What to eat in winter Istanbul?


In Turkey, rested if not all, then almost everything. In Istanbul, too, have been many. Someone went there with excursions, someone speakers, someone to visit friends. So blessed Constantinople you know along and across. Well, at least you think so. And even more so, everything (or almost all) is tightly familiar with the Turkish cuisine.

Which of you did not take into luxury fish restaurants on the Bosphorus? Who did not treat Shish Kebab, burning Lahmazhun and hearty meat pidet? Who are not dupled to a shrill pahlav? And of course, the street Istanbul food also did not pass by you. Doner, Goezlem, Chestnuts, MiDii Dolm and even analogue of our Potato crumbs - Cumper - All this you tried hundreds of times. Perhaps you tried at least one hundred times and those disasses that we now list. But we do not strive to surprise you. We want to remind those who are going to visit Constantinople about the present (and not tourist) street food. And that winter is the best time to pamper yourself.

Dissolving Ishkemb Chorba

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You will have to get up at five in the morning and go where your eyes look. The farther from tourist areas, the better. You will take a taxi and ask for a sleepy taxi driver to help with geography, but do not do it. Taxi driver, like any proud Turk, wants to show a foreigner "all the best", and therefore you will never try the real Ischkembambe Chorbasi - the morning hangmel soup from the scar. Therefore, to keep forward for yourself until the lights of the big city remain behind, shop windows and sellers of the "real Armani". Roll into distant Dali, find a Turkish uncle with the appearance of a friendly, but curious and ask him where "Ishkembsbe Salon" here. "Where here" can omit. The magical word "Ishkemb" is enough for him to recognize "his" in you and showed the best institution in the quarter, where this truly blessed soup is preparing. It will not be too clean here, not too light, it will also be so so so, most likely the chairs will turn out to be krivonogi, and the tables are plotted. Yes! This is what you need! Request a double portion of Ishkembebe and Ayran. Warning, Ishkembebe is a thing on an amateur. But if thick (so the spoon is worth), sticky, burning, glovenate chowder with seasoning from finely chopped garlic, vinegar and red pepper you like you, you fell. From now on and forever you are a fan of Ishkemb. Eat with bread. Put the Ayran. And then you will bring tea. From the Salon Ishkembe you will exit updated and playful like kitten.

Lovely Beschet

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If you think that after a double portion of Ishkemb, you wanted anything, you know nothing about life. The meaning of Ishkemb is to save a person, and not saturate him. Therefore, after half an hour, you are terribly hungry. There will come here for Berek. Boeke is a puff pie. We would say that this is a kind "Napoleon" with a filling of meat, cheese or spinach, but this is not entirely true, because the dough in Besake is another. But what's the difference you, what's the dough? Your task goes to the cake - it will absolutely be two steps away from the Salon Ishkembbe and ask yourself the grams of hundreds of Berek with meat, grams of hundreds of Berek with what you still love, and certainly a bit of simple Berek, to which you have a handful of sugar powder. Your boosters will lie to the knife on tiny portion pieces, and then decide whether you yourself - will you eat it here, at the same upcoming table, in the company of noisy fishermen or hurried clerks, or take a hot package in your hands and go with him to the park, And better to the Bosphorus. There is nothing better than the morning Bosphor with meat boaches and tea that you will certainly offer small labeled tea. We promise, exactly after 20 minutes, together with the dawn, or even before, joy will come to your soul.

Seductive Pale

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Here (although in you, of course, nothing climbs nothing) we would suggest you to take the same tea. Soak - this is a satiety of little pies usually with white cheese, topped with Tmin or Poppy, or the other together. It is worthwhile kopecks, but so gentle and crumbling that you yourself will not notice how "persuade" him for another tea. After that, you decide that with meals for today everything, and go to walk along the embankment, looking at passersby, attractions and NATO warships.

Exciting Köfte.

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We promise that in minutes of forty you already "cess" your breakfast, and start with curiosity to pull the air, smelling by the sea, fish and something delicious. Than? Here is the time it's time to stumble upon a street kösufyzhi - the cake (although in Russian, it seems not to say). You need a street kousefort, although in local Köfte salons prepare no worse. Just eat hot, tight, juicy cutlets in the air is a completely different matter. The main thing here is not to coming on and find the "right" cutlet. The correct cutlet is one to someone. So come out fifteen minutes, decide on the attack. Ah these tiny cutlets, generously across, juicy, perfectly roasted on the frequent self-made grill. When you squeeze such a cake tooth, the world freezes you. Then we ripen and almost losing consciousness from ecstasy. Oh yes. There are no "Quarters" - the "foot" is no less (this is considered to be a portion here, depending on the haul or quarter of the baton you need to get rid of the core to lay the cutlets and vegetables there). Home Iran Of course Take, drink tea, and, if it allows the stomach, ask to put in the vegetables more acute peppers. Well, fits slightly. But what a tide of energy after serving Köfte. Mountains want to collapse!

Chorba Merrymeques and Simple Cur

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According to our addiction, now there must be noon. You probably fell, tired and, in general, would not hurt to have lunch well. Okay, you can be capricious and deliberately breathing hard - come home and sit on your diet. And now let yourself a gastronomic orgy. Moreover, you have already done everything for this. In short, we offer you to dine in the working vitel. Such dining rooms are usually arranged in the semi-seases, look, how to say, not presentable, and even there all the time, saturated frowning people are sitting and disinterested from iron trays with recesses. Have you seen? In general, look for the nearest cauldron and went to have lunch as people, and not as tourists. Not! No one will look at you here. Grab the tray and choose everything your dumbfounded.

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We, as a winter meal, we advise you to take Merdimk Chorbasa - lentil soup and Kuru Fasulus - white boiled beans with meat. Soup here is accepted to hook with large red pepper and generously pouring lemon (do not forget to take a half from the tray), and to the Fasunde, it is supposed to take a cup of white rice and a bowl of pickles. Well, there are different cabbs, carrots, tomatoes and of course pepper. Do not suffer with a knife and fork. Spoon - proletariat weapon. And when Mermamek Chorbasy will die with your gastrointestinal tract, and the rough, but infinitely delicious beans with sharp pepper will remind you of working-peasant roots (even if you have never had), drink tea. And then throw back on the back of the plastic chair and rejoice that you are not needed now to the machine. You don't even need to go to the office. You are damn tourist. You immediately go to the hotel lying. Even going by taxi. After Kuru Fasuli, everything will be better.

Merry Simit

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We allowed you to sleep up to five. It's time to get up. Moreover, the Simitzhi was already running under the window for ten times - the seller of bagels. "Simit! Simit! Simit "! - Yeut a boy outside the window and you understand that, in general, it would be possible to eat. We do not know whether the Istanbul Simites have tried before this, or for some reason he was shy to call a brisk merchant, in any case, now it's time to eat bublichek. Open the window, shout "Simitgiiiii", show one finger (Simitude will understand you correctly), or more, if you are confident in your abilities and wait. A minute later, Simitzhi will arrive in your room. If Sumit is hot, it's cool. If not, it is also nothing. But we want everything to be at the highest category, so you know that - do not call the merchant to yourself. Go out to the street yourself. Require the hottest of all simps and, biting it for a roasted bar, keep it in the nearest tea. You've already did not drink tea for the whole eternity.

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