6 plagiarism films unfriendly borrowed from friendly peoples


There are people who are more successful when they steal than when creating their own. What is particularly striking, there are people who manage to stole to be more successful creators of the original.

In the cinema this rule acts about half of the cases, judging by the sample that we did.

Sadko against Sinbada

Frame from the film

The legendary Soviet Ptushko director in 1952 shot a film about the adventures of the Novgorod merchant traveler Sadko. Nowadays, the picture would be related to the genre of historical fantasy, but then, of course, it was just a fairy tale. Clear blond with hussing under the arm - so to speak, the rock star of Dopererovsky times - visited the bottom of the sea, and hot India, everywhere found adventures and spectacles.

The film was starving not only for the artist of the leading role, the Mastyt Soviet actor Sergey Stolyarova, but also for the wife of Alexander Vertinsky, initially artist, Lydia Zirgwava - later she will finally be finished in an exotic-fantasy role, playing Anidag's conspirator in the "kingdom of curves mirrors", and While she was struck by her stingy-perfect way, fulfilling the role of a magic bird-bird.

After a successful presentation in Europe, the picture was so famous that the Americans ... took, and redesigned (did not even relocate it) to the film "Magic Adventures of Sinbad". The script for alterations wrote the young Francis Ford Coppola. American teenagers of that time did not know that they grew on the history of the hero of Russian folk tales.

Two dog hearts

Frame from the film

Vladimir Bortko's film on the story of Mikhail Bulgakov was instantly mounted on quotes, and with the advent of the Internet into the people - also on the memes with gifs. Many accuse him that he literally quotes the earlier, the joint Italian-German film.

This version has its own supporters and opponents. In the end, it is difficult to say something unequivocally, if one story is shielded. Perhaps, in places her spirit itself and the word dictate a visual decision?

In general, the Italian version is reproached to add a large number of erotic scenes and no justified love line between Bobikov (so Renamed Sharicikov) and Zina. The Russian viewer is also very shocking how the Italians see the housekeeper of the twentieth, classical cooking from the pre-revolutionary and old pilgrimage. Can't be able to do not get a question why I retained the dog snumbling like a young girl with a girl and began to pester him.

But the Soviet version does not say to be thoroughly accurate. For example, an abortion scene of a fourteen-year-old girl, a mistress of one of the patients of Drobrazhensky's patients is cut out of a sexual plan.

"For a hassle of dollars" and "bodyguard"

Frame from the film

The legend of Western from Director Sergio Leone is a frame plagiarism (the author claims, however, that simply adapting) of the Japanese film "bodyguard". Of course, the action of incomprehensible old Japan was transferred to a closer American audience to the era of conquering the Wild West. The reason is why the world does not agree with Leone and considers the film by the plagiarism in the fact that the creator of the original picture, Akira Kurosava, was neither a dream, no spirit that the "bodyguard" is adapted somewhere.

When Western brought to Japan, Kurosava came to considerable amazement and ... sent lawyers to block the ability to show in the country's yield itself - USA. Ultimately, a certain secret agreement was concluded, seriously enriched Mr. Kuravava (no, details on the Internet - Fake, the terms of the agreement were never announced), and the film freely went to collect rooms further.

"SETTER" and "Host"

Frame from the film

When the audience, managed to watch the movie Moped first, point to almost the verbal repetition of the plot of the French painting in the "retirement", many commentators in the network offended "how you can, the same film about the Russian officer's honor." But it seems, the films about the Russian officer's honor and the truth would be more honored if they started not from theft. Honor and theft is not worth combining. From this, the world becomes more second and less than the first.

"Twelve" and "twelve angry men"

Frame from the film

A large lover of monarchy and the serfdom of Nikita Mikhalkov is very surprised if you ask him if his film is inspired by an American hit with a similar name. What in them, sorry, in general, asks Mikhalkov, isn't the American picture telling us about the jury over the Chechen boy, who is accused of murdering a reception father? Of course, no, anyone will agree. The tape called "Twelve angry men" tells about the Puertorician boy, and the Father killed by him any Russian officer, of course, was not. What then to discuss?

Tolkien and "Rings of All Resources"

Frame from the film

The last case is unique: it is so pulling that Peter Jackson robbed, but Jackson then about the screenizations of Tolkien did not think longer than a couple of minutes, most likely. So the plagiarism was made to another non-existent. Why not the opposite? Because the book from which they took and remade the plot already existed. We are talking about the trilogy about the brotherhood of the rings and the Russian-Ukrainian film "Rings of Vsevladia".

The plot of the paintings is such. The evil king and the queen rushed six rings to enslave the neighboring peoples ... On the whole, it is clear, someone's a young man Orest, accompanied by Boy Vasily, goes to destroy the power of the rings, for which he needs to throw the seventh, most importantly, in a bowl with plasma, where it will fall into the bowl and Strange personality named Bosargun. The elfs plays the people of Orlov, and Gandalf - Dwarf. Even a gnome, we would say.

Text author: Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: Frames from movies

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