9 signs of Abuza, which we rarely notice


A rare absorer immediately begins with home arrest, manual attracting and social isolation. Between "We have everything perfectly" and "run, losing sneakers" usually runs quite a long period. Everything seems to be good, but you already feel that your novel went not for the same star, although it is imperative to explain what exactly rotted in your kingdom.

Alarm bells may be so quiet that it is sometimes difficult to hear them. One or two such signs can not yet talk about anything, but if there are three or more of them - do not doubt, this person deliberately swings you.

He plays in "Guess what happened"

Does not look into the eyes, does not come to contact, disappears unknown where and, returning, says that he needed to "just be alone", does not answer questions and tell what is happening, refuses. Not only girls play this poker game, but also boys - in particular, abusers. Providing you to guess what happened where you got on and how to fix everything, such a boy (or a girl) drives you in the bunch of anxiety and simply turns you nerves.

He makes beautiful gestures

This is quite typical for the abusers - they are equally interested in the loss of control, or in a democratic problem solving. And every time he begins to seem to be behind the stick and you started looking towards the door, he makes something ambitious, knight and beautiful - something that can not be resistant. Weekend at Madagascar. Full orchid truck under your bedroom window. A balloon dinner. Wow. Who will continue to find out the relationship when he made you such a holiday? It is only very stiveging insensitive vobla. Or a person who understands that the problem has remained unresolved (and it was not clearly designated). You just plugged your mouth with orchids.

You feel like a kid

Which must be protected. Because how otherwise such a crocha can handle the world with the world? Obviously, that in no way. And the partner behaves like a mom's teenage girl. You should be at home at 10 (and if you are not at 10:05, get ready for a squall of calls), he insists on to take you to a party and pick up from there (faith there is no taxi drivers, and whether you can organize a taxi?), And you have not falling the jaw for a long time when it requires photography with evidence that you exactly where it should be. This is not care, this is control.

He laughs at you

He likes to tell the cute and fun stories about what you are the aunt, how do you confuse a brake with gas and Fellini with Lamborghini, you are lost in three pines and reveal in the company. Stories and truth are funny - Well, how much can be a funny story about how you at the wedding of his sister came out of the toilet with a piece of toilet paper, sticking out of pants, for example. You would prefer to forget about this story, but it is impossible to be offended - immediately accused of the absence of a sense of humor. The self-irony - the coolest thing is not all. And if you have no one, nothing terrible is scary that the partner ignores this fact. It is even more terrible if these stories are shameful, but not ridiculous, with no matter how the ulters they set out. If no one walked around, and he continues to turn the story again and again about your shame on every gathering - he does it only to see how green you are.

You all the time feel guilty

And it is not clear what. It seems no package for you. But you live like you go on eggshell - quietly and tiptoe. Because they do not know what will cause his irritation. And the reason can be things, it seems to be not dependent on you - you have already received a wallet at home (I could remind you!), For the disconnected houses, the electricity (and view on the website of the management company you did not guessed?) For an innocent question (naturally, he is hungry, herself do not guess?) And much more for that. You are responsible for any life collisions and because you often apologize - even for the fact that the weather has spoiled and gasoline has risen in price.

Click on the nose

You resort home, full of dizzying plans, but they burst like soap bubbles, one by one, it is worth only to share them from partners. Do you want to go to the directorial courses? Well, what is your director? You have no talent. Yes, you and three lectures do not seek. And where are you going with this filter diploma? Who leads them, director Shinyatkin? Hello and Alkash.

Did you get an increase? Yes, it's just your boss in the maternity leave, but a hole to shut some. You lost weight? Throw, the scales are simply lying. Want on vacation in Thailand? Pop and unfashionable.

So you just cease to share plans and dreams - what's the point, if you still won't hear anything positive?

You do not see empathy

You have long understood that bad times are better to worry about one chopper, clogging into a remote corner - sympathy from a partner is difficult to achieve. Whatever the sorrows you have shared, you hear that you perceive everything too close to your heart, screw yourself and dramatize. Well, okay, there is something large-scale - dismissal with a crash or a love disease - you are allowed to sink. But 15 minutes - stop, the time came out, you would have to cope with it. Could not manage? We dramatize and screw.

He does not forget anything

No sins are forgiven and no moral debts can be closed. Even those that you have been discussed and drove for several years. Even those that you made to a meeting with him and disfixed in a frank frank at the very beginning of the novel (lovers love to play the dangerous game "Tell all honestly"). And since you can not return to the past and all overheet, you always have to blame.

You are glad to stay alone

If he leaves for a business trip, you will not wait for you when the door closes to him so that ... yes, just wait so much. You have no grand planners, but it will be so cool a couple of weeks to stay at home one, hang out with friends, revise a couple of seasons of friends under a mint ice cream. Relax. It is worth a partner to move aside how your shoulders are crawling, as if they were removed from them, and the mood immediately rises.

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