
So dot to the wall: In response to any Facebook policy, you have a complete moral right to cattle! And at least 9 points;)

Sometimes I want not only not to turn your nose into the facebook, but also to retire, to kill and forget the commemoration. Because there is a feeling that you are stupidly raped. In moral sense. Feel yourself like a huge noisy bazaar: someone, grabbing a button for a button, requires an urgent repost, someone, a tyach of an indicative capslock, teach you something, someone, splashing saliva, argue with you in a flat place ... Feel Sam are somewhat alien on this holiday of life. And what, social network and there is a life! And it also needs to filter the noises of the bazaar to stay in the mind. PICS offers the 10 Commandments of the user for mental health. All Like Cher! ;)

You have the right to dictate your rules

With regard to your personal blog. If you came to your wall inadequate with my inadequate conclusions, then it was about how in someone else's apartment broke without having rushing. An intelligent man is so easy not to send a guest, of course. He will send him intelligent: yes you went, please. From my wall in ditch with crocodiles. And already for unauthorized additions to the group "Erundic power of women's nature" or "How to earn all the grandmothers of the world" (and any groups, actually!) You can with a clean conscience to ban with a probor. To burn and write a disclaimer under the stone: do not add your neighbor without demand, because you will be banned, Amen.

You have the right not to be a hundred bucks

In the sense, I like everyone - from the girlfriend in the Sadikov group with terrible roses on the cover to Jouser Raj Hajj, the bouquets of the winkings in the hop of the photo in a swimsuit in PM. For some reason, we often think that if the Friend changed the Jupik or boast how he was not sparing belly today, a kilometer, a kilometer, the debt of a Christian tells us urgently to the glue. Otherwise, the poor people are lowful. And now, think about how much more valuable friends you are quietly anfollovnut, because thanks to your husks in their ribbon, left kebabs in the country and devoid of the slightest artistic value of Toyerier.

You have the right not to run on all calls

On the street, Flyers and spiritual literature are stuttered, the hat in the face with screams: "You see there on the mountain-e-e-e!" I see, I see, but I want to develop, damn. And here they will apply their pages "My Things" and other "Associations of Salvation of Yamal Slugs". You have the right not to like the page offered by Fréds, not "visit" events from politeness ... (and - yes, it sounds scary, but the fact is not to repress the cries of help, if assistance is not from a person who is personally familiar. For in very many cases, the reesting behaved on Divorce.) In general, not to multiply entities. Even if you were tagged in an urgent post, which is generally not particularly polite. Magic button "I don't want to see this" should, in theory, help you reduce the amount of garbage in the tape. Truly, Facebook logic of the incomprehensible so-called female logic. :)

You have the right not to french rhodium

Well, stuck! Or they agreed on secret insidious glitches that for some reason do not give you it to do. Otherwise, the grandmother's comments under the post "We and Girls on Men's Striptease" will demonstrate to you that you are still a three-year-old Schmakodka, which smeared with condensed milk. Create separate braveship groups - tortured and quickly or later promote.

You have the right not to french the chief

Well, frown! Otherwise, he feeds you with comments, why have you not provided a report on shipped horns and hooves, and I myself am 4 minutes ago Zalaykal Yenotika with beer. And write to him then explanatory notes that the report sausage the day of light white without seeing, but on a poor animal disturbed exactly at Milicecond, for the roof at that moment with you was already solemnly forgiven ...

You have the right to not join

Even if someone is not just wrong, but a blatant wrong, and not just in the Internet, but at your best comrade in the comments, and even on such a burning topic as gay and breastfeeding ... Anyway, no religion of the world will condemn you If you just crumble the browser, inspire, exhaust five times and go sniff hyacinths. Health is more expensive. Do not forget this, and Alzheimer does not sleep.

You have the right to join

Laying steam accumulated in a week of floating, to practice oratorical abilities, hone the art of euphemisms ... a cute deal! And whom shocks, in the hands of Tag "sarcasm" for particularly gifted - and move back on the sidelines, the boy, when an adult aunt splits in the fluff and dust of the flock of mad, but mentally unstable hamsters.

You have the right not to penetrate

Your formidable interlocutor on the other side of the monitor can be anyone and in any state. You do not see him. And he may be a pimpled toll in real life, receiving perverted pleasure from trolling under the userpic of the brother's wisdom. Or he may have a bad day, and he breaks down on you like a dog - because he, a husher, even the dogs there are no dogs. Or he is at the moment stupidly drunk, and you bring some kind of mind arguments ...

You have the right to be yourself and do what you like

If you are offended by non-cake jokes, or offend the surrounding vocabulary - so tell me, do not be silent. If you are a big lover of data of jokes and the corresponding vocabulary - so simply draw three magical signs of "18+" over the post and do not suffer as they will perceive. But these are yours: "Ah, all-distractions are discussing this movie, it means that I should not" - this is all one shifting, self-defining and tomorrow.

You have the right to post the cats

As well as food, selfie, legs and test results "What Topinambar" tests ". But especially the cats and babies. They will save the world! However, I remember that around you the same users with the same rights - and they have the full right to not see it - you can write a post with a type of type "If you are glad to my babies, Velkov: Let me bring you to the" Good Friends "group, And the rest - read my high full political analytics! "

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