How do you call a yacht? Funny stories about people who are "lucky" with the names



If the surname got funny or not too congestive - it is actually not bad. Allows you to develop stress resistance, readiness for unexpected situations and sense of humor!

Accompaning service?

Can you imagine how hard man lives with the name Kozlov? These eternal jokes like: "And you, goats, no one asks!" ... Our Dimon is more lucky. The bosses made him respond to calls in accordance with the "strict corporate style". Now, every time, raising the phone, he proudly pronounces what he was taught: "Bla-blah, Kozlov, Hello, Hello!" Dima happy!


Grandma told how in the times of the USSR, worked on the second largest complex of cattle. The head of them was Nikolai Petrovich Beauty. The director of the complex went on a week on a business trip, leaving the main thing. Well, here just the reserves of feed for the animal began to end. Nikolai Petrovich, not thinking short, sends a telegram to the regional control: "Bulls and cows are not fed. Beauty". The next day, the Commission arrived - to see who these are their protroll ...

I had to go to the debt to visit one of the closed HII. The doors of the staff did not hang out the signs with the instructions of their posts, only initials and surnames. I go on the corridor, reading the inscriptions. The first tablet was read simply and without delights: A. Ya. Stein. Followed by her: I. Ya. Stein. More interesting! But I got a third inscription at all. Following the first two, she read simply excellent: A. Ya. Finkelstein.

Sisters at work a guy named Peter, and by the name King. When they had certification and they subsequently handed certificates, it was written there: "King Peter".

My grandmother worked as a secretary at a major machine-tooling plant in Moscow. Telegram comes: "Delay the traveling jacket." To which my humorous grandmother sent the answer: "The way of detention is clear, specify the family name of the travel".


I worked in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and me as part of the group sent to the exercise in the area. According to the exercise plan, the operational duty officer in our central office was to give an alarm signal to the area, and on this signal, training rescue activities were conducted in the area. So, the last name of the duty officer from our control was birch, and one of the signals that this duty was supposed to convey was "Acacia". And here we are sideways at the meeting, there is a duty officer (he, as it turned out, was new) and with a confused view reports the head of the headquarters: "Some birch calls there and says that she is Acacia ..."

From the life of the Russian physician in Africa. A girl came across a broken hand. I see the name of the child in an outpatient card: "Girl-Again", which means "Girl-Again." It is possible not to guess that the crumb was given in the form of the name of the disappointed father, desperately wait for his son ... But most of all I laughed at a meeting with one of the patients in Luanda. Bring me a girl for four years. I ask: "What is your name?" Dad girl wants to make a pleasant Russian doctor, not without pride: "A Menina Shama-SE Petrov! Petrov Dos Santos! - Baby is called Petrov ... Petrov Santos shower! " An Angoles worked for a long time with Russian on the last name Petrov, well, and so that way I decided to perpetuate this event in my family ...

My father is married for the second time, his wife is a wonderful woman with a very rare name-patronymic - Consuela Witoldovna. And she works as a teacher of English and German. Once a second-grader approaches it: "Sorry, I forgot: what is your name?" She answers, and baby her: "You are not English to me, you tell me Russian!" Since then, her Marya Ivanovna nicknamed ...

In one company he worked as a young man (or elderly, no matter) by the name of Tupolev. Lion Tupolev. Fine. But on the phone it sounded something like this: "lion. Stupid lion ... "

Oak does not drown!


In our group was a guy by the surname Oak. Surprisingly, as a surname corresponded to him! The first standings, the first exams ... Even at advanced students, Mandrazh begins. Everyone is concerned, dangle, something rewrite. And the oak all do not care. He and lectures had a rare guest. On the presence of abstracts did not even say. And with this luggage he some mysteriously managed to pass. Already after the first year, we missed several comrades. And the nonsense. And they were very surprised when it turned out that Oak remained. When he survived after the second course - was amazed. And in the third year the saying was born: "While the oak floats - we will not be drown!" This saying sharply added confidence in the most hopeless situations ...

