Books that everyone knows, but no one finances


People who have had no twitter created an immortal classic. People who have twitter have created meme "Niasilyl, MultoBukaf".

Do not know who is a Mephistophelle or not hear the phrases "Earth Life Passing Up to Half" - it is necessary to be able to. But to discover people who read all the ten things listed below from peel to crust, too, not easy. "Bored" - no, the wrong word. "Too large" - warmer ... Well, we will arrange an exam? For each read thing (only from the first to the last page!) Record yourself on the point. In the end, let's say who you are after that.


In Soviet times, of course, it was impossible to walk in the book and bring Bible from there. However, the plots of the World Flood or the beating of babies knew every competent citizen of the most atheistic state in the world. In many ways, thanks to the "biblical legends" Kidondovsky on the shelf. Now you can easily explore the original. However, not all sorts of unbelieving so one evening sit down, it will start with "In the beginning, the God of the sky and the earth" - and through the annal number of evenings, without missing the word, will complete the "Amen".

Homer, "Iliad" and "Odyssey"

Everything is aware that Mandelstam has a list of ships to the middle, so we should not try. And the ships of the Ahasey sailed to the same decently: blind perfectionist scrupulously lists us 1186 titles. Plus the names of the commander and sometimes also descriptions. How many on the ship the people from where they arrived, what are the pastures there. In general, already enough for the series. And this is just the beginning! Santa Barbara rests. But in Gomerov's books covered, in fact, a tiny period: the war went to ten years, then ten years sailed home Odyssey. Moreover, if you find on the map of Troy (modern Gissarlyc in Turkey) and Ithaca, then there is the distance between them - 500 kilometers. Average 50 km per year. High qualityly!

Dante Aligiery, "Divine Comedy"

You can read who in which circles of hell placed is still curious (if you lower the details of the disassembly between completely indistinguishable for us with guelfs and deaths). You can mentally send the characters to hell to you - in what circle would be sent to their merit. But to pass through purgatory and paradise for some reason it is much more difficult. Although in the latter the same nine areas, and in theory there are much more pleasant. And that is why, asks, on hellish - you are interested in, and in the paradise - stumble and fall asleep? :about)

Goethe, "Faust"

The most heartbreaking of all plots is a story with the poor man Margarita. And he is the most readable. Someone in a state, after all this nightmare, leaving a girl in prison, read everything that happens then with this handsome on the Sabbath witches? And someone in a state after she dies there, read in order, what financial goats came up with our creative heroes at some imperial yard?!

Lion Tolstoy, "War and Peace"

Perhaps, there are people in the world who, with the same passion, passed 20 chapters description of the Borodino battle - and at the same time, each cabin dialogue in French (which, by the way, had to disassemble the page at the bottom of the page with a loose font). Hello, we are looking for manias!

James Joyce, Ulysses

To Joys, we usually approach the savvy. We are already aware that in Tolstaya Tomik, a single day is described that there are some parallels with "Odyssey" and that there is a lot of consciousness flow there. Nothing, mastered! We have seen such streams ... yeah. Twice. The most accurate review of this mega thing is a review of a simple reader: "Pluses: Looks great. Disadvantages: I did not understand anything at all. "

Marseille Prost, "In Search of Lost Time"

Well, not reading, but solid pleasure. So everything is fine, convincingly, with feeling. You read - and enjoy every line ... And after a couple of pages you understand that I do not remember where the heroes are not sent at the moment. Returning to several pages back - and ... who is here?! Re-read as if for the first time. And ahead, by the way, seven volumes. Moreover, if you open any of them in an arbitrary place - the effect is about the same.

Franz Kafka, "Castle" and "Process"

Kafka is especially good after attempting to design any documents or receiving some permission. It seems that the author knew personally by your passportist, more than once received a maternity allowance, as well as marked in the clinic and issued a gift to the apartment. But to find out how it's all over, there are no moral forces. Moreover, if you are already aware that in one case did not end with nothing, and in the second it ended very fig.

Karl Marx, "Capital"

By the way, this is not only a bore, which was forced to schedule Soviet students kilometers in common notebooks, but also a thing that turned the world history. Equally, despite this argument, it is impossible to learn it, here's a brilliant retelling from the Women's Forum (spelling and punctuation of the author):

Cool dumping should be taken somewhere for their White Girl Baksiki. But pope plow into scrap. They hire these all sorts of Tajiks, the current of the Russians so that they worked. It is agreed that those will work from 8 am to 8 pm. Because at 9 pm, you with a papic on the party. But these who work are provided in just three hours. That is until 11 am. And from 11 o'clock in the morning and up to 8 pm, they work for a dirt and his White Girl!

Castaneda, all books

Neophyte wants to know magical wisdom. Special advises him Castaneda. Neophyte reads the first book. And almost the whole road knows a variety of parishes from Peyote, at the end of the hero, Fale is comprehended. "No, you are not more promoted," says Spets. - Not about drugs it. Read more. " Neophyte reads the second book. The parishes become even more diverse, at the end - again Fale ... It is known to know: to see the eyes of a person who read all 12 books, it is impossible. Is that someone who also read all 12. Then they will meet, and the whole world will disappear with the roar.

Now we will calculate your glasses. How much did you succeed completely, literally read?

one. You probably happened to write a diploma in one of the works - and you did not download this job, and honestly gave birth. 2. You probably finished philfak. 3. You are probably a librarian. four. You are probably bibliotan. five. You are probably botan. 6. You will probably Maxim Moshkov. 7. You probably attach, using what we do not check. eight. You will probably be a grinder. nine. You probably once were inadvertently locked in the library Umberto Eco and sat there for a year, feeding acrides. 10. You are probably a literary character. For example, the hero of the story of Tennessee Williams "Something of Tolstoy."

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