How to go to the electronic library?


Let the e-book do not smell paper and paint, but in two clicks you can become much enlightened! Save this selection - and sharply simplify the search for suitable or necessary literature.

E-libraries about everything

Universal warehouses where everything or almost everything can be found. Remember the classics, familiarize yourself with the new items, break into intelligent treatises or nice to spend the evening behind a slight story.

Library Maxim Moshkov Live legend of Runet, 20 years with excess proudly not changing design. Mostly fiction, many of our contemporary compatriots. There are songs with chords.

Electronic library You can read from the screen or download texts in the archived form. What is valuable: every day dozens of curious novelties. There is a section "Audiobooks".

Library Kullyb. A library with open content on the Wiki principle: Users are engaged in filling. Very rich collection of everything. It is especially pleasant - you can find familiar books with "those the most" pictures.

Online library The sections come across interesting genres, for example, "anti-Soviet literature". For those who trust the opinions of the people, all books are equipped with asterisks for estimation. For those who want to save-share - buttons of social networks.

Electronic library If you do not know what exactly is looking for, you can take a walk in the sections: "Detectives and Thrillers - Maniacs", "Fantasy - Cyberpunk" ... Formats for download: Doc, RTF, FB2, HTML, TXT.

Big online library E-Reading In addition to the alphabet and search, there is a forum where you will help to remember the thing from which only something vague remains in memory. Near each work - Options "Read" and "Download". You can still fold your books on the virtual "shelf".

ETEXTLIB electronic library near each cover You immediately see accessible opportunities available for it: FB2, EPUB, MOBI, PDF, TXT or "Buy". By registering, you can receive recommendations of the librarian corresponding to your taste. If you wish, you can download and your own books are in FB2 format.

Books for mobile phone http://jbooks.mob/ for lovers read in the subway. There are books in the form of Java applications that can be launched on mobile phones, smartphones and PDAs. There are advice, how to better set up a book in the phone.

Electronic library Artistic books, technical and applied, textbooks, magazines, newspapers, video tutorials, audiobooks. There is an opportunity just to download, the need to suggest the cover and content.

A pile of books Playground with opportunities for communication of booklers, where you can leave applications for book search, create photo albums, chat with like-minded people, etc. Of course, after registration. And you can simply be silently read online and download you like.

Electronic library Judging by their "top 100", it should especially like the fans of love romance. However, there are more serious genres. It may be useful to search for books lots - when "I want something in the same spirit as ...".

E-libraries useful

Find a document or instruction, speaking or notes - and immediately apply to the appointment!

Dictionaries online Here you and the Big Soviet Encyclopedia with intelligent dictionaries, and the storerooms built according to the alphabetics of terms from all in the light of the regions. Up to sexology and alcoholic beverages.

Library of tutorial languages Tutorials, dictionaries, textbooks of foreign languages, as well as online translators.

Mountain Books There is also an artist, but more than anyone non-Ficksna: from the equipment to the hobby, plus magazines (automobile, designer, popular science, etc.) and audiobooks.

The world of an interesting book "" Cooking, technique, leisure, health, economy ... Everything is useful in the economy.

Instructions for use, characteristics and user manuals For those who suddenly realized how important the manuals read, but it was too late: the cat ate them all. They promise that there are guides to any technique, and if not - write, will find and add.

Storage pattern for embroidery You can download schemas in different formats, read the embroidery magazines, share your scheme and get recognition from comrades. schemes, master classes, videos - and not only for knitting needles: there is about the hook, and about sewing, and about felting, and the other handicraft.

Literature for skillful hands here the topic of needlework tried to reveal to the maximum - because not embroidery one. Even aircraft location is available.

Engineering portal "on scale" 17 771 Drawings and 3D-models, world news CAD, science and technology, projects, schemes (kinematic, technological, functional), GOST and technical literature. According to the principle, "downloading are divided, divided by downloading."

