12 books that you should give a teenage girl, despite the fact that they are not new



There are girls who read everything that is not pinned. There are those who never read. And many, many girls who read from time to time, for example, master "Harry Potter", "Twilight" and part of the school program.

We will not tell, which of them is bad or good and what to do with different girls. We want to offer 12 books, each of which would be an excellent gift for a girl from the first and third category and even if you take it myself to read out loud daughter every evening, many of the second. All of them are well known, and that is why they often pass by our attention. But each of them is interesting in its own way and gives you the opportunity to look at the important and, in general, constantly surrounding us.

Wuthering Heights

Girls 13-17 years old


The book, which, thanks to the presence of a love line, and what the heroine of "Twilight" loves, on the one hand, rarely leaves indifferent girls, on the other, perceived by adults as a non-serious romantic fiction.

At the same time, immediately after writing, the book caused a storm of indignation. She was considered immoral, and not at all because of love lines. She hardly and mercilessly showed an endless circle of family violence, generating new violence once with time. Thus, according to contemporaries, she was waking up for the destruction of traditional respect for the institute of the family. Yes - despite the fact that the family of senior and younger lintonov is bred in it, where there was no place for an unhealthy relationship, and the family of the last of Ernsho.

Of course, such complex formulations of the daughter on reading will not be issued, but do not notice that the monsters themselnors surround themselves from Hishklif and Katie will not be able to.

Rona, daughter of the robber

Girls 11-13 years old


The wonderful Swedish fairy tale about the small daughter of the robbery Ataman, which never wants to become a robbery, because people cry when they are robbed, came out from under the pen of one of the best children's writers of all time - Astrid Lindgren. And the character of Ronia from his creator, a brisk, nozzard, brave and kind.

Rona loves his parents, his own forest, his wild lies and brother, whom she in no case love to love, because he is the son of her father's enemy. She learns to be afraid and be fearless, learns to think about the consequences of their actions and the fact that some actions cannot be not committed, whatever consequences. And the line of her relationship with a named brother is probably the most piercing and gentle, which could be written or about the strongest friendship itself, or about the first love in the children's book.

Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God

Girls 14-17 years old


In public consciousness, it wanders the idea that this Roman Hugo is a story about how different men loved one gypsy. But it is worth taking a novel in the hands and re-read - or read the first time - and you find that a man is much older than its older, and another man who has just saved her life, and her love and naivety uses a unprincipled officer (it is shown Not only a treacherous, at the end of the novel he is thinking about rape of his bride, and that miraculously guess the danger of the situation in time).

Alas, but each of such characters will rise, if not yet got up, on the path of a flourishing girl. Roman will tell her that true love - not in the ability to spawn beautifully, not in a gloomy obsessive passion, she lives in the heart of that man who cares about your needs and your security.

The girl with whom children were not allowed to be found

Girls 11-13 years old


Simple, uncomplicated and very funny stories from the life of a girl living in Germany during and immediately after the First World War were written, meanwhile, who had to escape from the persecution of national socialists. Her books in Nazi Germany burned in squares. The story of a draft girl with which children were not allowed to be found, was already written in emigration. And yet there is no bitterness of an adult.

Little Irma (in the book is not indicated by her name, but the autobiographic of the narration is more than obvious) writes the letter to the emperor, creates his secret whip, worries the birth of a new mother child and fights a circus bear. Every time she wants to do as better, but it goes sadly when terribly funny, but in any case, Irma is all unhappy. Just because it is not always people understand each other. And it is also sad and funny at the same time.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Girls 11-17 years old


Although the main heroine from six to eight years old, her peer is unlikely to understand what is told in the book. The girl from a friendly and prosperous family faces the fact that the world does not consist only of loving, accepting and prosperous people.

One of the neighbors of relatives is kept locked up, because of what children think that he is probably a monster. There are children who have no dads or who are constantly very hungry, because poor. There are people who may be easily ready to kill other people. Adults and even children.

Little Gin-Louise Father, dear lawyer, takes on a deliberately losing case - to protect a black man-disabled man accused of rape of a white girl from a disadvantaged family. During the trial, almost the entire city is opposed to a lawyer, Jin-Louise will find out what racism is, and a poor girl, as revealed, really a victim, but a completely different man - she lives with constant physical, psychological and, possibly sexual violence from their own Father.

Alas, but neither the accused nor his "victim" ultimately the father of Gin-Louise has no strength to help.

Despite all the sad and terrible, which is in the book, the novel is very kind and bright. On honor, love, friendship, courage and justice, he will tell much better than any school preacher.

Girl in a stormy sea

Girls 11-14 years old


The author of the story, Zoya Voskresenskaya, was one of the key persons of Soviet intelligence in the Scandinavian countries during the Second World War. The experienced experience, extensive observations asked for memoirs, but to publish the reconnaissance memories for obvious reasons could not.

