Inverters and extroverts are harmful to train the same. How it is necessary - read in the article


Wake up any sensible coach in the middle of the night, and he will tell you that for good workout results you must like. But sport sports so much that while everyone will overcome - it's time to retire. Sports psychologist Melinda Nikki narrowed the search circle. She offers to choose the program based on your personality.

Competitive Type


It's you: If somewhere promised a prize, so you are the first in line. Very seriously refer to the rank of the employee of the month and the best singer of our karaoke. Love to compete and very initiative.

Avoid: Oddly enough, aggressive team sports like football and basketball. There is a risk that you accept the match's account too close to the heart, and this ultimately, not quite cool - the team easily can lose and lose it, and you will have anger not only on rivals, but also on their own, who can not really know how to play . But most of the sake of pleasure.

Try : those sports that suggest competing with them, and not with others. And that the result can be accurately measured - in minutes on the circle and kilograms on the rod, for example. A person seems to be well trained when she sees a specific goal - to squeeze so many times, sailing so much meters. Marathons are suitable - those who have overtaken, not disappointing, and you are nice.

Ideally: Running, swimming and bike.



It's you: You are for any vanity, except for the hunger strike, and if somewhere something happens, you need to look closer to the epicenter. The best holiday for you is in the company, you will rather ask the road from the passerby than that of Google Maps, and without communicating you and you miss.

Avoid: Those sports where you are one on one with a projectile. You just will not have any motivation. But both group classes, like aerobics, a choice for themselves, although their extrovers constantly appreciate. Yes, you are surrounded by people, well, and that, neither to talk, nor ordain, and in general the coach is generally there, and you are somewhere in the third row. And many extroverts also do not really like to step up and on the team becoming in Asana, they are proud birds.

Try: Group classes in which there is also a communication element. Even if the group is quite small, of two people. Paired dances or tennis, for example, and even better - football and volleyball.

Ideally: Football and volleyball.



It's you: In principle, not against people, but very quickly get tired of their society. Rest for you is a strict vacation alone, and the parties are entertainment and even in some extent social work. You prefer to work alone, I do not rely on anyone and does not depend on anyone.

Avoid: Any crowd. The introverts love to drag into a party to "re-educate" and "cheer up." But in group classes you will be shy, instantly tired and annoyed. Bad start. Why beat in weak points, if much more efficiently use your strengths, that is, the ability to concentrate and perseverance?

Try: Running, walking and classes on the simulators - you will do it in your rhythm, no one will control you and climb with the tips. Even better - classes where you will be alone with nature and challenges that she throws. Such as horse riding, surfing or climbing.

Ideally: Running and riding.



It's you: Your requirements are overwhelmed. You love to bring everything to perfection, for which you will take - be it candidate or cake with cabbage. I am sure that God is in detail, and seriously upset when you do not reach the same standards.

Avoid: Team sports. Man is weak and imperfect. Looking at the team's partners, you will understand, to what degree of imperfection a person can fall and upset. You will always think that you are alone here, and the rest are lying fool. Be careful and with such sports that are focused on external results, first of all with bodybuilding. We saw obsessed bodybuilders-perfectionists, it is sad.

Try: Those classes that suggest an improvement in skills, and not the body as such, and at the same time require attention to trifles. It is best for this description of yoga, ballet, swimming, tennis and dancing.

Ideally: Dancing, yoga and pilates.

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