Legalization of prostitution: for and against. Why do people who do not concern morality protest?


In Israel, two Women deputies Knesset Zakhava Gallon and Shuli Mualam prepare a revolutionary bill, which will bring to criminal liability men using prostitutes services, and allocate additional funds for the rehabilitation of women engaged in prostitution.


This is truly a huge step in criminalizing prostitution as a whole, as a branch in which great money is often illegally rotating. Such laws were adopted in some European countries. For example, in France, an appeal for services to a woman busy with prostitution entails a fine of 1,500 euros, in addition, women who decided to stop engaged in prostitution are entitled to support social services.

However, despite the powerful movement against the legalization of prostitution in general, in many countries this occupation is perfectly legally: prostitutes form trade unions, pay taxes and lead, hmm, law-abiding lifestyle.

We collected arguments for and against


This is the oldest profession! There is more than 5000 years since biblical times! Who we are, to prohibit it!


Prostitution contradicts the universal norms of morality. Murders also exist from biblical times, however, for them the law provides for criminal liability.


Women have the right to dispose of their body themselves and choose their own lesson. This is their free choice - how to make a living.



Three men per night is not a free choice. One girl on five truckers is not a free choice. Humiliation and permanent risk is not a free choice.


If prostitution is legal, then such women are full members of society. They have medical insurance, pay taxes and create trade unions. This is the same job!


Prostitution as a phenomenon inhibits the development of society. It is impossible to imagine a full-fledged powerful development where a person is perceived as an object of purchase and sale, as a product that can be purchased for money.



Involvement in the classes of prostitution of minors and persons with limited mental abilities, as well as coercion to prostitution, is still out of law. There is no crime.


Women engaged in prostitution are the weakest women who do not commend society. Many of them addicts, many have experienced abuse, violence, incest - they need specialized assistance.


They themselves want it! Wouldn't like - did not do it!


Many people fall into the hands of pimps in childhood and get a hard psychological trauma, as a result of which they have difficulty with the acceptance of themselves, the understanding of what is good, which is bad, and evaluating their own skills.



Women are always free to finish to engage in prostitution at any time - no one holds them.


Prostitution is rape without end, rape in exchange for survival, rape with one's selected right to recognize the victim, to recognize the right to be raped not to be recognized as a living creature with his own body and desires, the right to scream from pain, to have nausea from disgusting to you, right to have Feelings, choices and something that distinguishes you from a common thing.



In many countries, prostitution is legalized, and it gives its fruits: the number of women's murders has decreased.


This phenomenon gave rise to the so-called "sex tourism", which led to the growth of traffic, that is, the illegal purchase and sale of people who are presented from the outside as voluntary. In addition, prostitution is one of the key paths of distribution of sexually transmitted diseases.


That will still be engaged, is it better to legalize?



Prostitution - evil and must be discontinued. No one should be a thing. The only way to counter the dissemination of this phenomenon is the criminalization of the client. That is, the sale of sex is legal, however, the organization of prostitution and the purchase of sex is punishable. Thus, in any act of prostitution there is always a criminal - client. The approach first appeared in the 2000s, and applies to just three countries: Sweden, Norway and Iceland.

Collected opinions: Aya Romanova

Pictures: shutterstock

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