The familiar girl in the name Metronova was married to the boy by the surname Slobodsky. And she took a double surname. Mitronova-Slobodskaya. And now say quickly. Test "Moskvich Lie You", Yeah.

My mother taught English in one technical university. In the next group, it began, naturally, from roll call. The first letters of the alphabet passed cheerfully and reached the letter "Well" ... here she stopped, without believing his eyes and not knowing what to do, as it was so encroached that "such" words did not even pronounced the words even in the circle of loved ones. There was a pause ... "This is me," suddenly sounded some doomed from one corner.


Exposure from the order for the Bank "Revival": "... To ban the legal adviser to Hedgehog V. A. Answer by phone:" Bank "Revival", hedgehics, listen, "due to incorrect reports of counterparties.

In the local office of the travel agency, located in the hotel "Cosmos", the name of the name of Elk was worked. When she called the head office of the company, he reported the secretary with a pleasant voice: "It says Elk from space!"

Once I got sick and a doctor came to me. And so he fills the card, asks the name, I answer: "Dellay". He did not understand, asked: "Name?", I repeated, there was a pause ... "And the surname?", I say: "Luneva". He laughs: "And I have a surname - Deltey ..." Georgian! We laughed, then mom says: "Here you will marry this - and you will be Deliaty!"

You stomach bothers

The first lecture on logic. The teacher notes those present. Such surnames like Gabdrakhmanov and Robyvichuk pronounces the first time without errors. It stops on mine, it is deeply silent and mourses: - I'm afraid to pronounce the last name ... uh-uh ... ruffles. I wonder how else he could pronounce it?

My surname Oltyan Wonderful Word emphasizes red. As options suggests "Outstanding" and the outfit "...


And I have a surname - O. Constantly problems are fun. For example, I can't buy a SIM card, because they see if the program does not perceive one letter, then they ask why I cut my surname ... But everyone admit that it is convenient to record. Oh, they would still know my real name! ..

My father's surname Bechev, and the maiden name Mom - Dulchaza. And constant transifies with these soft signs in the middle of the names. In the registry office, when the application was submitted, Dad said: "Girl, remember: Willka, a plate and belching is written without a soft sign. And car, visual and Dulchaza - with a soft sign! "

In our hospital lay a boy in the name of the child. The solid confusion was. "Child on massage!" - "Which child?" - "baby child!"

My friend on the surname Roof, when pregnant was already in the last time, went to the reception in the clinic, slipped and fell. Just at this time, the nurse passed from her site. Naturally, panic: Mommy in the last time. The nurse helped her climb, and then running to the office to the doctor, breaks down with a cry: "My roof fell!"

I know Comrade with the surname of the stomach. Loves to call in all sorts of instances. "Hello, hello. This is a stomach bothering you. "


In Montenegro, met the local family, serbia by nationality. Names are ordinary, well, let them be Nikola, Ana and little Vlado. The head of the family suggested a firm in which I worked, my services. We are sitting in the contract, Nikola gives an identity card, where Serbian on white is written: Surname - Draculian. I made every effort so as not to enter: Son is, he has Vlad Draculian! After a couple of days, we sat with Nikola and Anna in a cafe, and I, as I liked, had a conversation about local traditions - but how are you, girls are sure to take the surname of her husband in marriage? Ana replies that yes, tradition! We speak about traditions. And here Nikola inflates his cheeks and broadcasts that in their family from generation to generation of the eldest son called Vlad. My father, he said, was Vlad, and the elder brother I have Vlad, and son we called, naturally, Vlad ... on the playground, among playing children, I could have seen Vlad Draculich's head, the grandson of Vlad Draculic and the nephew Vlad Draculich ... And at the table of cafe drank Beer of his dad, nothing suspect and extremely proud of his family tradition.

Grandmother said that they had three responsible comrades at work, who were somehow sent together on a business trip. And they had one more beautiful than the other names: small, white and bunny. When they wanted to send a telegram by mail, it was also signed up: a little white bunny. Telegraph, naturally, refused to send. Only after the presentation of passports agreed ... And after he was spammed.

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