"Code" and "TechExpert" Electronic Fund of Legal and Regulatory Technical Documentation. More than 17,000,000 documents: from the constitution to guests over the past year.

Autolytera Repair and maintenance of everything that is moving, as well as the forum of motorists and other valuable opportunities.

Library of photographer Books on photography and operator art. A little, but essentially - and there is a section with useful links.

Sheets Piano. You can download music scores, chords or guitar tabs, listen to music and watch videos, read the biographies of composers. From classic to music from anime and advertising.

E-libraries thematic

Resources "For Interest" allow you to detect your niche, with pleasure to dive into it and wait there for a long time. Or just enlightened on a specific topic.

Audiobooks For those who love the literature more ears than eyes. Audiobooks can be downloaded without registration or listen online.

Audiobooks for iPod and iPhone Here you can download one or how much you want from 1612 audiobooks for iPod, iPhone and iPad in M4B format (AAC).

Children-online The true expanse of the beautiful and useful for the parent. Fairy tales, audio tracks, coloring, drawing, poems, fables, riddles, songs, crafts. Read, download, listen, share.

Tales for children online folk, author and all sorts. With funny pictures, of course. And even video and audio. Similar electronic Arina Rodionovna!

Journal is a classic "fat magazine", only in nebuzhny form. More precisely, a whole library of literary magazines: there is a "new world", "Neva", "Foreign", "Star" ... All lovers of smart literature, modern poetry and prose - here.

Library of detectives and thrillers prefer any cafes of different chases? Here you understand and wait for anywhere.

Fantasy Worlds Colonization of other worlds, an alternative story, mages with demons and others, sorry for the expression, fallow.

All fiction Sayens-Fikshn, fantasy, mysticism and horrors. You can search for cycles and lots.

Library of esoteric literature Your best friends - Osho, Castaneda and Eckhart Tolna, your favorite occupation is to meditate and self-aware? Enjoy and enlighten!

Book Mir Many non-Non-Ficzna from the garden with garden to esoteric with occult. All this is for downloading in FB2. It looks pretty, it is convenient.

Cube - self-development and self-improvement Psychology, psychotherapy, esoteric, teachings - and immediately sport, health, business and wealth.

Book Shelf Site It's already more serious here: Freud with Jung and other officials of psychological science. only a classic, only hardcore. Admit it, how long have you been reading Tremakovsky? Confuez, gentlemen. Requires satisfaction.

Theater Library Sergey Efimova Modern and classic plays, books, textbooks, theoretical works, teaching aids and literature - and all this is about the kingdom of Melpomen. Theater, theaters and just interested.

Russian painting Who is self-education? Biographies of artists and their work. 650 outstanding Russian artists, starting with the XIV century and more than 15,000 illustrations.

Scientific Electronic Library "Cyberleninka" just a gift to the scientist, graduate student and student: scientific articles and magazines, including Vakovskiy. In general, everything is both in Lenin's favorite, only on the monitor or phone. Plus discussions, review and other intellectual joy.

Information system "Unified Access Window to Educational Resources" largest in runet store full-text versions of education, teaching and scientific material with public access: more than 30,000 materials from Russian universities and other educational and research institutions. Another treasury of scholarship lovers.

Administrative management portal Electronic library of business literature and documents, as well as a business forum on various aspects of the theory and practice of the organization, planning and management of enterprises.

Fundamental electronic library "Russian Literature and Folklore" (FEB) All you wanted, but were afraid to learn in the field of Russian literature of the XI-XX centuries. and Russian folklore, as well as the history of Russian philology and folklores.

Medchitalka Reference books, encyclopedias, scientific works, articles and books on medicine. For specialists, inquisitive and hypochondriac.

Library of a radio amateur For those who since childhood cannot part with a soldering iron and can collect a robot from the alarm clock and vice versa.

Aviation Library Your motto "First Affairs Aircraft" and you want to know everything about them? Fly here.

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