How to ask for a salary increase: 9 proven hectares


How to ask for a salary increase: 9 proven hectares 39122_1

Each working woman knows how difficult it is to ask the authorities about raising the salary, even if I really want. And yet, if you properly prepare for a conversation with the chief, the chances of a positive result increase significantly. If at least 9 secrets that can be guaranteed to achieve wages in the shortest possible time.

1. Demonstrate its value

It is always necessary to come to an interview regarding the increase in wages prepared, and with examples of how the work of the resulting progress has progressed over time. It will be much easier if you clearly demonstrate the benefit that an employee has brought the enterprise, as well as bring examples of how his work has progressed while working in the company.

2. Demonstrate appreciation

If someone decides to submit a request for raising the salary in writing and without prior notice, it must be started with the recognition that requesting appreciates in his employer. Perhaps the employer provided an employee of flexible working conditions, the possibility of career growth or even some additional trainings or training. Perhaps you had someone had the opportunity to perform a wider range of tasks or invited it to lead other colleagues.

3. Remind about your achievements

You need to specify your achievements and the benefit that an employee brought for business. This may include specific information, such as reducing the time and number of errors associated with the task, or an increase in sales to a certain percentage. You can also mention any compliments or feedback from key clients and stakeholders.

4. Show responsibility

It is necessary to inform the details of how suiting the increase took responsibility for improving its skills, efficiency or effectiveness. Perhaps he completed online training besides work or visited additional events to improve his skills. Perhaps he also instructed his colleague who ran into some problems.

The importance of planning time: if someone personally asks to raise the salary to him, it is necessary to prepare and make it so that it is not interrupted and did not hurry

5. Make salaries

So, it is time to make proposals for calculating wages. At the same time, it is possible to mention the results of its latest efficiency reviews, the period of time that has passed since the previous wage increase, or examples of equivalent salary for similar positions in the industry. You can also consult with a financial consultant, because sometimes a donation is part of the salary can provide better financial returns for both the employee and for the employer in the future.

6. Show how it will be profitable for the company

In fact, most employers are ready to reconsider expectations on the salary of their employees, provided that they will receive more "exhaust" from the employee. It is worth remembering that if a person wants an annual increase in salary for a certain amount, theoretically, it should be able to provide performance several times more than this amount so that it covers costs.

In the interests of the company: show how the company will receive great benefits

7. Coming prepared with all the necessary information

If an employee personally requests a salary, he should prepare and make it so that it is not interrupted and not rushing.

To do this, first of all, it is necessary to describe the value it provides, and not to buy on the use of confrontational statements. Do not refer to the amount of salaries of other employees or join confrontation with such statements, as "all men pay more than women, so I just want to get the same amount."

8. If it is impossible to agree on increasing wages, you need to come to an agreement

It is always necessary to remember that any work is something more than just exchange of services for wages. There are many hidden benefits from the right organization of work, corporate culture, a variety of tasks and career opportunities. If someone cannot agree on an immediate increase in wages, it is worth it to agree on whether it is possible to apply for a salary in the future, and the date of the next conversation.

Environment: What to do in negotiations on raising wages, you need to make sure that everything is passed politely and friendly, and also bears positive experience for all participants

9. Make sure the conversation goes in a positive line

It is always worth asking for a raising salary, especially if you first prepared for this. But it doesn't matter how the conversation is going on, it should be politely and friendly.

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