16 ways to make money in a while, without any skills


Danar: the work is over, there is no money. Or there is a job, and there is still little money. And it would be necessary to take them from somewhere. Well, at least any. And - no, learning on the programmer does not offer. Okay, PICs knows a dozen one and a long time, much less costly and simple methods to fix their financial position.

1. Win everything!

Around you continuously, a bunch is happening - no, cloud! - Competitions. From the smallers of the type "solve the crossword and get 3000 rubles" (he solves, as practice shows, in 6 minutes) before the bunch of type "beat this post and get a ticket to Rome." And you know what is the funny thing? What is this thought that you immediately thought: "Oh, well, there is a million such hunters to the balls, the chances are minimal" - it is in some cases well just to the ridiculous wrong. Because a million potential competitors thinks in the same way - and in the end, the magazine or the site convulsively guess who would be a prize from the advertiser from the advertiser. Because the people slow down, and they would like themselves, but they are not allowed ... so not the brambos!

2. Come on Skype lessons

Remember anything you can. Ideally - some English. But if not, the competent Russian will go, and the game on the guitar or in checkers, and the embroidery of the cross ... And even something is even less professional, like the ability to warmly argue. Now you find prices for such services from the pro - and reduce this price by a third. Or more. It depends on the level of greed and self-esteem. It is very well eliminating steep competitors with a pack of diplomas. Believe me, now the people are more interesting to save how to meditate on someone's diplomas.

3. Teach people something

"Well, yes, if I knew something high-fatty-type program ..." Yes, forget about him, honestly. It is really that everything. The main thing is 1) to love it, 2) to be able to file your item, 3) Fast the lack of diplomas and certificates and boldly dumping. If you like to walk and know little-known cool courtyards, you can organize "secret excursions". If you are doing yoga in the park in the morning, prize the people for some funny "subway": five people for a hundred rubles - already food for the day. And the time passed exactly the same, more and more fun.

4. Be Mimimi

Find a grandmother that sews cool mats and is lonely on the bazaar. And become her promoter. Your mats, maybe no one would not particularly bought, because you kind of like a healthy and prosperous, and therefore a small-day creature. But a cute grandmother is a brand. One more guaranteed mimi is kids: you can connect your own creative kids too. No need, it is not necessary: ​​this is no exploitation of young, this is a family in a row and the right upbringing.

5. Do people what they do not like

This is in case you do not have stupid prejudices a la "not royal is a matter." Just the non-resident affairs do not want to do or can not, but ask no one. Well, for example, take the garbage, drag the closet, disassemble the blockage on the balcony, paint the fence. Its services can be promoted in faces, and in the ancient social network called "Paper ads on the entrance". And painting the fence, by the way, such a pruh!

6. Make what fell

By the way, smart people have long used this chip: someone needs to do something quickly - but reluctant, and someone has a lot of time and he is ready to take anything if it is forces. The classic of the genre - resources like the workls. Tasks here come across all degrees of lightness, up to almost zero. Type "Download Catalog", "Convert File" or "Draw Avatar".

7. Sell something unnecessary

No, buying something unnecessary for this is completely optional. It is enough to make cleaning, putting aside what I did not use at least a year. Checked: And you will not use. And in the tomb to fold Skarb, there is already some kind of thousands of years there. Well, unnecessary gifts roll! Bored lay out good on Avito? Find or organize Garage-Sale. That's just now scary fashionable.

8. resell anything necessary

On the same Internet sites and Internet flea markets, all sorts of pieces are almost task. Just the owners of things to a greater degree need to get rid of it than earn. And you just need to earn. And not complex. "Speculation" is, Comrade, Soviet vocabulary, the place of which in the Museum of the Krasnoshishkinsk Museum. Actually, then any store is speculation.

9. Sign people on something fell

The way to earn more confused, but in large. We give one example from life. In the city N, the family decided to sell an apartment. The apartment is cool, it is a good 150 thousand bucks. Since the crisis, find a buyer with such a sum in your pocket - a problem. And what they did - they created a page where they offered everyone to make 1 bucks and sign up to the list. 150 thousand subscribers are recruited - and the apartment with the method of scientific tick goes to one of them. To convince the people that this is not a scam, I had to chat with the press and lawyers. But fun and creative.

10. Rent blood

There are two important points: firstly, it is necessary to be healthy in all respects, secondly, it is often impossible to do it. But periodically you can work out: Googled the right places in your city. By the way, if you share blood for free, all the privileges and privileges are relying to you: for example, vouchers, extraordinary treatment, vacation at a convenient time.

11. Participate in entertainment events

You can make money on some fair or folk walk, even if you did not work with the handmade. You can, let's say, turn the "fortunes" or "wishes" and to hove them into candy. You can call for photographed in a cool entourage. The most popular attraction for tourists is photographing with any fauna. But we do not recommend to torment in slavery animals and birds. The painted funny Godzilla from the corrugated cardboard is not asking for it. And you can also wear taking pictures in any funny costumes.

12. Kosi grass

Useful, in the sense. Here it is necessary, of course, to understand this very grass and know fish, that is, grass, places. But you can start with a simple (you are distinguished by a mint leap, yes?), And the topic is interesting, it can be incentive. In the pharmacy, pass the harvested stacks are easier, but something more profitable to build something useful. For example, collections-teas in paper bags, cushions for aromatization or brooms for a bath.

13. Rent Revysry

No, breaking metal fences or stand with persons without a certain place of residence at the glass container point in your neighborhood - optional. There are organizations and projects that themselves export plastic, waste paper and other recyclable unnecessaries. Call them when you want to deal with the grandfather's "truth" archive for 70 years. Karma improves proportion to ecology!

14. Play games

Even such, it would seem, not a particularly useful skill, how to bump into toys, you can also monetize. There is such a phenomenon as selling game accounts. On the "black market" you can sell your character, account or game currency and things for real money. If that, we ourselves did not try and you did not advise anything like this. We are so, we collect ideas for inspiration.

15. Singing

Sometimes as it happens: someone with foam at the mouth proves some nonsense about which you just know about 110%, that it is not really so. Because the physician teacher took this info to your head on the century - or because you recently read the article by the Nobel laureate. So do not send a poor man in Google! Summary with him at least 50 bucks! Well, or on champagne, also useful in the farm.

16. Worker

This is, of course, the least creative and original way. But quite often helps. Find a good job in the specialty! The main thing here is to forget the phrases "Yes, who I need" and the "crisis in the country". And the useful skills of the type arguing, learning, playing, to donate and collect herbs already solved the problem of bright leisure!

All photos: shutterstock.com

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