"I knew that my time was on the outcome." The story of a girl who fights anorexia


    The case of a resident of Switzerland Julia Yanssen Doctors called one of the worst things that they had ever seen. In the hospital, Julia thundered with a weight of 35 kg. Now she is very slow going on amendment, but in the newspaper The Daily Mail decided to tell his story in all terrible details.

    Now Julia Jansen is 24 years old and she gradually gains weight, but, as he admits himself, maybe outside it looks much better, but the disease still sits deep inside. In the worst periods, she could hide food into the ears and rub the butter into her hair, just not to eat it. There were days, tells Julia when she stopped drinking water, because she was afraid that she was "infected" by calories. She could no longer control his bladder and fainted several times a day.

    Problems with food began when Julia was 13 and after three years she had already diagnosed - Anorexia Nervosa.

    If, in the day she eaten the amount of food that fit in the palm of his hand, she got up in the middle of the night and made the exhausting exercises to burn this "energy".

    "Anorexia gave me an imaginary sense of control over himself and his body so that I could distract from fears and transition problems. It was easier for me to focus on the refusal of food than something real in my life. "

    Now, remembers Julia, she is very ashamed for what she did.

    "The food was everywhere, I hid something in my pockets, spoiled a bunch of beautiful bags, something hidden for the sofa. Literally everywhere where it could get rid of it. "

    When closestly tired to fight for solid food, she was told to drink sweet gas production at school to maintain blood sugar levels and get at least some energy, but everything ended with two fingers in the mouth in the nearest toilet.

    The body mass index fell to 12 points at a rate of 18.5 - 24.9.

    "I just knew that my time on the outcome and once I could simply not wake up." In December 2014, Julia realized that if it did not begin to eat, then Christmas would not survive.

    Anorexia, she says, took her youth, the opportunity to get education and friends. "I am not exaggerating when I say that the disease took everything from me. And the joy of my loved ones. I was simply branded in imprisonment and became similar to a lifeless shell, which even low-fat yogurt and a couple of pieces of cucumber appeared per day.

    Now its body mass index rose to 16, but this is still too little. She was planted for food at 3000 calories per day.

    "I know that now I look better. But Morally I still suffer. In my worst periods, anorexia occupied 100% of my life. Now, if a good day is 80%, if bad is 90%. But I have these priceless 10-20%, which I can devote to something good. My goal is to make my life again I am 95%, I do not agree to the smaller. I want to control my anorexia, and I don't want it to control me. "

    "Now anorexia is still strongly" glamor. " It is believed that she will make you thin and beautiful. There is nothing beautiful when your body says goodbye to you. And in how parents cry, looking at your wilting and not knowing what to do with it. "

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