Then she wrote a book for children, turning herself as a heroine in a teenage girl, which was in Sweden at the beginning of a war broken in Europe. Of course, no truly secret information in the book could not, but about the rest of the rest, under such a sauce, it was possible to write as much as you like. Including - about the legendary Soviet after, Alexandra Kollontai.

The book will show another, rarely discussed side of the war - the subtle and important work of diplomats on, possibly temporarily neutral territories. And, of course, the adventures of the Girls of the Antoshki in different countries are simply waiting and interesting.

And suddenly the call rang

Girls 11-13 years old


Have a teenage girl Gabiki a lot of problems. Parents only think about her paralyzed sister. She wants respect for peers and adventures, and the first is scary to lose, and the second is not easy to find, and if there are an adventure, then some nonsense is coming out. On the sister, to which Gabi, and the case as if challenged because of her illness, she was also angry.

Seven-year-old balls have no problem. Firstly, she is paralyzed and can not even drink water, she has to suffer from thirst, if someone does not bring a glass. Secondly, she has no one to play and be friends, so you have to be friends with furniture objects. True, you are not easy to play with them if you can't even approach them, but the ball copes. And the sister became frowning and evil, and the mother and dad are also angry with the sister, in general, the atmosphere of the house is often thunderous.

A difficult situation from which it is completely incomprehensible how to be released. But all together, and Gabi, and Shari, and their parents, and their aunt Willma, and even the yard guys, in the end, will find a way out. Be sure to win friendship.


Girls 11-14 years old


It is terrible to give such a heavy story quite another child, however a child, be sure, if I read the "scarecrow," it will look at the book not the same as you. The famous story, despite the pioneers and a commodity deficit, is not obsolete to our time. She discusses with the child questions such as uncomfortable relatives, indifference to adults to serious problems of children and, of course, school trauma.

At the same time, in this book there was sometimes a strange, convulsive, frantic - but the love of children and parents, there was a good place, justice and the most ordinary one - although lovingly thanking me to fall asleep in people - conscience.


Girls 11-15 years old


A strange story told by the death itself tells about the girl Lizel, living in Germany during the board of national socialist. Lizel is deprived of her father first, then brother and turns out to be given to the care in someone else's family.

Father of the family teaches Lizel, which has not yet learned to read, lose. In addition, Lizel is friendly with his peer, Rudy, who dreams of becoming a great athlete.

The atmosphere around the oppressive, with nutritional nutrition, and Lizel, her new family and a young Jew, whom they hide, can cover the Gestapo at any time. In this setting, reading, to which Lizel suddenly addicted, becomes a swollen one for her, the window into the world of light thoughts. It is accepted to steal books, starting with a bonfire grated on the square, and begins to lead his own diary.

The events of the Second World War are still the opportunity to talk and think about very important for humans, adult or not very, things. The book is few of the readers will leave indifferent.

Little Baba Yaga

Girls 11-13 years old


Little Baba Yaga is very small, it is only one hundred and twenty-seven years - and this is about the same as our twelve. True, she looks like a little old woman, but everything becomes clear from her actions.

Adult witches tell Baba Yaga that they would be allowed to be allowed to a large witch holiday if she would be a good sorceress for the year. But the ideas about what makes the wondering of good, it seems, different generations are different. For a little woman-jagi, it turns out that it is necessary to make good deeds. What she is all year and engaged in the company of his speaking Voron Abrahas.

A cute and funny fairy tale that will enjoy the young fantasy amateur ... and may raise the question of how sometimes it differs from different generations, which is indicated by the same word.

Castle from glass

Girls 14-17 years old


The autobiographical story of the girl whose childhood passed in the dysfunction ... No, incredibly unfavorable family. Mother does not care about the children, the father drank all his own and other people's earnings, adults and other children mock the poverty of the family, shall be homes to the girl and her brother, seeing their insecurity.

The situation that would look hopeless, if brothers and sisters did not support each other, and the most kind of adults from adults would not turn face to them. Yet kindness in this world means very, very much. And maybe. For example, break the circle of doom.

Where you are

Girls 13-17 years old


Mystical detective from the modern Irish writer Cecilia Ahern is read in one breath. The clumsy leaning the girl named Sandy Short is obsessed with the idea of ​​finding lost things and people since without missing her little neighbor. She works by a detective, the names of the disappeared. While it does not disappear, having fallen into a special country never found things and people. Get out of which it is possible only if you are stubbornly looking for, without losing hope and not forgetting about you for a moment.

Sandy has relatives and eating beloved. But help comes from an unexpected side. She is accepted to seek a man to whom she herself first volunteered to help. See despite the fact that it is not him, actually the matter.

And the book, of course, how important is that people need to need each other.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: Cover books

Photo Film: shutterstock

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