a Catholic missionary maidency: for white Jesus white, for black - black, for the Chinese - Chinese and Mexican - for Mexicans. This motto implies that Jesus is yours for any of the people, and if it helps people to be closer to him, it is not enough to portray him as a representative of other races.

Illustration: Serial posters

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