5 facts from the ancient Greek mythology that you forgot to tell in different collections of myths (18+)


Thanks to the Soviet Multicams and footnotes to the pictures on antique themes, we had an idea that the ancient Greek myths are overcrowded by wise and magnificent gods and heroic pure eyes of the young man.

Meet the myths of dealerships not just somewhat changes the painting in his head. It simply crashes her before the fact that in all the ancient Greek mythology, only the goddess Athena and her pets of Odyssey seem to be normal personalities - they have fewer debauchery, rape and meaningless murders (actually, these two are not practicing this.


Daddy Zeus

The fact that he was still a lame, the consent of the sexual partner was not asked and even stole himself a beautiful boy of time - you already, perhaps herself. We want to clarify that the chief god-father of Greece was like a dad that still shit.

About Hercules remember? That dude, who inspired the feats. Zeus shouted him by chance, repaid with a certain alkmen under the guise of her husband. The fact of treason revealed, Zeus's wife was furious, and he just looked off at the family scandal, giving her a son for bullying. Actually, overcoming the bullying of the gera and called the exploits.

His other friend, the goddess of Athena, Zeus, not asking, promised God as the fee to Hephaestus for the challenge to him. When Athena said that he didn't want to marry anyone, Dad replied that the goods were already reckoned, they would have to pay it, so he would give her and the point - but since the Athena itself is not bad armed, it may advise her to defend himself, dad against will not.

In general, Athena, of course, beat off from an attempt to rape, but we would remain the sediment in her place.

Ungrateful test

The killer of serial maniacs, including Minotaur, as we remember, survived and got out of the labyrinth thanks to the tricks of the Tsarevna Ariadna: she gave him a tangle of threads and advised to celebrate the way, unwinding the thread with each step. In gratitude, Tesove took her with him, deprived innocence and threw a half of the way to Athens.

Not to say that he does not arrive karma. When he descended into the kingdom of the dead to help steal the goddess Persephone in his friend, in the kingdom of the dead they jerked to sit on the stone throne and increased ass in the ass. Tereus, however, then pulled Hercules, but because herakli was a strongman, and not a wizard, a little ass Tease and remained on the stone throne of the kingdom of the dead.

Love to the animals

By the way, the minotavr on Crete appeared not by himself, he is the son of the Queen of Pacifia and Bull. In the sense, Pacifae really wanted to be with a bull, and not any God in the image of the bull seduced.

Since such happiness is difficult to achieve, the Cretan Master of Santal (the one who has flown with the son of Ikar then) made Pasifae a cow, inside which she could lie and take the love of bull.

The husband of Pacifia, King Minos, was somewhat puzzled by the fruit of this love, but still took care of the stepskey as he could: he ordered the same Dedalu to build a little labyrinth boy and fed a minotaur right in the labyrinth of the young residents of Athens.

Elena and her four husband

Elena beautiful was born from the wife of King Tyndaray Ice and Zeus himself, who took the appearance of a swan. When the girl was about ten years to twelve, she stole her tesk. The brothers were released by Elena and told everyone that Teshesy turned out to be a good man and did not eat on a minor, and she kept in his palace for the future, but, according to other sources, the girl returned to pregnant and gave birth to a daughter.

With the second husband, Elena was lucky more. When Dad arranged a tournament between the heroes of different Greek countries, promising the hand of Elena as a reward, as a result, heroes came out so much that the dad was confused and asked the wise Odyssey, whom to take a son-in-law. Odyssey turned out to be not only wise, but also good and offered to give the choice of Elena. Just be so.

As a result, Elena chose the beautiful Tsarevich Menel, who, losing the kingdom of his father, just lived and served at the court of Elenin Papnyk and was well a sign. Perhaps even in a matter of a reason.

Menelai became the heir of Tindara, and Elena gave him her daughter Hermione, and they lived happily.

Then she went either to hunt, or in the Temple of Aphrodite, and Paris stole her. And raped, not a little removed to three. But he did not quit, as the Testa Ariadna, and bring.

Meanwhile, Meneli returned home, found out about what happened and began to collect the army. The army came out a lot and long deposited Troy with Elena inside. When Paris, wanting to finish the war as soon as possible, suggested a fight, Meneli willingly volunteered and fought with such a rage that Paris had to hastily retreat. This is what the marriage of love - the heart of Melani is clearly accustomed to Elena.

Soon, Pars was shot to death, and Elena immediately took himself to the wives of Trojan Dephob, the brother of the deceased. In general, the Trojans disrespess with Elena.

In the end, Elena was taken home, but after the death of her husband, Menali seems to be killed, in different stories - in different ways.

Maniac Money

Medea, of course, saved Argonauts and personally, Jason, but otherwise he behaved in such a way that she didn't fit the horror movie.

When Jason with comrades, the golden rune and moles rushed to run away from the angry Georgian king, Medea stabbedantly cooked on the junior brother and began to throw pieces of a boy in the sea. The father had to be lagging behind "Argo" to collect a corpse for funerals.

Then Jason married to the slower, but he left suddenly to another. Then she killed her children from Jason and married King Egea. Meanwhile, a fifteen-year-old Testa arrived at Egea. Medea immediately sat down to poison him immediately, and the tragedy did not happen miracle - at the last moment the king realized that he sees his son.

In addition, after the return of Jason, he convinced his cousins ​​from the Golden Room, that if they could cut the dad-king into pieces and boiled, he would help him very much. After such a focus, the copper with Jason, of course, had to run to Corinth. But he threw it therefore.

Illustration: shutterstock

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