Find out! 15 things that women nafig are not required. In gifs


Pics.Ru recently told, from what will not refuse well, not a single girl. Now it's time to go on the other side - bu! - And tell about what we will give up the choir. It can be very useful if print and present!

1. Perfume per kilometer

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Comrade man, your efforts are in vain. The smell is a delicate matter. And if you poured half a liter of even dear and steep smell, then it is hard for a gentle female nose. If the cheapest and apparent is doubly harder. If you poured them your work sweat - harder in the square. And if you are cheap, and on the sweaty Taurus ... Oh, as Pechekin said, "this is already engaged in this transpension." In the sense, delete Rather. Walk and come clean. This is the sexiest option, Chesslovo.

2. Templates

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"Girl, why are you so sad" in the metro car, "hello, how are you?" On the dating site, "for beautiful ladies" at the table, a long-legged rose and a plush heart as a sign of love ... Amigo, and now say: That's why, for what such a mysterious reason, she should choose from millions of clones doing exactly so - exactly you? ! Why not anyone else with a set of such spikes? Do you ever stand out?

3. Inappropriate familiarity

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You only introduced you, and you already on her with a knife. In a sense, with diminutive suffixes to the name, "fish" and couphers by the shoulders. And they exactly like a knife in the heart. Even if you had a chance to like it, then you reduced them with our own hands. No, we do not argue at all that girls love confident, not a mump. But the confidence looks wrong, the dude.

4. Soldfather Sumorok.

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Another type of a sign of a man-man is a rigorous joke and other manifestations of the Discourse of the Lieutenant Rzhevsky. What joy of the young lady should rejoice - a huge secret for a small company of the same ingenious types. Is that she herself disguised the lieutenant.

5. Loud sighty laughter

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It is generally informed. But when you hear the overflowing Hyienges from the male mouth hole, you think with pity: a boy, how will you breed, you will breed. This sound is logical to scare all living on the garden than the female society to attract.

6. Pickings and scratching

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Do you remember in the movie "What are men talking about this character of the second plan - Romeo? So about it looks like. No, sometimes worse. What if non-nightness? To retire - such a non-standard Lifehak!

7. Domitness on the first date

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When you get a widespread gesture with pride in your gaze - and at the same time you choose the cheapest range - it looks sorry and comical. "Do not spit, fine three rubles? Please, dear, I treat! "

8. Uncomfortable romance

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A classic example is to stop a large heavy bouquet of a date and lead a poor sacrifice on a watch trip. Or promise some special beauty sunset - and drag on the mountain, artistically overgrown with prickly thistle, when she came to you all such on the heels. You're drawn, the guy, what to say.

9. Inattention

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Well, okay, notice to change in the hairstyle - this is the highest pilot, a rare bird will do such a leisure. We are already accustomed to, agree and give up. But at least sometimes turn the head to her and fix it, if she is still there, she is still alive. And you know, you will talk your automatic "UGU-Yeah" Web over your monitor.

10. Impenetrable right

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Of course, you are the most-pressed smart in the world. But, damn, if you are so smart, how it does not reach you that if you already realized that it was joining, you don't need to sit down a pantokin and defend your "I said so, it means that it is." That will not lead from you a gram of testosterone if you say: "Oh, yes, that I was wrong." If anything will lose, then except Pantokrin.

11. Male chauvinism

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The fact that she smiles crookedly when you spend the brilliant "silence, a woman, your day eighth of March" - it does not mean that you conquered her forever. It's just nowhere to have nowhere to transport your belongings, or the suitcase is not yet selected as a suitable shade.

12. Uncertainty and freezing

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"He said that today? Well, maybe tomorrow ... if it works out ... I'll think ... "," Let's go? Well, yes, it will be necessary somehow ... "," love? And what is love in general, who can say? " As the saying goes: "Dear, you are already determined - or are you there, or you here!"

13. Prepare frozen duck after work

Find out! 15 things that women nafig are not required. In gifs 39169_13

Just try to do it yourself. And then come and put forward your "no, well,".

14. Socks during sex

Find out! 15 things that women nafig are not required. In gifs 39169_14

This is an excellent contraceptive! Because it initiates another phenomenon of four letters, the first "C". Laughter, Yeah.

15. Socks on door handles

Find out! 15 things that women nafig are not required. In gifs 39169_15

Men's socks are already the same immortal heroes of Folklore, as an evil mother-in-law and Stirlitz with Chapaev. Why female, interesting, did not receive such honor? And they exist, believe. Only you for some reason rarely meet them. Because they are boring languishing in a special box. Pulling the drawer takes 0.5 seconds, the room there is a socks - as much as the same, and put back - as much as much. Total 1.5 seconds. And this pitiful mig between the past and the future can save marriage.

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